如何告诉Agda,财产始终存在于“ if”的分支?

发布于 2025-02-10 07:57:27 字数 1254 浏览 2 评论 0原文


open import Data.Bool using (Bool; true; if_then_else_)
open import Data.Char using (Char; isDigit)
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)

data IsTrue : Bool → Set where
  is-true : IsTrue true

data IsDigit (c : Char) : Set where
  is-digit : {p : IsTrue (isDigit c)} → IsDigit c

data Digit : Set where
  digit : (c : Char) → {p : IsDigit c} → Digit

然后,我可以构造digit for <代码>'0'喜欢这样(尽管我似乎需要通过的明显参数令人沮丧):

0-digit : Digit
0-digit = digit '0' {is-digit {_} {is-true}}

但是,如果我想要一个任意char> char并返回也许Digit ,我似乎无法与然后在分支中交流Agda,iSdigit c始终保持。如何使Agda可见?

在某些语言中,这将是一种流量打字的形式,但是如果我正确理解,AGDA在构造函数上进行模式匹配时只有“流键入”。如果我在'0','1',...'9'上完全匹配,它 do 编译,但这很乏味,似乎很不幸。

maybeFromChar : Char → Maybe Digit
maybeFromChar c =
  if isDigit c
    then just (digit c {is-digit {c} {is-true}})
    else nothing
true != isDigit c of type Bool
when checking that the expression is-true has type
IsTrue (isDigit c)


Say I want to have a Digit type that is a refinement of Char to only digits:

open import Data.Bool using (Bool; true; if_then_else_)
open import Data.Char using (Char; isDigit)
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)

data IsTrue : Bool → Set where
  is-true : IsTrue true

data IsDigit (c : Char) : Set where
  is-digit : {p : IsTrue (isDigit c)} → IsDigit c

data Digit : Set where
  digit : (c : Char) → {p : IsDigit c} → Digit

I can then construct, e.g., the Digit for '0' like so (although the obvious parameters that I seem to need to pass are frustrating):

0-digit : Digit
0-digit = digit '0' {is-digit {_} {is-true}}

However, if I want a function that takes an arbitrary Char and returns Maybe Digit, I can't seem to communicate to Agda that in the then branch, isDigit c always holds. How do I make this visible to Agda?

In some languages, this would be a form of flow typing, but if I understand correctly, Agda only has "flow typing" when pattern-matching on constructors. It does compile if I exhaustively match on '0', '1', ... '9', but that's tedious and seems unfortunate.

maybeFromChar : Char → Maybe Digit
maybeFromChar c =
  if isDigit c
    then just (digit c {is-digit {c} {is-true}})
    else nothing
true != isDigit c of type Bool
when checking that the expression is-true has type
IsTrue (isDigit c)

(Suggestions for improvements to the way I'm modeling Digit are welcome as well.)

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幸福不弃 2025-02-17 07:57:27


open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

maybeFromChar : Char → Maybe Digit
maybeFromChar c with isDigit c | inspect isDigit c
... | true  | [ eq ] = just (digit c {is-digit {c} {subst IsTrue (sym eq) is-true}})
... | _     | _      = nothing

您还可以使用if_then_else _ aka bool的消除器:

open import Function
open import Data.Maybe as Maybe

elimBool : ∀ {π} → (P : Bool → Set π) → P true → P false → ∀ b → P b
elimBool P t f true  = t
elimBool P t f false = f

maybeFromChar' : Char → Maybe Digit
maybeFromChar' c =
  Maybe.map (λ p -> digit c {is-digit {_} {p}}) $
    elimBool (Maybe ∘ IsTrue) (just is-true) nothing (isDigit c)

You can use the inspect idiom to remember the match (you'll need to add false to the import list of Data.Bool):

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

maybeFromChar : Char → Maybe Digit
maybeFromChar c with isDigit c | inspect isDigit c
... | true  | [ eq ] = just (digit c {is-digit {c} {subst IsTrue (sym eq) is-true}})
... | _     | _      = nothing

You can also use the dependent version of if_then_else_ a.k.a. the eliminator of Bool:

open import Function
open import Data.Maybe as Maybe

elimBool : ∀ {π} → (P : Bool → Set π) → P true → P false → ∀ b → P b
elimBool P t f true  = t
elimBool P t f false = f

maybeFromChar' : Char → Maybe Digit
maybeFromChar' c =
  Maybe.map (λ p -> digit c {is-digit {_} {p}}) $
    elimBool (Maybe ∘ IsTrue) (just is-true) nothing (isDigit c)
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