
发布于 2025-02-10 03:02:52 字数 1498 浏览 3 评论 0原文

我想在数学函数上使用numpy广播功能,该功能涉及线性代数(没有分母部分的双变量高斯分布)。 我代码的最小,可再现的示例是:


import numpy as np
def  gaussian(x):
    mu = np.array([[2],
    sigma = np.array([[10, 0],
                      [0, 10]])
    xm = x - mu
    result = np.exp((-1/2) * xm.T @ np.linalg.inv(sigma) @ xm)
    return result

该函数假设x是2x1数组。 我的目的是使用该函数生成一个2D数组,其中各个元素是该功能的产品。 我将此功能应用如下:

x, y = np.arange(5), np.arange(5)
xLen, yLen = len(x), len(y)
z = np.zeros((yLen, xLen))

for y_index in range(yLen):
        for x_index in range(xLen):
            element = np.array([[x[x_index]],
            result = gaussian(element)
            z[y_index][x_index] = result


X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing= 'xy')
element = np.array([[X],
Z = gaussian(element)

但是我遇到了此错误:valueerror:操作数无法与形状(2,1,5,5)(2,1,1)(2,1)(2,1) for Line xm = x -mu该功能的。我在一定程度上理解了这个错误。

此外,即使我解决了这个问题,我也会遇到另一个错误:value eRror:matmul:输入操作数1在其核心维度0中具有不匹配,带有gufunc签名(n?,k),(k,m?) - >(n?,m?)(尺寸5与2不同) result = np.exp(( - 1/2) * xm.t @ np @ np.linalg.inv( sigma) @ xm) fuction的行。再次,我明白为什么。 XM不再是2x1数组,并将其乘以Sigma(即2x2)是行不通的。


I would like to use numpy broadcasting feature on mathematical function which involves linear algebra (bivariate gaussian distribution without the denominator part).
The Minimal, Reproducible Example of my code is this:

I have the following function

import numpy as np
def  gaussian(x):
    mu = np.array([[2],
    sigma = np.array([[10, 0],
                      [0, 10]])
    xm = x - mu
    result = np.exp((-1/2) * xm.T @ np.linalg.inv(sigma) @ xm)
    return result

The function assumes that x is a 2x1 array.
My aim is to use the function to generate a 2D array where the individual elements are products of the function.
I apply this function as follows:

x, y = np.arange(5), np.arange(5)
xLen, yLen = len(x), len(y)
z = np.zeros((yLen, xLen))

for y_index in range(yLen):
        for x_index in range(xLen):
            element = np.array([[x[x_index]],
            result = gaussian(element)
            z[y_index][x_index] = result

This works but as you can see, I use two for loops for indexing. I am aware that this is bad practise and when working with bigger arrays it is terribly slow. I would like to solve this with numpy broadcasting feature. I attempted the following code:

X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing= 'xy')
element = np.array([[X],
Z = gaussian(element)

But I am getting this error: ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (2,1,5,5) (2,1) for line xm = x - mu of the function. I understand this error to a certain extent.

In addition, even if I solved this I would be getting another error: ValueError: matmul: Input operand 1 has a mismatch in its core dimension 0, with gufunc signature (n?,k),(k,m?)->(n?,m?) (size 5 is different from 2) for the result = np.exp((-1/2) * xm.T @ np.linalg.inv(sigma) @ xm) line of the fuction. Again, I understand why. xm would no longer be 2x1 array and multiplying it with sigma, which is 2x2, would not work.

Does anyone have a suggestion on how to modify my function so the broadcasting implementation works?

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九公里浅绿 2025-02-17 03:02:52


  • 我正在使用np.einsum用于矢量 - 矩阵向量乘法。可能会有更快的方法,但这可以很好地处理要播放的其他维度。
  • 根据我的经验,对于更大的阵列,使用具有3个以上维度的广播,情况可能不会比简单的嵌套环更快。我还没有挖掘过:也许计算是在错误的维度上完成的(列 - 与行问题),这会减慢速度。因此,也许通过调整或播放尺寸订单,可以加速


nx, ny = 5, 5
x, y = np.arange(nx), np.arange(ny)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing= 'xy')
element = np.array([[X],
# Stack X and Y into a nx x ny x 2 array
XY = np.dstack([X, Y])


def  gaussian(x):
    # Note that I have removed the extra dimension: 
    # mu is a simple array of shape (2,)
    # This is no problem, since we're using einsum
    # for the matrix multiplication
    mu = np.array([2, 2])
    sigma = np.array([[10, 0],
                      [0, 10]])
    # Broadcast xm to x's shape: (nx, ny, 2)
    xm = x - mu[..., :]
    invsigma = np.linalg.inv(sigma)
    # Compute the (double) matrix multiplication
    # Leave the first two dimension (ab) alone
    # The other dimensions will sum up to a single scalar
    # and thus only the ab dimensions are there in the output
    alpha = np.einsum('abi,abj,ji->ab', xm, xm, invsigma)
    result = np.exp((-1/2) * alpha)
    # The shape of result is (nx, ny)
    return result




The following may work.
Two things to note:

  • I'm using np.einsum for the vector-matrix-vector multiplication. There may be faster ways, but this can nicely handle the other dimensions that are to be broadcasted.
  • From my experience, for larger arrays, using broadcasting with 3+ dimensions, things may not be faster than a simple nested loop. I haven't dug into this: perhaps the calculations were done on the wrong dimension (the column- versus row-wise issue), which would slow things down. So perhaps by tweaking or playing around with the dimension order, things could be sped up

Setup code

nx, ny = 5, 5
x, y = np.arange(nx), np.arange(ny)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing= 'xy')
element = np.array([[X],
# Stack X and Y into a nx x ny x 2 array
XY = np.dstack([X, Y])

New function

def  gaussian(x):
    # Note that I have removed the extra dimension: 
    # mu is a simple array of shape (2,)
    # This is no problem, since we're using einsum
    # for the matrix multiplication
    mu = np.array([2, 2])
    sigma = np.array([[10, 0],
                      [0, 10]])
    # Broadcast xm to x's shape: (nx, ny, 2)
    xm = x - mu[..., :]
    invsigma = np.linalg.inv(sigma)
    # Compute the (double) matrix multiplication
    # Leave the first two dimension (ab) alone
    # The other dimensions will sum up to a single scalar
    # and thus only the ab dimensions are there in the output
    alpha = np.einsum('abi,abj,ji->ab', xm, xm, invsigma)
    result = np.exp((-1/2) * alpha)
    # The shape of result is (nx, ny)
    return result

And then call:


Obviously, please double check. I did one brief check, which seems to be correct, but transcription errors may e.g. have swapped dimensions.

一念一轮回 2025-02-17 03:02:52


In [83]: gaussian(np.ones((2,1)))
Out[83]: array([[0.90483742]])


In [84]: gaussian(np.ones((3,4,2,1)))
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [84], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 gaussian(np.ones((3,4,2,1)))

Input In [80], in gaussian(x)
      4 sigma = np.array([[10, 0],
      5                   [0, 10]])
      6 xm = x - mu
----> 7 result = np.exp((-1/2) * xm.T @ np.linalg.inv(sigma) @ xm)
      8 return result

ValueError: matmul: Input operand 1 has a mismatch in its core dimension 0, with gufunc signature (n?,k),(k,m?)->(n?,m?) (size 2 is different from 3)


该错误发生在( - 1/2) * xm.t @ np.linalg.inv(sigma)

np.linalg.inv(sigma) is(2,2) )


相反,如果数组为(3,4,1,2) @(2,2) @(3,4,2,1)结果应为(3,4,1,1)。


def  gaussian(x):
    mu = np.array([[2],
    sigma = np.array([[10, 0],
                      [0, 10]])
    xm = x - mu
    xmt =xm.swapaxes(-2,-1)
    result = np.exp((-1/2) * xmt @ np.linalg.inv(sigma) @ xm)
    return result


In [87]: gaussian(np.ones((3,4,2,1))).shape
Out[87]: (3, 4, 1, 1)

In [88]: gaussian(np.ones((2,1))).shape
Out[88]: (1, 1)

So a (2,1) input returns a (1,1) result:

In [83]: gaussian(np.ones((2,1)))
Out[83]: array([[0.90483742]])

Adding some leading dimensions:

In [84]: gaussian(np.ones((3,4,2,1)))
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [84], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 gaussian(np.ones((3,4,2,1)))

Input In [80], in gaussian(x)
      4 sigma = np.array([[10, 0],
      5                   [0, 10]])
      6 xm = x - mu
----> 7 result = np.exp((-1/2) * xm.T @ np.linalg.inv(sigma) @ xm)
      8 return result

ValueError: matmul: Input operand 1 has a mismatch in its core dimension 0, with gufunc signature (n?,k),(k,m?)->(n?,m?) (size 2 is different from 3)

x-mu works because (3,4,2,1) broadcasts with (2,1)

The error occurs in (-1/2) * xm.T @ np.linalg.inv(sigma)

np.linalg.inv(sigma) is (2,2)

xm is (3,4,2,1), so its transpose is (1,2,4,3).

If instead the arrays are (3,4,1,2) @ (2,2) @ (3,4,2,1) the result should be (3,4,1,1).

So let's refine the transpose:

def  gaussian(x):
    mu = np.array([[2],
    sigma = np.array([[10, 0],
                      [0, 10]])
    xm = x - mu
    xmt =xm.swapaxes(-2,-1)
    result = np.exp((-1/2) * xmt @ np.linalg.inv(sigma) @ xm)
    return result

Now it works for both the original (2,1), and any other (n,m,2,1) shape:

In [87]: gaussian(np.ones((3,4,2,1))).shape
Out[87]: (3, 4, 1, 1)

In [88]: gaussian(np.ones((2,1))).shape
Out[88]: (1, 1)
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