SQL Server中有一个表格与Colation SQL_LATIN1_GENERAR_CP1_CS_AS。 该表具有一个列VARCHAR(35),并具有相同的平面sql_latin1_general_cp1_cs_as。
该列包含一个带有字符 8F (十六进制)的字符串。
参见 https://wwwww.fileformat.info/info/info/info/info/info/char chary/char of Char /008f/index.htm 根据此页面,此字符转换为UTF8应成为 c28f 。
当我从Java中的此列中读取该值并将其转换为UTF-8时,8F被替换为 efbfbd 。因此,8F丢失了...一种。 See https://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char /0fffd/index.htm
public static String convertStrToHex(String str) {
byte[] getBytesFromString = str.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(1, getBytesFromString);
String convertedResult = String.format("%X", bigInteger);
return convertedResult;
select BadCol from MyTbl
当我声明字符串变量“ \ u008f”并在UTF-8中转换时:
String code="\u008f";
使用SQL Server 2017和2019以及JDBC:MSSQL和JTD进行了测试,结果相同。
感谢任何帮助! 据我了解,JDBC驾驶员应归咎于。但为什么??
There is a table in SQL Server with collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS.
The table has a column varchar(35) with the same collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS.
The column contains a string with the character 8f (hexadecimal).
See https://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/008f/index.htm
According to this page, this character converted into UTF8 should become c28f.
When I read the value from this column in Java and convert it to UTF-8, the 8f is replaced with efbfbd. So the 8f get's lost... a kind of.
See https://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/0fffd/index.htm
public static String convertStrToHex(String str) {
byte[] getBytesFromString = str.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(1, getBytesFromString);
String convertedResult = String.format("%X", bigInteger);
return convertedResult;
When I query the table
select BadCol from MyTbl
I get EFBFBD and not C28F.
When I declare a string variable "\u008f" and convert it in UTF-8:
String code="\u008f";
I get correctly C28F.
So, why is a variable gets converted correctly, but over JDBC->RecordSet wrongly?
Tested with SQL Server 2017 and 2019 and JDBC: mssql and jTDS with the same result.
I would appreciate any help!
As I understand, the JDBC driver is to blame. But why??
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替换字符具有UNICODE代码点u+fffd。在UTF-8中编码,它变为EF BF BD。
The character with the hexadecimal code 8f does not exist in Latin-1. It's an invalid character.
Thus, when converting to UTF-8, it is replaced with the replacement character �.
The replacement character has the Unicode code point U+FFFD. Encoded in UTF-8, it becomes EF BF BD.
您是正确的,8F不是有效的UTF-8字节。 8F也不是有效的Latin1字符。
8F是某些Windows Charset中的有效字符,它们是ISO 8859- n charsets的超集。您的VARCHAR值可能是Windows-1250,Windows-1251,Windows-1256或Windows-1257值。您将必须根据用户的语言或不理想的是软件的默认语言做出假设。
如果可能的话,将您的JDBC连接设置为使用其中一种charset。 完成操作将取决于您正在使用的数据库。
(确切地 那就在阅读数据库中的值时自己进行转换。替换以下:
Windows-1250适用于中欧和东欧。 wikipedia> wikipedia说可以用于波兰语,捷克,捷克,斯洛伐克,斯洛伐克,斯洛伐克,斯洛伐克,斯洛维尼,serbo,serbo,serbo - 表面,罗马尼亚语,阿尔巴尼亚语和德语文字。
Windows-1251用于西里尔语言。 Wikipedia说可以用于俄罗斯,乌克兰人和白俄罗斯人等。
windows-1256 适用于阿拉伯语。
windows-1257 适用于爱沙尼亚,拉脱维安和立陶宛人。
You are correct that 8f is not a valid UTF-8 byte. 8f also is not a valid Latin1 character.
8f is a valid character in some Windows charsets, which are supersets of ISO 8859-n charsets. Your varchar value is probably a Windows-1250, Windows-1251, Windows-1256, or Windows-1257 value. You will have to make an assumption based on the language of your users or, less ideally, the default language of your software.
If possible, set your JDBC connection to use one of those charsets. (Exactly how that is done will depend on which database you are using. For instance, I believe MySQL allows
as a query parameter in a JDBC URL.)If you can’t do that, do the conversion yourself when reading the value from the database. Replace this:
with one of these:
Windows-1250 is for central and eastern Europe. Wikipedia says it can be used for Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hugarian, Slovene, Serbo-Creatian, Romanian, Albanian, and German text.
Windows-1251 is for Cyrillic languages. Wikipedia says is can be used for Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian, among others.
Windows-1256 is for Arabic languages.
Windows-1257 is for Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian.