在我的打字稿应用中,我正在使用 Openapi Spec 并从中构建了一个示例。因此,规格看起来像这样,要简化:
const spec = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
firstName: {
type: 'string',
example: 'Johnbob',
lastName: {
type: 'string',
// No example provided
age: {
type: 'integer',
example: 30
firstName: 'Johnbob',
lastName: 'Default example string',
age: 30
const example = {
firstName: 'Johnbob',
lastName: 'Default example string',
age: 30
// Ideally, { firstName: string, lastName: string, age: number }
type ExampleType = typeof example;
type PropertyType = "string" | "number" | "integer" | "object" | "boolean" | "array";
type Property =
| BooleanProperty
| NumberProperty
| IntegerProperty
| StringProperty
| ObjectProperty
| ArrayProperty;
interface OneOf {
oneOf: PropertyOrKeyword[];
interface AnyOf {
anyOf: PropertyOrKeyword[];
type Keyword = OneOf | AnyOf;
type PropertyOrKeyword = Property | Keyword;
type Properties = Record<string, PropertyOrKeyword>;
interface BaseProperty<T> {
type: PropertyType;
enum?: Array<T>;
example?: T;
description?: string;
interface BooleanProperty extends BaseProperty<boolean> {
type: "boolean";
interface NumberProperty extends BaseProperty<number> {
type: "number";
minimum?: number;
maximum?: number;
format?: "float";
interface IntegerProperty extends BaseProperty<number> {
type: "integer";
minimum?: number;
maximum?: number;
type StringFormats =
// OpenAPI built-in formats: https://swagger.io/docs/specification/data-models/data-types/#string
| "date"
| "date-time"
| "password"
| "byte"
| "binary"
// But arbitrary others are accepted
| "uuid"
| "email";
interface StringProperty extends BaseProperty<string> {
type: "string";
format?: StringFormats;
/** A string of a regex pattern **/
pattern?: string;
interface ObjectProperty extends BaseProperty<Record<string, Property>> {
type: "object";
properties: Record<string, PropertyOrKeyword>;
required?: string[];
title?: string; // If a schema
additionalProperties?: boolean;
interface ArrayProperty extends BaseProperty<Array<any>> {
type: "array";
items: PropertyOrKeyword;
class Example {
schema: PropertyOrKeyword;
constructor(schema: PropertyOrKeyword) {
this.schema = schema;
const value = this._processSchema(schema);
this.example = value as typeof value;
fullExample(description?: string, externalValue?: string) {
return { value: this.example, description, externalValue };
/** Traverses schema and builds an example object from its properties */
_processSchema(schema: PropertyOrKeyword) {
if ("oneOf" in schema) {
return this._processSchema(schema.oneOf[0]);
} else if ("anyOf" in schema) {
return this._processSchema(schema.anyOf[0]);
} else if ("items" in schema) {
return [this._processSchema(schema.items)];
} else if ("type" in schema) {
if (schema.type === "object") {
return Object.entries(schema.properties).reduce(
(obj, [key, val]) => ({
[key]: this._processSchema(val as PropertyOrKeyword),
{} as object
} else {
if (["integer", "number"].includes(schema.type)) this._processSimpleProperty(schema) as number;
if (schema.type === "boolean") this._processSimpleProperty(schema) as boolean;
if (schema.type === "number") this._processSimpleProperty(schema) as number;
return this._processSimpleProperty(schema) as string;
/** Produces a sensible example for non-object properties */
prop: NumberProperty | StringProperty | BooleanProperty | IntegerProperty
): number | boolean | string {
// If an example has been explicitly set, return that
if (prop.example) return prop.example;
// If an enum type, grab the first option as an example
if (prop.enum) return prop.enum[0];
// If a string type with format, return a formatted string
if (prop.type === "string" && prop.format) {
return {
uuid: "asdfa-sdfea-wor13-dscas",
date: "1970-01-14",
["date-time"]: "1970-01-14T05:34:58Z+01:00",
email: "[email protected]",
password: "s00pers33cret",
byte: "0d5b4d43dbf25c433a455d4e736684570e78950d",
binary: "01101001001010100111010100100110100d",
}[prop.format] as string;
// Otherwise, return a sensible default
return {
string: "Example string",
integer: 5,
number: 4.5,
boolean: false,
const spec: ObjectProperty = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
firstName: {
type: 'string',
example: 'Johnbob',
lastName: {
type: 'string',
// No example provided
age: {
type: 'integer',
example: 30
const spec: ObjectProperty = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
firstName: {
type: 'string',
example: 'Johnbob',
lastName: {
type: 'string',
// No example provided
age: {
type: 'integer',
example: 30
favoriteThing: {
oneOf: [{
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: {
type: 'string',
example: 'Beer'
liters: {
type: 'integer',
example: 1
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: {
type: 'string',
example: 'Movie'
lengthInMins: {
type: 'integer',
example: 120
console.log(new Example(spec).example)
In my TypeScript app, I'm taking an OpenAPI spec and constructing an example from it. So the spec might look something like this, to simplify:
const spec = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
firstName: {
type: 'string',
example: 'Johnbob',
lastName: {
type: 'string',
// No example provided
age: {
type: 'integer',
example: 30
Etc. It's much more complicated than that, because OpenAPI also has more complicated "keywords" (oneOf
, anyOf
), as well as array types, and objects/arrays/keywords can be nested within one another.
But fundamentally, any OpenAPI specification for a "schema" can be converted into an example object, including with auto-generated dummy examples. The above would become something like this once I've turned it into an example:
firstName: 'Johnbob',
lastName: 'Default example string',
age: 30
The question: Is there any way to automatically infer/generate the type of the generated example? I know I could do this:
const example = {
firstName: 'Johnbob',
lastName: 'Default example string',
age: 30
// Ideally, { firstName: string, lastName: string, age: number }
type ExampleType = typeof example;
But I want the return of my generate-example functionality to be typed automatically. Currently, it's just throwing its hands up and returning any
Its basic structure is that it has a processSchema
function that takes any schema type (whether object, oneOf, or simple integer type), and then recursively runs through it "processing" each child.
Full playground of code here, and the current WIP implementation below:
type PropertyType = "string" | "number" | "integer" | "object" | "boolean" | "array";
type Property =
| BooleanProperty
| NumberProperty
| IntegerProperty
| StringProperty
| ObjectProperty
| ArrayProperty;
interface OneOf {
oneOf: PropertyOrKeyword[];
interface AnyOf {
anyOf: PropertyOrKeyword[];
type Keyword = OneOf | AnyOf;
type PropertyOrKeyword = Property | Keyword;
type Properties = Record<string, PropertyOrKeyword>;
interface BaseProperty<T> {
type: PropertyType;
enum?: Array<T>;
example?: T;
description?: string;
interface BooleanProperty extends BaseProperty<boolean> {
type: "boolean";
interface NumberProperty extends BaseProperty<number> {
type: "number";
minimum?: number;
maximum?: number;
format?: "float";
interface IntegerProperty extends BaseProperty<number> {
type: "integer";
minimum?: number;
maximum?: number;
type StringFormats =
// OpenAPI built-in formats: https://swagger.io/docs/specification/data-models/data-types/#string
| "date"
| "date-time"
| "password"
| "byte"
| "binary"
// But arbitrary others are accepted
| "uuid"
| "email";
interface StringProperty extends BaseProperty<string> {
type: "string";
format?: StringFormats;
/** A string of a regex pattern **/
pattern?: string;
interface ObjectProperty extends BaseProperty<Record<string, Property>> {
type: "object";
properties: Record<string, PropertyOrKeyword>;
required?: string[];
title?: string; // If a schema
additionalProperties?: boolean;
interface ArrayProperty extends BaseProperty<Array<any>> {
type: "array";
items: PropertyOrKeyword;
class Example {
schema: PropertyOrKeyword;
constructor(schema: PropertyOrKeyword) {
this.schema = schema;
const value = this._processSchema(schema);
this.example = value as typeof value;
fullExample(description?: string, externalValue?: string) {
return { value: this.example, description, externalValue };
/** Traverses schema and builds an example object from its properties */
_processSchema(schema: PropertyOrKeyword) {
if ("oneOf" in schema) {
return this._processSchema(schema.oneOf[0]);
} else if ("anyOf" in schema) {
return this._processSchema(schema.anyOf[0]);
} else if ("items" in schema) {
return [this._processSchema(schema.items)];
} else if ("type" in schema) {
if (schema.type === "object") {
return Object.entries(schema.properties).reduce(
(obj, [key, val]) => ({
[key]: this._processSchema(val as PropertyOrKeyword),
{} as object
} else {
if (["integer", "number"].includes(schema.type)) this._processSimpleProperty(schema) as number;
if (schema.type === "boolean") this._processSimpleProperty(schema) as boolean;
if (schema.type === "number") this._processSimpleProperty(schema) as number;
return this._processSimpleProperty(schema) as string;
/** Produces a sensible example for non-object properties */
prop: NumberProperty | StringProperty | BooleanProperty | IntegerProperty
): number | boolean | string {
// If an example has been explicitly set, return that
if (prop.example) return prop.example;
// If an enum type, grab the first option as an example
if (prop.enum) return prop.enum[0];
// If a string type with format, return a formatted string
if (prop.type === "string" && prop.format) {
return {
uuid: "asdfa-sdfea-wor13-dscas",
date: "1970-01-14",
["date-time"]: "1970-01-14T05:34:58Z+01:00",
email: "[email protected]",
password: "s00pers33cret",
byte: "0d5b4d43dbf25c433a455d4e736684570e78950d",
binary: "01101001001010100111010100100110100d",
}[prop.format] as string;
// Otherwise, return a sensible default
return {
string: "Example string",
integer: 5,
number: 4.5,
boolean: false,
const spec: ObjectProperty = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
firstName: {
type: 'string',
example: 'Johnbob',
lastName: {
type: 'string',
// No example provided
age: {
type: 'integer',
example: 30
const spec: ObjectProperty = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
firstName: {
type: 'string',
example: 'Johnbob',
lastName: {
type: 'string',
// No example provided
age: {
type: 'integer',
example: 30
favoriteThing: {
oneOf: [{
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: {
type: 'string',
example: 'Beer'
liters: {
type: 'integer',
example: 1
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: {
type: 'string',
example: 'Movie'
lengthInMins: {
type: 'integer',
example: 120
console.log(new Example(spec).example)
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类型schematotype&lt; t&gt; = ...
将架构类型作为输入,并产生相应的值类型作为输出。因此,您想要schematotype&lt; {type:“ string”}&gt;
,以及schematotype&lt; {type:“ array”,tyme:type:type:type:type: “ number”}}}&gt;
benumber []
本身递归定义的。我为什么要允许 /code>数组是因为它比常规读取阵列的限制类型较小,并且因为 /a>倾向于导致可读的元组类型。
schematotype&lt; t&gt;
本身,我们将缩短计算并返回 the未知
类型。这种事情对于避免循环警告是必要的,因为否则schematotype&lt; schema&gt;
,那么我们需要 indexOneof
valued属性(提供数组元素类型)。t ['Oneof'] [number]
是(主要是)a 分配条件类型,然后schematotype&lt; t ['Oneof'] [number]&gt;
做同样的事情。大概您的架构在乎“任何”和“一个”和“一个”之间的区别,但是在打字稿中,这两者都以联盟为代表。如果您真的很关心差异,则可以使用 Oneof 构建一个“独家”联盟, 2887218“>这个问题,但我认为这是出于范围。这是简单的...我写了
是{type:“ integer”}
,则值类型为primmapping [“ integer”]
initializer不用作为const ,则编译器甚至不会记住特定的字面类型类型
您可以以使编译器尝试从其输入中推断出狭窄类型的方式编写功能/方法,但这有点令人讨厌。请参阅 Microsoft/typeScript#30680 对于功能请求,可以更轻松地使其更容易。这是实现它的一种方法:
The main goal here is to write a type function
type SchemaToType<T> = ...
which takes a schema type as input and produces the corresponding value type as output. So you wantSchemaToType<{type: "string"}>
to bestring
, andSchemaToType<{type: "array", items: {type: "number"}}>
to benumber[]
, etc.First we should probably write a
type that all schema types are assignable to. This isn't strictly necessary, and you can do it differently if you want, but here's one way to do it:And of course you can augment this definition with other schema types. You can see that
is a union of specific schema types, some of which (ObjectSchema
, andAnyOf
) are recursively defined in terms ofSchema
itself.The reason why I want to allow
arrays is because it is a less restrictive type than regular read-write arrays, and becauseconst
assertions tend to result in readonly tuple types.Armed with that, here's one way to write
:This is a recursive conditional type. The idea is that we go through each
union member and convert it into the corresponding value type. Well, the first thing we do isSchema extends T ? unknown :
, which means that ifT
turns out to be justSchema
itself, we short-circuit the computation and return theunknown
type. This sort of thing is necessary to avoid circularity warnings, since otherwiseSchemaToType<Schema>
would end up recursing into itself forever.Let's look at the other lines of that type:
is aOneOf
, then we need to index into itsoneOf
property, which is going to be an array of schemas... so we index further into itsnumber
-valued properties (which gives the array element type).T['oneOf'][number]
will be a union of the schema types in the array. And sinceSchemaToType
is (mostly) a distributive conditional type, thenSchemaToType<T['oneOf'][number]>
will itself be a union of the value types for each element of that union. All of this means that the output type will be a union of all theoneOf
array element value types.If
, we do the same thing asOneOf
. Presumably your schema cares about the difference between "any of" and "one of", but in TypeScript both of these are fairly well represented by a union. If you really care about the difference, you can build an "exclusive" union forOneOf
, using a technique like that shown in this question, but I consider that out of scope here.This is the easy one... I wrote
to be a map fromtype
names to primitive types. So ifT
is{type: "integer"}
, then the value type isPrimMapping["integer"]
, which turns out to benumber
is anObjectSchema
then we make a mapped type over each key from theproperties
property ofT
. And finally:If
is anArraySchema
then we make an array of the type corresponding to theitems
property ofT
.Let's test it out:
Looks good!
When you come to implement some function or class method that takes a value of type
and produces an example, you might have some issues getting the compiler to infer the right type for the schema. If you write the abovespec
initializer without theas const
, the compiler will fail to even remember the specific literal types of thetype
property and things break:So if you save things to their own variables you need
as const
or something like it.You can write the function/method in such a way as to make the compiler try to infer narrow types from its input, but it's a bit obnoxious. See microsoft/TypeScript#30680 for a feature request to make it easier. Here's one way to implement it:
does is ask the compiler to pay attention to thetype
literal types and the individual array types and values. But yuck.In any case, let's test it out:
Looks good, I think. The output types are the ones you wanted.
Playground link to code