是否等效于.net serverCertificateValidationCallback
或openssl ssl_ctx_set_verify
在C ++/Win32中?我试图在通过Microsoft CNG或Crypto API验证服务器证书后拦截它,但是我似乎找不到任何提供相同功能(或接近).NET或OPENSSL的WIN32回调。
Is there an equivalent of .NET ServerCertificateValidationCallback
or OpenSSL SSL_CTX_set_verify
in C++/Win32? I'm trying to intercept a server certificate after it has been validated by either Microsoft CNG or Crypto API, however I cannot seem to find any Win32 callbacks that provide the same functionality (or close to) the .NET or OpenSSL ones.
According to MSDN there is IBackgroundCopyServerCertificateValidationCallback, however I cannot seem to find any examples of how to set it up.
Note that I'm trying to have a callback that provides any server certificate validated within a process, rather than a specific one for a specific connection.