542 {错误":{code;:400; messages; quot; quot; quot;是必需的但未指定的“错误”:[{{{;
错误: 542 {“ error”:{“ code”:400,“消息” “:”'valueinputoption'是必需的,但未指定”,“错误”:[{“ message”:“”'valueinputoption'是必需的,但未指定的“ valueinputoption”,“ domain”:“ global”:“ global”,“原因”:“ badrequest”}:“ badrequest”} ],“状态”:“ Invalid_argument”}}}}
$time = time();
$name = $_GET['cname'];
$invoiceNumber = $_GET['invoice'];
$date = $_GET['date'];
$percentage = $_GET['percentage'];
$taxableValue = $_GET['taxableValue'];
$discount = $_GET['discount'];
$invoictotoal = $_GET['total'];
$sgst = $percentage*$taxableValue/100;
echo $discount;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
* Returns an authorized API client.
* @return Client the authorized client object
function getClient()
$client = new \Google_Client();
$client->setApplicationName('Google Sheets API PHP Quickstart');
return $client;
// Get the API client and construct the service object.
$client = getClient();
$service = new Google\Service\Sheets($client);
// Prints the names and majors of students in a sample spreadsheet:
// https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BxiMVs0XRA5nFMdKvBdBZjgmUUqptlbs74OgvE2upms/edit
$spreadsheetId = '1H6EHEHGsHyRZTE-j8er9DrZjj-b9TkRg0p96K-h90Pc';
$range = 'Form Responses 1';
$valuetoinsert = [
$body = new Google_Service_Sheets_ValueRange([
'values' => $valuetoinsert
$params = [
'valueInputOption' => 'RAW'
$inset = [
"insertDataOption" => "INSERT_ROWS"
$result = $service->spreadsheets_values->append(
catch(Exception $e) {
// TODO(developer) - handle error appropriately
echo $e->getMessage();
错误: undfult typeError:umpode:umpode( ):参数#2($ array)必须是类型?数组,d:\ xamp \ htdocs \ form \ form \ vendor \ vendor \ google \ apiclient \ apiclient \ src \ src \ google \ service \ services \ resource.php:291 stack跟踪:#0 D:\ Xamp \ htdocs \ form \ vendor \ vendor \ google \ apiclient \ src \ src \ google \ service \ resopy \ resource.php(291):esprode(arnday,'&amp;')#1 d:\ xamp \ xamp \ xamp \ htdoc \ htdoc \ htdoc \ form \ vendor \ vendor \ vendor \ vendor \ vendor \ vendor \ vendor \ vendor \ vendor \ vendor \ vendor \ vendor \ vendor \ vendor \ vendor \ Google \ apiclient \ src \ google \ services \ resource.php(190):google_service_resource-&gt; createrequesturi('v4/varversheets ...',array)#2 d:\ xamp \ xamp \ htdocs \ htdocs \ htdocs \ htdocs \ form \ form \ vendor \ vendor \ vendor \ vendor \ vendor \ apiclient -services\src\Sheets\Resource\SpreadsheetsValues.php(83): Google_Service_Resource->call('append', Array, 'Google\Service\...') #3 D:\xamp\htdocs\form\insert 。 #4 {main}在d:\ xamp \ htdocs \ form \ vendor \ google \ apiclient \ apiclient \ src \ src \ google \ service \ services \ resource.php上,第291行291
$result = $service->spreadsheets_values->append(
I found the same problem with the solution for the same error in javascript but couldn't make it work for PHP so please help
ERROR: 542{ "error": { "code": 400, "message": "'valueInputOption' is required but not specified", "errors": [ { "message": "'valueInputOption' is required but not specified", "domain": "global", "reason": "badRequest" } ], "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT" } }
this is the error i get when i use the following code:
$time = time();
$name = $_GET['cname'];
$invoiceNumber = $_GET['invoice'];
$date = $_GET['date'];
$percentage = $_GET['percentage'];
$taxableValue = $_GET['taxableValue'];
$discount = $_GET['discount'];
$invoictotoal = $_GET['total'];
$sgst = $percentage*$taxableValue/100;
echo $discount;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
* Returns an authorized API client.
* @return Client the authorized client object
function getClient()
$client = new \Google_Client();
$client->setApplicationName('Google Sheets API PHP Quickstart');
return $client;
// Get the API client and construct the service object.
$client = getClient();
$service = new Google\Service\Sheets($client);
// Prints the names and majors of students in a sample spreadsheet:
// https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BxiMVs0XRA5nFMdKvBdBZjgmUUqptlbs74OgvE2upms/edit
$spreadsheetId = '1H6EHEHGsHyRZTE-j8er9DrZjj-b9TkRg0p96K-h90Pc';
$range = 'Form Responses 1';
$valuetoinsert = [
$body = new Google_Service_Sheets_ValueRange([
'values' => $valuetoinsert
$params = [
'valueInputOption' => 'RAW'
$inset = [
"insertDataOption" => "INSERT_ROWS"
$result = $service->spreadsheets_values->append(
catch(Exception $e) {
// TODO(developer) - handle error appropriately
echo $e->getMessage();
so i added the valuInputOption parameter but then i get different error
error: Uncaught TypeError: implode(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type ?array, string given in D:\xamp\htdocs\form\vendor\google\apiclient\src\Google\Service\Resource.php:291 Stack trace: #0 D:\xamp\htdocs\form\vendor\google\apiclient\src\Google\Service\Resource.php(291): implode(Array, '&') #1 D:\xamp\htdocs\form\vendor\google\apiclient\src\Google\Service\Resource.php(190): Google_Service_Resource->createRequestUri('v4/spreadsheets...', Array) #2 D:\xamp\htdocs\form\vendor\google\apiclient-services\src\Sheets\Resource\SpreadsheetsValues.php(83): Google_Service_Resource->call('append', Array, 'Google\Service\...') #3 D:\xamp\htdocs\form\insert.php(54): Google\Service\Sheets\Resource\SpreadsheetsValues->append('1H6EHEHGsHyRZTE...', 'Form Responses ...', Object(Google\Service\Sheets\ValueRange), Array, Array) #4 {main} thrown in D:\xamp\htdocs\form\vendor\google\apiclient\src\Google\Service\Resource.php on line 291
The code used for this error is the sam and i added 2 more parameters:
$result = $service->spreadsheets_values->append(
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