如何在Ubuntu上安装V2X-HUB 18.04
我正在尝试按照以下步骤安装V2X-HUB: https://github.com/usdot-fhwa-ops/v2x-hub/blob/develop/develop/installation_and_setup.md
我执行了汇编说明,直到这一份: « 现在,从v2x-hub目录运行以下命令 CD SRC/V2I-HUB cmake。 -dqserverpedestrian_dir =/usr/local/share/qserverpedestrian/cmake »
它告诉我: «  cmake错误在carmacloudplugin/cmakelists.txt:10(查找软件包): 通过不提供«findv2xhubwebapi.cmake »在CMAKE_MODULE_PATH中,此项目已要求CMAKE找到«  v2xhubwebapi »提供的软件包配置文件,但是Cmake找不到一个。
找不到«  v2xhubwebapi »提供的软件包配置文件带有以下任何名称: v2xhubwebapiconfig.cmake v2xhubwebapi-config.cmake
添加«  v2xhubwebapi的安装前缀 »到cmake_prefix_path或设置«  v2xhubwebapi_dir »到包含上述文件之一的目录。如果«  v2xhubwebapi »提供一个单独的开发软件包或SDK,请确保已安装它。 »
I am trying to install V2X-Hub following those steps : https://github.com/usdot-fhwa-OPS/V2X-Hub/blob/develop/docs/installation_and_Setup.md
I did the compilation instructions until this one :
« Now, run the following commands from V2X-Hub directory
cd src/v2i-hub
cmake . -DqserverPedestrian_DIR=/usr/local/share/qserverPedestrian/cmake »
And it tells me :
« Cmake Error at CARMACloudPlugin/CMakeLists.txt:10 (find package):
By not providing «Findv2xhubWebAPI.cmake » in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by « v2xhubWebAPI », but Cmake did not find one.
Could not find a package configuration file provided by « v2xhubWebAPI » with any of the following names:
Add the installation prefix of « v2xhubWebAPI » to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set « v2xhubWebAPI_DIR » to a directory containing one of the above files. If « v2xhubWebAPI » provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed. »
Thanking you in advance for your help i am blocked.
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