我正在使用经典的Azure Build Pipeline,该管道使用以下MSBUILD参数来创建软件包并将其拉开:
/p:deployonbuild = true/p:webpublishmethod = package
/p:packageassinglefile = true/p:skipinvalidconfigurations = true
/p:packageLocation =“ $(build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\”
/p:OutDir =“ $(build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)”
它解决了我的一个问题,但现在创建了另一个问题。构建解决方案任务并未为解决方案中的某些项目创建 bin/Release 文件夹,因此某些复制任务正在失败。
复制任务由于缺少bin/realease 而失败
是否有可能在通过时不错过垃圾箱/释放文件夹/p:outdir="$(build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)避免嵌套文件夹结构的论点< /strong> < /strong>
I am working with a classic Azure build pipeline which is using the following MsBuild arguments for creating a package and zipping it:
/p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:WebPublishMethod=Package
/p:PackageAsSingleFile=true /p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true
The above arguments are creating an artifact but with too many nested folders. To avoid that I used this argument: based on this SO question: Avoid nested folders in zipped artifact
which fixed my one problem but now creating another. The build solution task does not create the bin/release folder for some of the projects inside the solution and for that reason some of the copy tasks are failing.
Build solution Task

Copy task

Copy task failing due to missing bin/release

Copy task working for another project in the solution because bin/release folder exists for it

Nuget task is also failing due to missing bin/release folder

Is there any possibility to not miss the bin/release folders when passing /p:OutDir="$(build.artifactstagingdirectory) argument for avoiding nested folders structure for zipped artifact
$(OUTDIR)属性是 OUT put dir ectory。这是项目产生其输出的位置。 $(OUTDIR)的值可以是项目目录中的bin \ Release \ Release \ debug(基于当前配置)。
正在覆盖输出目录。该项目将在$(build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)给出的位置产生其输出。在您的示例中,因为“ bin \ realease”被覆盖了它不会由项目创建。
但是,$(build.ArtifActStagingDirectory)是一个仅在构建管道上下文中存在的变量。用$(build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)覆盖$(OUTDIR)只能在管道中完成,这意味着对于Visual Studio中的开发人员建筑物而言,构建的行为会有所不同。这种差异可能会引起混乱。
AfterTargets =“ AfterPublish”
)。该项目将“知道”其包装文件夹,例如,它可能是“ Bin \ Release \ Publish”之类的。自定义目标可以从'bin \ Release \ Publish'到$(build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)复制。The $(OutDir) property is the Output Directory. This is the location where the project will produce its outputs. The value of $(OutDir) may be bin\Release or bin\Debug (based on the current Configuration) within the project's directory.
is overriding the output directory. The project will produce its outputs in the location given by $(build.artifactstagingdirectory). In your examples, because 'bin\Release' is overridden it won't be created by the project.
Because the output directory was changed, the copy task should be changed to match. i.e. the source for the copy task should be $(build.artifactstagingdirectory).
However, $(build.artifactstagingdirectory) is a variable that only exists in the context of the build pipeline. Overriding $(OutDir) with $(build.artifactstagingdirectory) can only be done within the pipeline which means that for a developer building in Visual Studio the build will behave differently. This discrepancy could cause confusion.
If you are comfortable with MSBuild, you could add a custom target that is dependent on $(build.artifactstagingdirectory) having a value and on the packaging target being run (
). The project will 'know' its packaging folder which, as an example, might be something like 'bin\Release\publish'. The custom target can copy from 'bin\Release\publish' to $(build.artifactstagingdirectory).