)信任gc 和进行手动清理。从口头上讲,我信任GC,当加载项卸载良好时也可以这样做:
do {
while (Marshal.AreComObjectsAvailableForCleanup());
,那么显然有一个由 Marshal
我查看但似乎没有任何可用的东西。 Looking at the source这条路在此通话中死了:
internal static extern int InternalReleaseComObject(Object o);
I have an Excel add-in that needs a lot of long running references to Excel native objects. Every now and then when a user closes Excel it 'hangs' keeping an Excel process live in the background.
There's quite been some debate between trusting the GC and doing manual cleanup. Orignially I trusted the GC, also doing this when the add-in unloads for good measure:
do {
while (Marshal.AreComObjectsAvailableForCleanup());
but now the issue keeps popping up at random and I'm finding it hard to figure out what it could be. Also inserted Marshal.ReleaseComObject
everywhere but every now and then it still hangs.
So I was thinking, if I can ask Marshal.AreComObjectsAvailableForCleanup
then apparently there's a central list of RCW's being kept by Marshal
Is there a way to get to this list and display information about the native objects being held? That would be really helpful in finding the offender.
I looked over the public methods but there does not seem to be anything available. Looking at the source the trail goes dead at this call:
internal static extern int InternalReleaseComObject(Object o);
But maybe someone here knows a way to continue and list the objects?
Any other suggestions to get Excel to shut down properly also welcome of course.
I have followed Goverts suggestion to use the OnDisconnection (here using the Ribbon deriving from ExcelComAddIn which implents IDTExtensibility2) method (Functions.StatusCollection and DBModifDefColl are collections of dynamically allocated objects containing references to excel ranges, which are then explicitly released using Marshal.ReleaseComObject) :
I had a similar problem with Excel crashing after being closed and for me it was also related to COM Objects not being released properly on shutdown.
I have followed Goverts suggestion to use the OnDisconnection (here using the Ribbon deriving from ExcelComAddIn which implents IDTExtensibility2) method (Functions.StatusCollection and DBModifDefColl are collections of dynamically allocated objects containing references to excel ranges, which are then explicitly released using Marshal.ReleaseComObject):
Once this was implemented I had no more crashes on excel shutdown...