
发布于 2025-02-10 21:20:04 字数 6789 浏览 1 评论 0原文





function method parent(i: int): int 

function method left(i: int): int

function method right(i: int): int

class MaxHeap {
    var data: array<int>
    ghost var repr: set<object>

    constructor(data: array<int>) 
        ensures this.data == data
        ensures this in repr
        this.data := data;
        this.repr := {this};
    predicate method MaxHeapChildren(i: int)
        reads this, this.data
        requires 1 <= i
        (left(i) > this.data.Length || this.data[i-1] >= this.data[left(i)-1]) && (right(i) > this.data.Length || this.data[i-1] >= this.data[right(i)-1])

    method heapify(i: int) returns (largest: int)
        modifies this.data
        requires 1 <= i <= this.data.Length
        requires forall x :: i < x <= this.data.Length ==> MaxHeapChildren(x)
        // ensures multiset(this.data[..]) == multiset(old(this.data[..]))
        ensures forall x :: i <= x <= this.data.Length  ==> MaxHeapChildren(x)
        decreases this.data.Length - i
        var i' := i;
        ghost var oldi := i;
        largest := i;
        var l := left(i);
        var r := right(i);
        ghost var count := 0;
        ghost var count' := 1;
        while !MaxHeapChildren(i')
            invariant count' == count + 1;
            invariant 1 <= largest <= this.data.Length
            invariant l == left(i')
            invariant r == right(i')
            invariant 1 <= i' <= this.data.Length
            invariant i' == i || i' == left(oldi) || i' == right(oldi)
            invariant largest == i'
            invariant count == 0 ==> oldi == i
            invariant oldi > 0
            invariant count > 0 ==> oldi == parent(i')
            invariant count > 0 ==> MaxHeapChildren(oldi)
            invariant count > 0 ==> forall x :: i <= x < i' ==> old(this.data)[x] == this.data[x]
            invariant count > 0 ==> forall x :: i <= x < i' && left(x+1) < this.data.Length ==> old(this.data)[left(x+1)] == this.data[left(x+1)]
            invariant count > 0 ==> forall x :: i <= x < i' && right(x+1) < this.data.Length ==> old(this.data)[right(x+1)] == this.data[right(x+1)]
            // invariant count > 0 ==> forall x :: i <= x <= i' && left(x+1) ==> MaxHeapChildren(left(x+1))
            invariant forall x :: i <= x <= this.data.Length && x != i' ==> MaxHeapChildren(x)
            decreases this.data.Length-i';
            if l <= this.data.Length && this.data[l-1] > this.data[i'-1] {
                largest := l;

            if r <= this.data.Length && this.data[r-1] > this.data[largest-1] {
                largest := r;
            if largest != i' {
                assert forall x :: i <  x <= this.data.Length && x != i' ==> MaxHeapChildren(x);
                swap(this, i', largest);
                label AfterChange:
                oldi := i';
                assert MaxHeapChildren(oldi);
                i' := largest;
                assert forall x :: largest <  x <= this.data.Length && x != i' ==> MaxHeapChildren(x);
                l := left(i');
                r := right(i');
                assert forall x :: i <= x < i' ==> old@AfterChange(this.data[x]) == this.data[x] && left(x+1) < this.data.Length ==> old(this.data)[left(x+1)] == this.data[left(x+1)] && right(x+1) < this.data.Length ==> old(this.data)[right(x+1)] == this.data[right(x+1)];
                assert MaxHeapChildren(i');
                assert MaxHeapChildren(oldi);
            count := count + 1;
            count' := count' + 1;

method swap(heap: MaxHeap, i: int, largest: int) 
    modifies heap.data
    requires 1 <= i < largest <= heap.data.Length
    requires heap.data[largest-1] > heap.data[i-1]
    requires left(i) <= heap.data.Length ==> heap.data[largest-1] >= heap.data[left(i)-1]
    requires right(i) <= heap.data.Length ==> heap.data[largest-1] >= heap.data[right(i)-1]
    requires forall x :: i <= x <= heap.data.Length && x != i ==> heap.MaxHeapChildren(x)
    ensures heap.data[i-1] == old(heap.data[largest-1])
    ensures heap.data[largest-1] == old(heap.data[i-1])
    ensures heap.MaxHeapChildren(i)
    ensures forall x :: 1 <= x <= heap.data.Length && x != i && x != largest ==> heap.data[x-1] == old(heap.data[x-1]) 
    ensures forall x :: i <= x <= heap.data.Length && x != largest ==> heap.MaxHeapChildren(x)
    ghost var oldData := heap.data[..];
    var temp := heap.data[i-1];
    heap.data[i-1] := heap.data[largest-1];
    heap.data[largest-1] := temp;
    var z:int :| assume i < z <= heap.data.Length && z != largest;
    var lz: int := left(z);
    var rz: int := right(z);
    assert heap.data[z-1] == old(heap.data[z-1]);
    assert lz != i && lz != largest && lz <= heap.data.Length ==> heap.data[lz-1] == old(heap.data[lz-1]);
    assert rz != i && rz != largest && rz <= heap.data.Length ==> heap.data[rz-1] == old(heap.data[rz-1]);
    assert heap.MaxHeapChildren(z);

        length = 17
        i = 4
        left = 8, 7 (0based)
        right = 9, 8 (0based)
        x in 5 .. 17 :: MaxHeapChildren(x) (i+1)..17 

         0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 
        [20,18,16,3,14,12,10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0, 1,-2, 4, 4,-5]

        i = 8
        left = 16
        right = 17
        x in i' .. i-1 :: MaxHeapChildren (4..15)
         0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 
        [20,18,16,8,14,12,10, 3, 6, 4, 2, 0, 1,-2, 4, 4,-5]

        i = 16
        left = 32
        right = 33
        x in i' .. i-1 :: MaxHeapChildren (4..16) + 17.. MaxHeapChildren
         0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 
        [20,18,16,8,14,12,10, 4, 6, 4, 2, 0, 1,-2, 4, 3,-5]

I'm trying to implement a MaxHeap using Dafny based on the code from Intro. to Algorithms, CLRS 3rd edition, section 6.1, page 153 or the Max-Heapify function here. I switched from using recursion to a while loop because that seemed a bit easier to handle in Dafny.

Trying to prove the heap property on an array after calling the heapify function. In particular I was hoping to be able to use the require statement on heapify to assert that triples which didn't change in the heap which were satisfying the heap property before an update, are satisfying the heap property after the update.

However, after making any changes to the array it seems like it forgets all about the require/invariant statement. Even if I show that the value are the same before and after the update it still no longer passes the assertion. I pulled out the update into the swap method.

I was hoping I could write a lemma asserting this fact but it seems like lemmas don't allow modifying the heap or using old() or calling a method. Is there a way to write a lemma for this?

function method parent(i: int): int 

function method left(i: int): int

function method right(i: int): int

class MaxHeap {
    var data: array<int>
    ghost var repr: set<object>

    constructor(data: array<int>) 
        ensures this.data == data
        ensures this in repr
        this.data := data;
        this.repr := {this};
    predicate method MaxHeapChildren(i: int)
        reads this, this.data
        requires 1 <= i
        (left(i) > this.data.Length || this.data[i-1] >= this.data[left(i)-1]) && (right(i) > this.data.Length || this.data[i-1] >= this.data[right(i)-1])

    method heapify(i: int) returns (largest: int)
        modifies this.data
        requires 1 <= i <= this.data.Length
        requires forall x :: i < x <= this.data.Length ==> MaxHeapChildren(x)
        // ensures multiset(this.data[..]) == multiset(old(this.data[..]))
        ensures forall x :: i <= x <= this.data.Length  ==> MaxHeapChildren(x)
        decreases this.data.Length - i
        var i' := i;
        ghost var oldi := i;
        largest := i;
        var l := left(i);
        var r := right(i);
        ghost var count := 0;
        ghost var count' := 1;
        while !MaxHeapChildren(i')
            invariant count' == count + 1;
            invariant 1 <= largest <= this.data.Length
            invariant l == left(i')
            invariant r == right(i')
            invariant 1 <= i' <= this.data.Length
            invariant i' == i || i' == left(oldi) || i' == right(oldi)
            invariant largest == i'
            invariant count == 0 ==> oldi == i
            invariant oldi > 0
            invariant count > 0 ==> oldi == parent(i')
            invariant count > 0 ==> MaxHeapChildren(oldi)
            invariant count > 0 ==> forall x :: i <= x < i' ==> old(this.data)[x] == this.data[x]
            invariant count > 0 ==> forall x :: i <= x < i' && left(x+1) < this.data.Length ==> old(this.data)[left(x+1)] == this.data[left(x+1)]
            invariant count > 0 ==> forall x :: i <= x < i' && right(x+1) < this.data.Length ==> old(this.data)[right(x+1)] == this.data[right(x+1)]
            // invariant count > 0 ==> forall x :: i <= x <= i' && left(x+1) ==> MaxHeapChildren(left(x+1))
            invariant forall x :: i <= x <= this.data.Length && x != i' ==> MaxHeapChildren(x)
            decreases this.data.Length-i';
            if l <= this.data.Length && this.data[l-1] > this.data[i'-1] {
                largest := l;

            if r <= this.data.Length && this.data[r-1] > this.data[largest-1] {
                largest := r;
            if largest != i' {
                assert forall x :: i <  x <= this.data.Length && x != i' ==> MaxHeapChildren(x);
                swap(this, i', largest);
                label AfterChange:
                oldi := i';
                assert MaxHeapChildren(oldi);
                i' := largest;
                assert forall x :: largest <  x <= this.data.Length && x != i' ==> MaxHeapChildren(x);
                l := left(i');
                r := right(i');
                assert forall x :: i <= x < i' ==> old@AfterChange(this.data[x]) == this.data[x] && left(x+1) < this.data.Length ==> old(this.data)[left(x+1)] == this.data[left(x+1)] && right(x+1) < this.data.Length ==> old(this.data)[right(x+1)] == this.data[right(x+1)];
                assert MaxHeapChildren(i');
                assert MaxHeapChildren(oldi);
            count := count + 1;
            count' := count' + 1;

method swap(heap: MaxHeap, i: int, largest: int) 
    modifies heap.data
    requires 1 <= i < largest <= heap.data.Length
    requires heap.data[largest-1] > heap.data[i-1]
    requires left(i) <= heap.data.Length ==> heap.data[largest-1] >= heap.data[left(i)-1]
    requires right(i) <= heap.data.Length ==> heap.data[largest-1] >= heap.data[right(i)-1]
    requires forall x :: i <= x <= heap.data.Length && x != i ==> heap.MaxHeapChildren(x)
    ensures heap.data[i-1] == old(heap.data[largest-1])
    ensures heap.data[largest-1] == old(heap.data[i-1])
    ensures heap.MaxHeapChildren(i)
    ensures forall x :: 1 <= x <= heap.data.Length && x != i && x != largest ==> heap.data[x-1] == old(heap.data[x-1]) 
    ensures forall x :: i <= x <= heap.data.Length && x != largest ==> heap.MaxHeapChildren(x)
    ghost var oldData := heap.data[..];
    var temp := heap.data[i-1];
    heap.data[i-1] := heap.data[largest-1];
    heap.data[largest-1] := temp;
    var z:int :| assume i < z <= heap.data.Length && z != largest;
    var lz: int := left(z);
    var rz: int := right(z);
    assert heap.data[z-1] == old(heap.data[z-1]);
    assert lz != i && lz != largest && lz <= heap.data.Length ==> heap.data[lz-1] == old(heap.data[lz-1]);
    assert rz != i && rz != largest && rz <= heap.data.Length ==> heap.data[rz-1] == old(heap.data[rz-1]);
    assert heap.MaxHeapChildren(z);

        length = 17
        i = 4
        left = 8, 7 (0based)
        right = 9, 8 (0based)
        x in 5 .. 17 :: MaxHeapChildren(x) (i+1)..17 

         0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 
        [20,18,16,3,14,12,10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0, 1,-2, 4, 4,-5]

        i = 8
        left = 16
        right = 17
        x in i' .. i-1 :: MaxHeapChildren (4..15)
         0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 
        [20,18,16,8,14,12,10, 3, 6, 4, 2, 0, 1,-2, 4, 4,-5]

        i = 16
        left = 32
        right = 33
        x in i' .. i-1 :: MaxHeapChildren (4..16) + 17.. MaxHeapChildren
         0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 
        [20,18,16,8,14,12,10, 4, 6, 4, 2, 0, 1,-2, 4, 3,-5]

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习惯成性 2025-02-17 21:20:04

是的,我认为您要寻找的是a 代码>
基本上,您可以在其规范中使用old(),在呼叫站点中,您可以通过在old()的呼叫中指定要考虑哪个堆。 @a,如果标签A:在该方法的调用之前存在。

Yes, I think what you are looking for is called a twostate lemma
Basically, you can use old() in their specification, and at the call site, you can specify which heap to consider for calls to old() by suffixing the lemma's name by @a, if label a: existed before that method's call.

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