我遇到了一些 gke 容器中 cluod登录中的日志的问题。
我使用 log4j2 在GKE上部署了一个Spring Boot应用程序。该应用程序生成的所有日志始终都符合云日志记录,因此,如果我使用 jmeter 并行执行100笔交易,我可以搜索云记录中的所有日志并结束REST控制器)。
现在,我正在从 log4j2 迁移到 logback 与 cloud Loggging 完整集成,我遵循本指南:
例如,如果我使用 jmeter 发送30次并行交易,我可以看到该服务生成的所有日志,基本上我正在搜索这样的每条消息:
"This is a message "
"This is the mid of controller"
"End of trx, cleaning MDC context : "
Logger.info("Starting transaction: ", transactionId).
Logger.info("This is the mid of controller").
Logger.info("End of trx, cleaning MDC context : ", transactionId).
return response.
因此,如果我使用jmeter并行发送30个TRX,我可以在云日志记录中找到所有记录器,但是如果我在1分钟后重复相同的30 TRX,我可以找到日志,但不是所有日志。例如,我可以找到:
30 of **Starting transaction:**,
22 of "This is the mid of controller"
2 of "End of trx, cleaning MDC context : "
20 of **Starting transaction:**,
0 of "This is the mid of controller"
0 of "End of trx, cleaning MDC context : "
30 of **Starting transaction:**,
30 of "This is the mid of controller"
30 of "End of trx, cleaning MDC context : "
在所有情况下,服务的响应总是好的,我的意思是,即使我看不到所有日志,我知道该服务都可以正常工作,因为我可以获得200 成功和预期的响应在体内。同样,响应没有矛盾之处,一切都很好。
1-云日志行跳过相似的日志吗?我总是在所有情况下在Jmeter中发送相同的交易,因此交易之间的唯一区别是TransactionId(在REST Controller的开头生成)
2-如果我使用Postman手动发送请求,我可以找到所有日志。 云日志记录是否可以跳过几乎同时通过并行交易生成的类似日志?
我也知道, @RestController 是线程安全的,因此我看不到日志或响应中的不一致之处。
我正在使用 mDC 与logBack Includemdc 中的配置,基本上我正在将TransActionD添加到MDC上下文MDC.put(“ TransActionId”,TransActionId),如果我MDC也不是错误的也是安全的,因此不应该是问题。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<include resource="org/springframework/cloud/gcp/autoconfigure/logging/logback-appender.xml"/>
<include resource="org/springframework/boot/logging/logback/defaults.xml"/>
<include resource="org/springframework/boot/logging/logback/console-appender.xml"/>
<appender name="CONSOLE_JSON_APP" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<encoder class="ch.qos.logback.core.encoder.LayoutWrappingEncoder">
<layout class="org.springframework.cloud.gcp.logging.StackdriverJsonLayout">
<appender name="CONSOLE_JSON_EXT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<encoder class="ch.qos.logback.core.encoder.LayoutWrappingEncoder">
<layout class="org.springframework.cloud.gcp.logging.StackdriverJsonLayout">
<!-- Loggers-->
<root level="INFO" name="info-log">
<appender-ref ref="LOCAL_EXTERNAL_DEP"/>
<logger name="com.example.test.service" level="INFO" additivity="false">
<appender-ref ref="LOCAL_APP" />
public class TestServiceController {
public Response evaluate(@RequestBody Request request) {
UUID transactionId = UUID.randomUUID();
Logger.info("Starting transaction: ", transactionId ).
MDC.put("transactionId", transactionId.toString());
//Some java code here (Only simple things)
Logger.info("This is the mid of controller").
//Some java code here (Only simple things)
Logger.info("End of trx, cleaning MDC context : ", transactionId).
return transaction.getResponse();
I'm having an issue with some missing logs from GKE container in Cluod Logging.
I have an Spring boot application deployed on GKE with Log4j2. All the logs generated by the application are always writted to Cloud Logging, so if I execute 100 transactions in parallel using Jmeter I can search for all the logs in Cloud logging without problems (Logs at the beginning, middle and end of the rest controller).
Now I am migrating from Log4j2 to Logback to have a full integration with Cloud Logging, I'm following this guide: https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-gcp/docs/current/reference/html/logging.html
After the migration, updating only the log dependency from Log4j to Logback I can still see my logs on Cloud Logging but I'm having a weird issue with some missing logs.
For example if I send 30 parallel transactions using Jmeter I can see all the logs generated by the service, basically I'm searching for each message like this:
"This is a message "
"This is the mid of controller"
"End of trx, cleaning MDC context : "
Loggers looks like this:
Logger.info("Starting transaction: ", transactionId).
Logger.info("This is the mid of controller").
Logger.info("End of trx, cleaning MDC context : ", transactionId).
return response.
I'm searching for messages generated at the start of the rest controller, some logs at the middle of the controller and logs generated at the end of the controller, just before the "return reponse."
So if I send 30 trx in parallel using Jmeter I can find all the Loggers in Cloud Logging, but if I repeat the same 30 trx 1 min later I can find logs, but not all the logs. For example I can find:
30 of **Starting transaction:**,
22 of "This is the mid of controller"
2 of "End of trx, cleaning MDC context : "
Then if I repeat
20 of **Starting transaction:**,
0 of "This is the mid of controller"
0 of "End of trx, cleaning MDC context : "
If I wait 5 minutes and repeat
30 of **Starting transaction:**,
30 of "This is the mid of controller"
30 of "End of trx, cleaning MDC context : "
Even in some cases I can't literally find 0 logs for an specific transaction.
In all the cases the response of the service is always good, I mean even when I can't see all the logs I know the service is working fine because I can receive a 200 success and the expected response in the body. Also there are no inconsistencies in the response, everything is just working fine.
Sorry for the long intro but now the questions.
1 - Is Cloud Logging skipping similar logs? I'm always sending the same transaction in jmeter for all the cases, so the only difference between transactions is the transactionId (generated at the beginning of the rest controller)
2 - If I send a request manually using postman, I can find all the logs. Could Cloud Logging be skipping similar logs generated almost at the same time with parallel transactions?
I have tested the same cases on my local and everything is working fine, even if I send 100 transactions in parallel each second in a long loop I can find all the logs generated by the service (I'm wirtting the logs to a file), so I'm only having this issue in GKE.
Also I understand that @RestController is thread safe, so I'm not seeing inconsistencies in the logs or responses.
I'm using MDC with the configuration in Logback includeMDC, basically I'm adding the transactionId to the MDC context MDC.put("transactionId", transactionId), if I'm not wrong MDC is also thread safe, so it should not be the problem.
My logback file looks like this.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<include resource="org/springframework/cloud/gcp/autoconfigure/logging/logback-appender.xml"/>
<include resource="org/springframework/boot/logging/logback/defaults.xml"/>
<include resource="org/springframework/boot/logging/logback/console-appender.xml"/>
<appender name="CONSOLE_JSON_APP" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<encoder class="ch.qos.logback.core.encoder.LayoutWrappingEncoder">
<layout class="org.springframework.cloud.gcp.logging.StackdriverJsonLayout">
<appender name="CONSOLE_JSON_EXT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<encoder class="ch.qos.logback.core.encoder.LayoutWrappingEncoder">
<layout class="org.springframework.cloud.gcp.logging.StackdriverJsonLayout">
<!-- Loggers-->
<root level="INFO" name="info-log">
<appender-ref ref="LOCAL_EXTERNAL_DEP"/>
<logger name="com.example.test.service" level="INFO" additivity="false">
<appender-ref ref="LOCAL_APP" />
The restController looks like this.
public class TestServiceController {
public Response evaluate(@RequestBody Request request) {
UUID transactionId = UUID.randomUUID();
Logger.info("Starting transaction: ", transactionId ).
MDC.put("transactionId", transactionId.toString());
//Some java code here (Only simple things)
Logger.info("This is the mid of controller").
//Some java code here (Only simple things)
Logger.info("End of trx, cleaning MDC context : ", transactionId).
return transaction.getResponse();
At this moment my only guess is that Cloud Logging is skipping similar logs generated in a short period of time (Basically parallels executions).
我已经看到了您所描述的问题,当时您所描述的问题是当应用程序未配置为直接刷新到STDOUT/ stderr。
Try adjusting the flushing settings. For example, set flushLevel to DEBUG. Docs about flushLevel: https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-gcp/docs/current/reference/html/logging.html#_log_via_api
I've seen the issue you described when applications aren't configured to flush logs directly to stdout/stderr.