private void Update()
Vector3 childPos = transform.GetChild(0).position;
transform.position = childPos;
transform.GetChild( 0 ).position = childPos;
然后,当我在编辑器中移动子对象时,会产生这种怪异的laggy效果,使对象无法正确遵循光标。这是一个gif显示效果: https://gfycat.com/negatigativevigorforcatcicada
我得到以下显示的日志以某种方式,孩子的世界空间位置正在设置的框架末端和下一帧的开始之间发生变化: 在这里屏幕截图
I've got a parent and a child object. When I move the child object I want to parent to move to the same position as the child. I'm trying to achieve this with this script on the parent object:
private void Update()
Vector3 childPos = transform.GetChild(0).position;
transform.position = childPos;
transform.GetChild( 0 ).position = childPos;
So, set the parent's world space position to the child's world space position and then set the child's world space position to what it was before its parent moved. This is the only script affecting the position of either object.
When I then move the child object in the editor it does this weird laggy effect where the object doesn't properly follow the cursor. Here's a gif showing the effect: https://gfycat.com/negativevigorouscicada
I got the following logs which show that somehow the child's world space position is being changed between the end of the frame where it's been set and the start of the next frame:
Screenshot here
I was thinking maybe the child's transform gets updated again at some point relative to its parent, but I tried setting the new position in LateUpdate in a script on the child and the problem still happened. Setting the child's local position to 0,0,0 after moving the parent doesn't work either. I tried setting both objects to the position of a separate object and moving that, which didn't cause the lag to happen so it's definitely something to do with the parenting.
Any explanations or ideas as to why this is happening would be appreciated!
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