I am learning about NFT minting by using remix to run test code on testnets. Now the function seems to be working as the ETH balance is reduced by the amount of mint price I set, but I can't check the NFTs the given wallet was holding. Is there a way to view it somewhere to check if the NFT is successfully minted?
UPDATE: I see that people can use test nets with their own wallet to receive those NFTs and view them on platforms like Opensea. But is it possible to do the same with VM?
无论您是否使用虚拟机,都不应具有使用混音或访问任何测试网的能力。因此有可能。混音和以太坊钱包使用 http 与。 wikipedia.org/wiki/http“ rel =“ nofollow noreferrer”> json-rpc节点允许您的钱包,交易和其他功能。
Whether you are using a virtual machine or not, should not have the ability to use Remix or access any testnets. So it is possible. Remix and Ethereum wallets use HTTP to communicate with JSON-RPC nodes that allow your wallets, transactions and other to function.