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I had the same problem after trying everything and getting no helpful info from the aws support other than 'open a support ticket'????
I figured it out myself.
(& Yes it is absolutely a bug on the aws side! It is caused by the missing image)
First find your

you can find it on the UI or do
aws sagemaker list-domains
Get your domains current settings:
aws sagemaker describe-domain --domain-id $DOMAIN_ID
you will see an output like below.
It will list
associated with that sagemaker domain. & status will likely be in a failed state.Save your output settings just in case!
(I redacted ids with $$$)
Create a file
update theCustomImages
list remove the problematic image (but keep others if you have any)aws --region ${REGION} sagemaker update-domain --cli-input-json file://update-domain-input.json
now the error should disappear and you should be able to add any image from the UI.(or If you know the config settings for the image you want to add you can do it during the update-domain step above.)
I pieced together this solution looking at this example
在将新图像版本附加到域上,您必须将新图像版本附加到域上。在萨台制造商仪表板下方的左导航板上 - >图像,您应该看到图像列表。在此处创建新版本,然后您将可以将它们附加到域上。
You'll have to attach new image versions to SageMaker images before you attach them to the domain. On the left nav under SageMaker dashboard -> Images, you should be seeing a list of images. Create new versions here and you'll then be able to attach these to the domain.
I provide an alternative solution.
You can create an image by choosing any image from your ecr and name it as the missing image. Then it would be visible on your sagemaker console, you can ignoreit or delete it.
For me this was the only solution because my roll was not allowed to execute a UpdateDomain action.