自动化儿童任务 - 协助
include_once INCLUDE_DIR.'class.role.php';
class TaskModel extends VerySimpleModel {
static $meta = array(
'table' => TASK_TABLE,
'pk' => array('id'),
'joins' => array(
'dept' => array(
'constraint' => array('dept_id' => 'Dept.id'),
'lock' => array(
'constraint' => array('lock_id' => 'Lock.lock_id'),
'null' => true,
'staff' => array(
'constraint' => array('staff_id' => 'Staff.staff_id'),
'null' => true,
'team' => array(
'constraint' => array('team_id' => 'Team.team_id'),
'null' => true,
'thread' => array(
'constraint' => array(
'id' => 'TaskThread.object_id',
"'A'" => 'TaskThread.object_type',
'list' => false,
'null' => false,
'cdata' => array(
'constraint' => array('id' => 'TaskCData.task_id'),
"class.task.php" 1826 lines, 57620 characters
编辑 设法找到了此PHP文件,靠近底部,它提到了有关“创建任务”的内容,我猜这是我可以设置自动化功能的地方吗?
Actions for thread entries. This serves as a simple repository for
drop-down actions which can be triggered on the ticket-view page for an
object's thread.
Jared Hancock <[email protected]>
Peter Rotich <[email protected]>
Copyright (c) 2006-2014 osTicket
Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
See LICENSE.TXT for details.
vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
class TEA_ShowEmailRecipients extends ThreadEntryAction {
static $id = 'emailrecipients';
static $name = /* trans */ 'View Email Recipients';
static $icon = 'group';
function isVisible() {
global $thisstaff;
if ($this->entry->getEmailHeader())
return ($thisstaff && $this->entry->getEmailHeader());
elseif ($this->entry->recipients)
return $this->entry->recipients;
function getJsStub() {
return sprintf("$.dialog('%s');",
function trigger() {
case 'GET' && $this->entry->recipients:
return $this->getRecipients();
case 'GET':
return $this->trigger__get();
private function trigger__get() {
$hdr = Mail_parse::splitHeaders(
$this->entry->getEmailHeader(), true);
$recipients = array();
foreach (array('To', 'TO', 'Cc', 'CC') as $k) {
if (isset($hdr[$k]) && $hdr[$k] &&
($addresses=Mail_Parse::parseAddressList($hdr[$k]))) {
foreach ($addresses as $addr) {
$email = sprintf('%s@%s', $addr->mailbox, $addr->host);
$name = $addr->personal ?: '';
$recipients[$k][] = sprintf('%s<%s>',
(($name && strcasecmp($name, $email))? "$name ": ''),
include STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/thread-email-recipients.tmpl.php';
private function getRecipients() {
$recipients = json_decode($this->entry->recipients, true);
include STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/thread-email-recipients.tmpl.php';
ThreadEntry::registerAction(/* trans */ 'E-Mail', 'TEA_ShowEmailRecipients');
class TEA_ShowEmailHeaders extends ThreadEntryAction {
static $id = 'view_headers';
static $name = /* trans */ 'View Email Headers';
static $icon = 'envelope';
function isVisible() {
global $thisstaff;
if (!$this->entry->getEmailHeader())
return false;
return $thisstaff && $thisstaff->isAdmin();
function getJsStub() {
return sprintf("$.dialog('%s');",
function trigger() {
case 'GET':
return $this->trigger__get();
private function trigger__get() {
$headers = $this->entry->getEmailHeader();
include STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/thread-email-headers.tmpl.php';
ThreadEntry::registerAction(/* trans */ 'E-Mail', 'TEA_ShowEmailHeaders');
class TEA_EditThreadEntry extends ThreadEntryAction {
static $id = 'edit';
static $name = /* trans */ 'Edit';
static $icon = 'pencil';
function isVisible() {
// Can't edit system posts
return ($this->entry->staff_id || $this->entry->user_id)
&& $this->entry->type != 'R' && $this->isEnabled();
function isEnabled() {
global $thisstaff;
$T = $this->entry->getThread()->getObject();
// You can edit your own posts or posts by your department members
// if your a manager, or everyone's if your an admin
return $thisstaff && (
$thisstaff->getId() == $this->entry->staff_id
|| ($T instanceof Ticket
&& $T->getDept()->getManagerId() == $thisstaff->getId()
|| ($T instanceof Ticket
&& ($role = $thisstaff->getRole($T->getDeptId(), $T->isAssigned($thisstaff)))
&& $role->hasPerm(ThreadEntry::PERM_EDIT)
|| ($T instanceof Task
&& $T->getDept()->getManagerId() == $thisstaff->getId()
|| ($T instanceof Task
&& ($role = $thisstaff->getRole($T->getDeptId(), $T->isAssigned($thisstaff)))
&& $role->hasPerm(ThreadEntry::PERM_EDIT)
function getJsStub() {
return sprintf(<<<JS
var url = '%s';
$.dialog(url, [201], function(xhr, resp) {
var json = JSON.parse(resp);
if (!json || !json.thread_id)
.attr('id', 'thread-entry-' + json.new_id)
}, {size:'large'});
, $this->getAjaxUrl());
function trigger() {
case 'GET':
return $this->trigger__get();
case 'POST':
return $this->trigger__post();
protected function trigger__get() {
global $cfg, $thisstaff;
$poster = $this->entry->getStaff();
include STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/thread-entry-edit.tmpl.php';
function updateEntry($guard=false) {
global $thisstaff;
$old = $this->entry;
$new = ThreadEntryBody::fromFormattedText($_POST['body'], $old->format);
if ($new->getClean() == $old->getBody())
// No update was performed
return $old;
$entry = ThreadEntry::create(array(
// Copy most information from the old entry
'poster' => $old->poster,
'userId' => $old->user_id,
'staffId' => $old->staff_id,
'type' => $old->type,
'threadId' => $old->thread_id,
'recipients' => $old->recipients,
// Connect the new entry to be a child of the previous
'pid' => $old->id,
// Add in new stuff
'title' => Format::htmlchars($_POST['title']),
'body' => $new,
'ip_address' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],
if (!$entry)
return false;
// Move the attachments to the new entry
'inline' => false,
'object_id' => $entry->id
// Note, anything that points to the $old entry as PID should remain
// that way for email header lookups and such to remain consistent
if ($old->flags & ThreadEntry::FLAG_EDITED
// If editing another person's edit, make a new entry
and ($old->editor == $thisstaff->getId() && $old->editor_type == 'S')
and !($old->flags & ThreadEntry::FLAG_GUARDED)
) {
// Replace previous edit --------------------------
$original = $old->getParent();
// Link the new entry to the old id
$entry->pid = $old->pid;
// Drop the previous edit, and base this edit off the original
$old = $original;
// Mark the new entry as edited (but not hidden nor guarded)
$entry->flags = ($old->flags & ~(ThreadEntry::FLAG_HIDDEN | ThreadEntry::FLAG_GUARDED))
| ThreadEntry::FLAG_EDITED;
// Guard against deletes on future edit if requested. This is done
// if an email was triggered by the last edit. In such a case, it
// should not be replaced by a subsequent edit.
if ($guard)
$entry->flags |= ThreadEntry::FLAG_GUARDED;
// Log the editor
$entry->editor = $thisstaff->getId();
$entry->editor_type = 'S';
// Sort in the same place in the thread
$entry->created = $old->created;
$entry->updated = SqlFunction::NOW();
// Hide the old entry from the object thread
$old->flags |= ThreadEntry::FLAG_HIDDEN;
return $entry;
protected function trigger__post() {
global $thisstaff;
if (!($entry = $this->updateEntry()))
return $this->trigger__get();
include STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/thread-entry.tmpl.php';
$content = ob_get_clean();
Http::response('201', JsonDataEncoder::encode(array(
'thread_id' => $this->entry->id, # This is the old id!
'new_id' => $entry->id,
'entry' => $content,
ThreadEntry::registerAction(/* trans */ 'Manage', 'TEA_EditThreadEntry');
class TEA_OrigThreadEntry extends ThreadEntryAction {
static $id = 'previous';
static $name = /* trans */ 'View History';
static $icon = 'copy';
function isVisible() {
// Can't edit system posts
return $this->entry->flags & ThreadEntry::FLAG_EDITED;
function getJsStub() {
return sprintf("$.dialog('%s');",
function trigger() {
case 'GET':
return $this->trigger__get();
private function trigger__get() {
global $thisstaff;
if (!$this->entry->getParent())
Http::response(404, 'No history for this entry');
$entry = $this->entry;
include STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/thread-entry-view.tmpl.php';
ThreadEntry::registerAction(/* trans */ 'Manage', 'TEA_OrigThreadEntry');
class TEA_EditAndResendThreadEntry extends TEA_EditThreadEntry {
static $id = 'edit_resend';
static $name = /* trans */ 'Edit and Resend';
static $icon = 'reply-all';
function isVisible() {
// Can only resend replies
return $this->entry->staff_id && $this->entry->type == 'R'
&& $this->isEnabled();
protected function trigger__post() {
$resend = @$_POST['commit'] == 'resend';
if (!($entry = $this->updateEntry($resend)))
return $this->trigger__get();
if ($resend)
include STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/thread-entry.tmpl.php';
$content = ob_get_clean();
Http::response('201', JsonDataEncoder::encode(array(
'thread_id' => $this->entry->id, # This is the old id!
'new_id' => $entry->id,
'entry' => $content,
function resend($response) {
global $cfg, $thisstaff;
if (!($object = $response->getThread()->getObject()))
return false;
$vars = $_POST;
$dept = $object->getDept();
$poster = $response->getStaff();
if ($thisstaff && $vars['signature'] == 'mine')
$signature = $thisstaff->getSignature();
elseif ($poster && $vars['signature'] == 'theirs')
$signature = $poster->getSignature();
elseif ($vars['signature'] == 'dept' && $dept && $dept->isPublic())
$signature = $dept->getSignature();
$signature = '';
$variables = array(
'response' => $response,
'signature' => $signature,
'staff' => $response->getStaff(),
'poster' => $response->getStaff());
$options = array('thread' => $response);
// Resend response to collabs
if (($object instanceof Ticket)
&& ($email=$dept->getEmail())
&& ($tpl = $dept->getTemplate())
&& ($msg=$tpl->getReplyMsgTemplate())) {
$recipients = json_decode($response->recipients, true);
$msg = $object->replaceVars($msg->asArray(),
$variables + array('recipient' => $object->getOwner()));
$attachments = $cfg->emailAttachments()
? $response->getAttachments() : array();
$email->send($object->getOwner(), $msg['subj'], $msg['body'],
$attachments, $options, $recipients);
// TODO: Add an option to the dialog
if ($object instanceof Task)
$object->notifyCollaborators($response, array('signature' => $signature));
// Log an event that the item was resent
$object->logEvent('resent', array('entry' => $response->id));
$type = array('type' => 'resent');
Signal::send('object.edited', $object, $type);
// Flag the entry as resent
$response->flags |= ThreadEntry::FLAG_RESENT;
ThreadEntry::registerAction(/* trans */ 'Manage', 'TEA_EditAndResendThreadEntry');
class TEA_ResendThreadEntry extends TEA_EditAndResendThreadEntry {
static $id = 'resend';
static $name = /* trans */ 'Resend';
static $icon = 'reply-all';
function isVisible() {
// Can only resend replies
return $this->entry->staff_id && $this->entry->type == 'R'
&& !parent::isEnabled();
function isEnabled() {
return true;
protected function trigger__get() {
global $cfg, $thisstaff;
$poster = $this->entry->getStaff();
include STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/thread-entry-resend.tmpl.php';
protected function trigger__post() {
$resend = @$_POST['commit'] == 'resend';
if (@$_POST['commit'] == 'resend')
Http::response('201', 'Okee dokey');
ThreadEntry::registerAction(/* trans */ 'Manage', 'TEA_ResendThreadEntry');
/* Create a new ticket from thread entry as description */
class TEA_CreateTicket extends ThreadEntryAction {
static $id = 'create_ticket';
static $name = /* trans */ 'Create Ticket';
static $icon = 'plus';
function isVisible() {
global $thisstaff;
return $thisstaff && $thisstaff->hasPerm(Ticket::PERM_CREATE, false);
function getJsStub() {
return sprintf(<<<JS
window.location.href = '%s';
, $this->getCreateTicketUrl()
function trigger() {
case 'GET':
return $this->trigger__get();
private function trigger__get() {
private function getCreateTicketUrl() {
return sprintf('tickets.php?a=open&tid=%d', $this->entry->getId());
ThreadEntry::registerAction(/* trans */ 'Manage', 'TEA_CreateTicket');
class TEA_CreateTask extends ThreadEntryAction {
static $id = 'create_task';
static $name = /* trans */ 'Create Task';
static $icon = 'plus';
function isVisible() {
global $thisstaff;
return $thisstaff && $thisstaff->hasPerm(Task::PERM_CREATE, false);
function getJsStub() {
return sprintf(<<<JS
var url = '%s';
var redirect = $(this).data('redirect');
$.dialog(url, [201], function(xhr, resp) {
if (!!redirect)
$.pjax({url: redirect, container: '#pjax-container'});
$.pjax({url: '%s.php?id=%d#tasks', container: '#pjax-container'});
, $this->getAjaxUrl(),
$this->entry->getThread()->getObjectType() == 'T' ? 'tickets' : 'tasks',
function trigger() {
case 'GET':
return $this->trigger__get();
case 'POST':
return $this->trigger__post();
private function trigger__get() {
$vars = array(
'description' => Format::htmlchars($this->entry->getBody()));
if ($_SESSION[':form-data'])
$_SESSION[':form-data']['tid'] = $this->entry->getThread()->getObJectId();
$_SESSION[':form-data']['eid'] = $this->entry->getId();
$_SESSION[':form-data']['timestamp'] = $this->entry->getCreateDate();
$_SESSION[':form-data']['type'] = $this->entry->getThread()->object_type;
if (($f= TaskForm::getInstance()->getField('description'))) {
$k = 'attach:'.$f->getId();
foreach ($this->entry->getAttachments() as $a)
if (!$a->inline && $a->file) {
$_SESSION[':form-data'][$k][$a->file->getId()] = $a->getFilename();
$_SESSION[':uploadedFiles'][$a->file->getId()] = $a->getFilename();
if ($this->entry->getThread()->getObjectType() == 'T')
return $this->getTicketsAPI()->addTask($this->getObjectId(), $vars);
return $this->getTasksAPI()->add($this->getObjectId(), $vars);
private function trigger__post() {
if ($this->entry->getThread()->getObjectType() == 'T')
return $this->getTicketsAPI()->addTask($this->getObjectId());
return $this->getTasksAPI()->add($this->getObjectId());
ThreadEntry::registerAction(/* trans */ 'Manage', 'TEA_CreateTask');
so I set up a ticketing system called osticket for our users, unfortunately they do not have an automated workflow feature. Basically what I would like for the ticketing system to do is create an automated child task from a parent ticket. So if someone puts in a software request, then a parent request is created for support team and an approval child task is automatically created and assigned to management. I have no idea where to begin since I do not have a thorough programming background. If someone can point me to the direction of where I can find information about something similar or just provide a guide, that would be great!
Below is the current configured task.php file
include_once INCLUDE_DIR.'class.role.php';
class TaskModel extends VerySimpleModel {
static $meta = array(
'table' => TASK_TABLE,
'pk' => array('id'),
'joins' => array(
'dept' => array(
'constraint' => array('dept_id' => 'Dept.id'),
'lock' => array(
'constraint' => array('lock_id' => 'Lock.lock_id'),
'null' => true,
'staff' => array(
'constraint' => array('staff_id' => 'Staff.staff_id'),
'null' => true,
'team' => array(
'constraint' => array('team_id' => 'Team.team_id'),
'null' => true,
'thread' => array(
'constraint' => array(
'id' => 'TaskThread.object_id',
"'A'" => 'TaskThread.object_type',
'list' => false,
'null' => false,
'cdata' => array(
'constraint' => array('id' => 'TaskCData.task_id'),
"class.task.php" 1826 lines, 57620 characters
If I can provide any additional information, then please let me know.
Managed to find this php file, towards the bottom it mentions something about "Create Task", I'm guessing this is where I'll have the ability to set up an automated feature?
Actions for thread entries. This serves as a simple repository for
drop-down actions which can be triggered on the ticket-view page for an
object's thread.
Jared Hancock <[email protected]>
Peter Rotich <[email protected]>
Copyright (c) 2006-2014 osTicket
Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
See LICENSE.TXT for details.
vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
class TEA_ShowEmailRecipients extends ThreadEntryAction {
static $id = 'emailrecipients';
static $name = /* trans */ 'View Email Recipients';
static $icon = 'group';
function isVisible() {
global $thisstaff;
if ($this->entry->getEmailHeader())
return ($thisstaff && $this->entry->getEmailHeader());
elseif ($this->entry->recipients)
return $this->entry->recipients;
function getJsStub() {
return sprintf("$.dialog('%s');",
function trigger() {
case 'GET' && $this->entry->recipients:
return $this->getRecipients();
case 'GET':
return $this->trigger__get();
private function trigger__get() {
$hdr = Mail_parse::splitHeaders(
$this->entry->getEmailHeader(), true);
$recipients = array();
foreach (array('To', 'TO', 'Cc', 'CC') as $k) {
if (isset($hdr[$k]) && $hdr[$k] &&
($addresses=Mail_Parse::parseAddressList($hdr[$k]))) {
foreach ($addresses as $addr) {
$email = sprintf('%s@%s', $addr->mailbox, $addr->host);
$name = $addr->personal ?: '';
$recipients[$k][] = sprintf('%s<%s>',
(($name && strcasecmp($name, $email))? "$name ": ''),
include STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/thread-email-recipients.tmpl.php';
private function getRecipients() {
$recipients = json_decode($this->entry->recipients, true);
include STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/thread-email-recipients.tmpl.php';
ThreadEntry::registerAction(/* trans */ 'E-Mail', 'TEA_ShowEmailRecipients');
class TEA_ShowEmailHeaders extends ThreadEntryAction {
static $id = 'view_headers';
static $name = /* trans */ 'View Email Headers';
static $icon = 'envelope';
function isVisible() {
global $thisstaff;
if (!$this->entry->getEmailHeader())
return false;
return $thisstaff && $thisstaff->isAdmin();
function getJsStub() {
return sprintf("$.dialog('%s');",
function trigger() {
case 'GET':
return $this->trigger__get();
private function trigger__get() {
$headers = $this->entry->getEmailHeader();
include STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/thread-email-headers.tmpl.php';
ThreadEntry::registerAction(/* trans */ 'E-Mail', 'TEA_ShowEmailHeaders');
class TEA_EditThreadEntry extends ThreadEntryAction {
static $id = 'edit';
static $name = /* trans */ 'Edit';
static $icon = 'pencil';
function isVisible() {
// Can't edit system posts
return ($this->entry->staff_id || $this->entry->user_id)
&& $this->entry->type != 'R' && $this->isEnabled();
function isEnabled() {
global $thisstaff;
$T = $this->entry->getThread()->getObject();
// You can edit your own posts or posts by your department members
// if your a manager, or everyone's if your an admin
return $thisstaff && (
$thisstaff->getId() == $this->entry->staff_id
|| ($T instanceof Ticket
&& $T->getDept()->getManagerId() == $thisstaff->getId()
|| ($T instanceof Ticket
&& ($role = $thisstaff->getRole($T->getDeptId(), $T->isAssigned($thisstaff)))
&& $role->hasPerm(ThreadEntry::PERM_EDIT)
|| ($T instanceof Task
&& $T->getDept()->getManagerId() == $thisstaff->getId()
|| ($T instanceof Task
&& ($role = $thisstaff->getRole($T->getDeptId(), $T->isAssigned($thisstaff)))
&& $role->hasPerm(ThreadEntry::PERM_EDIT)
function getJsStub() {
return sprintf(<<<JS
var url = '%s';
$.dialog(url, [201], function(xhr, resp) {
var json = JSON.parse(resp);
if (!json || !json.thread_id)
.attr('id', 'thread-entry-' + json.new_id)
}, {size:'large'});
, $this->getAjaxUrl());
function trigger() {
case 'GET':
return $this->trigger__get();
case 'POST':
return $this->trigger__post();
protected function trigger__get() {
global $cfg, $thisstaff;
$poster = $this->entry->getStaff();
include STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/thread-entry-edit.tmpl.php';
function updateEntry($guard=false) {
global $thisstaff;
$old = $this->entry;
$new = ThreadEntryBody::fromFormattedText($_POST['body'], $old->format);
if ($new->getClean() == $old->getBody())
// No update was performed
return $old;
$entry = ThreadEntry::create(array(
// Copy most information from the old entry
'poster' => $old->poster,
'userId' => $old->user_id,
'staffId' => $old->staff_id,
'type' => $old->type,
'threadId' => $old->thread_id,
'recipients' => $old->recipients,
// Connect the new entry to be a child of the previous
'pid' => $old->id,
// Add in new stuff
'title' => Format::htmlchars($_POST['title']),
'body' => $new,
'ip_address' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],
if (!$entry)
return false;
// Move the attachments to the new entry
'inline' => false,
'object_id' => $entry->id
// Note, anything that points to the $old entry as PID should remain
// that way for email header lookups and such to remain consistent
if ($old->flags & ThreadEntry::FLAG_EDITED
// If editing another person's edit, make a new entry
and ($old->editor == $thisstaff->getId() && $old->editor_type == 'S')
and !($old->flags & ThreadEntry::FLAG_GUARDED)
) {
// Replace previous edit --------------------------
$original = $old->getParent();
// Link the new entry to the old id
$entry->pid = $old->pid;
// Drop the previous edit, and base this edit off the original
$old = $original;
// Mark the new entry as edited (but not hidden nor guarded)
$entry->flags = ($old->flags & ~(ThreadEntry::FLAG_HIDDEN | ThreadEntry::FLAG_GUARDED))
| ThreadEntry::FLAG_EDITED;
// Guard against deletes on future edit if requested. This is done
// if an email was triggered by the last edit. In such a case, it
// should not be replaced by a subsequent edit.
if ($guard)
$entry->flags |= ThreadEntry::FLAG_GUARDED;
// Log the editor
$entry->editor = $thisstaff->getId();
$entry->editor_type = 'S';
// Sort in the same place in the thread
$entry->created = $old->created;
$entry->updated = SqlFunction::NOW();
// Hide the old entry from the object thread
$old->flags |= ThreadEntry::FLAG_HIDDEN;
return $entry;
protected function trigger__post() {
global $thisstaff;
if (!($entry = $this->updateEntry()))
return $this->trigger__get();
include STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/thread-entry.tmpl.php';
$content = ob_get_clean();
Http::response('201', JsonDataEncoder::encode(array(
'thread_id' => $this->entry->id, # This is the old id!
'new_id' => $entry->id,
'entry' => $content,
ThreadEntry::registerAction(/* trans */ 'Manage', 'TEA_EditThreadEntry');
class TEA_OrigThreadEntry extends ThreadEntryAction {
static $id = 'previous';
static $name = /* trans */ 'View History';
static $icon = 'copy';
function isVisible() {
// Can't edit system posts
return $this->entry->flags & ThreadEntry::FLAG_EDITED;
function getJsStub() {
return sprintf("$.dialog('%s');",
function trigger() {
case 'GET':
return $this->trigger__get();
private function trigger__get() {
global $thisstaff;
if (!$this->entry->getParent())
Http::response(404, 'No history for this entry');
$entry = $this->entry;
include STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/thread-entry-view.tmpl.php';
ThreadEntry::registerAction(/* trans */ 'Manage', 'TEA_OrigThreadEntry');
class TEA_EditAndResendThreadEntry extends TEA_EditThreadEntry {
static $id = 'edit_resend';
static $name = /* trans */ 'Edit and Resend';
static $icon = 'reply-all';
function isVisible() {
// Can only resend replies
return $this->entry->staff_id && $this->entry->type == 'R'
&& $this->isEnabled();
protected function trigger__post() {
$resend = @$_POST['commit'] == 'resend';
if (!($entry = $this->updateEntry($resend)))
return $this->trigger__get();
if ($resend)
include STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/thread-entry.tmpl.php';
$content = ob_get_clean();
Http::response('201', JsonDataEncoder::encode(array(
'thread_id' => $this->entry->id, # This is the old id!
'new_id' => $entry->id,
'entry' => $content,
function resend($response) {
global $cfg, $thisstaff;
if (!($object = $response->getThread()->getObject()))
return false;
$vars = $_POST;
$dept = $object->getDept();
$poster = $response->getStaff();
if ($thisstaff && $vars['signature'] == 'mine')
$signature = $thisstaff->getSignature();
elseif ($poster && $vars['signature'] == 'theirs')
$signature = $poster->getSignature();
elseif ($vars['signature'] == 'dept' && $dept && $dept->isPublic())
$signature = $dept->getSignature();
$signature = '';
$variables = array(
'response' => $response,
'signature' => $signature,
'staff' => $response->getStaff(),
'poster' => $response->getStaff());
$options = array('thread' => $response);
// Resend response to collabs
if (($object instanceof Ticket)
&& ($email=$dept->getEmail())
&& ($tpl = $dept->getTemplate())
&& ($msg=$tpl->getReplyMsgTemplate())) {
$recipients = json_decode($response->recipients, true);
$msg = $object->replaceVars($msg->asArray(),
$variables + array('recipient' => $object->getOwner()));
$attachments = $cfg->emailAttachments()
? $response->getAttachments() : array();
$email->send($object->getOwner(), $msg['subj'], $msg['body'],
$attachments, $options, $recipients);
// TODO: Add an option to the dialog
if ($object instanceof Task)
$object->notifyCollaborators($response, array('signature' => $signature));
// Log an event that the item was resent
$object->logEvent('resent', array('entry' => $response->id));
$type = array('type' => 'resent');
Signal::send('object.edited', $object, $type);
// Flag the entry as resent
$response->flags |= ThreadEntry::FLAG_RESENT;
ThreadEntry::registerAction(/* trans */ 'Manage', 'TEA_EditAndResendThreadEntry');
class TEA_ResendThreadEntry extends TEA_EditAndResendThreadEntry {
static $id = 'resend';
static $name = /* trans */ 'Resend';
static $icon = 'reply-all';
function isVisible() {
// Can only resend replies
return $this->entry->staff_id && $this->entry->type == 'R'
&& !parent::isEnabled();
function isEnabled() {
return true;
protected function trigger__get() {
global $cfg, $thisstaff;
$poster = $this->entry->getStaff();
include STAFFINC_DIR . 'templates/thread-entry-resend.tmpl.php';
protected function trigger__post() {
$resend = @$_POST['commit'] == 'resend';
if (@$_POST['commit'] == 'resend')
Http::response('201', 'Okee dokey');
ThreadEntry::registerAction(/* trans */ 'Manage', 'TEA_ResendThreadEntry');
/* Create a new ticket from thread entry as description */
class TEA_CreateTicket extends ThreadEntryAction {
static $id = 'create_ticket';
static $name = /* trans */ 'Create Ticket';
static $icon = 'plus';
function isVisible() {
global $thisstaff;
return $thisstaff && $thisstaff->hasPerm(Ticket::PERM_CREATE, false);
function getJsStub() {
return sprintf(<<<JS
window.location.href = '%s';
, $this->getCreateTicketUrl()
function trigger() {
case 'GET':
return $this->trigger__get();
private function trigger__get() {
private function getCreateTicketUrl() {
return sprintf('tickets.php?a=open&tid=%d', $this->entry->getId());
ThreadEntry::registerAction(/* trans */ 'Manage', 'TEA_CreateTicket');
class TEA_CreateTask extends ThreadEntryAction {
static $id = 'create_task';
static $name = /* trans */ 'Create Task';
static $icon = 'plus';
function isVisible() {
global $thisstaff;
return $thisstaff && $thisstaff->hasPerm(Task::PERM_CREATE, false);
function getJsStub() {
return sprintf(<<<JS
var url = '%s';
var redirect = $(this).data('redirect');
$.dialog(url, [201], function(xhr, resp) {
if (!!redirect)
$.pjax({url: redirect, container: '#pjax-container'});
$.pjax({url: '%s.php?id=%d#tasks', container: '#pjax-container'});
, $this->getAjaxUrl(),
$this->entry->getThread()->getObjectType() == 'T' ? 'tickets' : 'tasks',
function trigger() {
case 'GET':
return $this->trigger__get();
case 'POST':
return $this->trigger__post();
private function trigger__get() {
$vars = array(
'description' => Format::htmlchars($this->entry->getBody()));
if ($_SESSION[':form-data'])
$_SESSION[':form-data']['tid'] = $this->entry->getThread()->getObJectId();
$_SESSION[':form-data']['eid'] = $this->entry->getId();
$_SESSION[':form-data']['timestamp'] = $this->entry->getCreateDate();
$_SESSION[':form-data']['type'] = $this->entry->getThread()->object_type;
if (($f= TaskForm::getInstance()->getField('description'))) {
$k = 'attach:'.$f->getId();
foreach ($this->entry->getAttachments() as $a)
if (!$a->inline && $a->file) {
$_SESSION[':form-data'][$k][$a->file->getId()] = $a->getFilename();
$_SESSION[':uploadedFiles'][$a->file->getId()] = $a->getFilename();
if ($this->entry->getThread()->getObjectType() == 'T')
return $this->getTicketsAPI()->addTask($this->getObjectId(), $vars);
return $this->getTasksAPI()->add($this->getObjectId(), $vars);
private function trigger__post() {
if ($this->entry->getThread()->getObjectType() == 'T')
return $this->getTicketsAPI()->addTask($this->getObjectId());
return $this->getTasksAPI()->add($this->getObjectId());
ThreadEntry::registerAction(/* trans */ 'Manage', 'TEA_CreateTask');
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