我最近获得了Raspberry Pi,我想构建和实现半体外的方法,以检查我的Python脚本的状态而不会出现。我已经构建了一个将日志添加到HTML文件中的小系统,然后将HTML文件局部置于LocalHosthost,因此我可以在不介入Raspberry Pi的情况下检查一下,但是目前,此方法并不十分干净。如果我想在记录系统中添加更多程序,我将不得不将代码复制并粘贴到其他程序中,这真的很笨拙。
sorry for the convoluted title. I will try to break it down.
I've recently gotten a Raspberry Pi and I want to build and implement a half decent method to check the status of my python scripts without SSHing. I've already built a little system that has logs added to an HTML file and then the HTML file is localhosted so I can check in without SSHing in to the Raspberry Pi, but currently this method isn't very clean. If I wanted to add more programs to the logging system i would have to copy and paste the code over to the other programs and it would just be really janky.
I am looking for a way to make my logging system able to handle multiple scripts at once and without copy and pasting code. My end goal is to have the process be automatic, I would start a script on the raspberry pi with the logging method built into the script, and my website would automatically add a new button that, when pressed, brings me to the logs of that specific python program.
I'm not asking you to code it for me, I'm asking for the best way to implement this idea. Should I build a module that I can import into all of my files? How would the python script that hosts the website receive the logs?
I realize now as I'm typing this question out that it is really hard to explain or visualize what I am trying to do, I apologize in advance.
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It sounds like this is a good use case for Python modules. If you already have written the code to write a scripts logs to an HTML file, simply take that code and make it it's own module. Then you can import that module into your other python scripts.
and then..
You can have your logging module write to a filename based on the script name, and have some other function that generates your "index" page with buttons that link to those other pages. The generation can be done based on a directory listing of files.
Or even better, use something like Nginx to simply serve a static index of the path where your HTML log files live.