我实际上花了几个小时试图缩小我的英雄视频以适合WordPress页面的计算机屏幕。设置标准维度似乎仍在扩展。现在,我正在与Mobile的Hero Hoster图片作斗争。是否可以使用CSS来使图像的宽度适合设备的宽度?我真的很努力,希望提供一些帮助!
链接到网站: http://christap4.sg-host.com
I have literally spent hours trying to size my hero video to fit the computer screen for a wordpress page. Setting standard dimensions still seem to have it stretched. Now I am fighting with the hero poster image for mobile. Is there CSS that can be used to make the width of the image fit the width of the device? I am really at my wits end and would love some help!
Link to site: http://christap4.sg-host.com
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(vw = fiewport width)。我还包括accept-Ratio:1.77777778 < / code>(视频宽度 /视频高度),然后将高度设置为自动
From your link this is what I came up with.
To get 100% of the screen width you can use
width: 100vw
(vw = viewport width). I've also includedascpect-ratio: 1.77777778
(video width / video height) and then set the height to auto看起来这里有几件事。
如果将宽度设置为100%,则可以使用fack-ratio设置高度( https://developer.mozilla.org/en-us/docs/web/css/aspect-ratio )。我不确定您在浏览器支持方面走了多远,但这将涵盖大多数用途。
Looks like there are a couple of things here.
Looking at your output it looks like you have over-complicated the solution. Anything that is position absolute with 100% width will be as wide as it's most relative parent (by default the body).
If you set the width to 100% you can set the height using aspect-ratio ( https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/aspect-ratio ). I'm not sure how far back you are going in browser support but this will cover most uses.
Alternatively you can give it a fixed height and use object-fit cover but this will cause some cropping.
The poster image will just inherit the same dimensions as the video. That being said short videos can now autoplay providing they are the right format, muted and have the right attributes set on them.