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Closed 2 years ago.
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.../collections/all?sort_by =最畅销 - 和尝试
接下来,它使用Shopify的JSON URL。再次试图找到
.../products.json?page = 1& limit = 250-大多数商店所有者甚至都不知道存在。
之后,它调用了每种产品的JSON URL。你可以得到这个
“ .json”在URL中。示例URL:
在此JSON中,有一个“ Updated_at”字段。每次进行更改时,都会更新此字段。另外,发生订单时(股票更改)。
PPSPY does the following.
It reads your Shopify sitemap to find the products in the store.
As fallback, it parses the URL:
.../collections/all?sort_by=best-selling - and tries
to find the products there.
Next, it uses the JSON URL from Shopify. There again it tries to find
all products. An example URL:
.../products.json?page=1&limit=250 - most store owners don't even know this exists.
After that, it calls the JSON URL for each product. You can get this
URL in your online store by simply opening a product page and writing
".json" after it in the URL. Example URL:
In this JSON there is a field "updated_at". This field is updated every time a change is made. Also, when an order take place (the stock is changed).
And with this, it is possible to track the sales (approximately).
They are called web scraper or crawlers. They go to your product page (going through all the links in your ecommerce) and understand the content of the page. They extract the product name and the product price. They will do that every X hours or X days and collect the information, so they don't need any webhook.
In theory you could make your page complicated enough to not make it easy to crawl, for example you could show the price with Javascript (the crawlers typically have javascript not enabled). But that would make your website less accessible, especially to Google, which is in fact another crawler.