Theorem largest_el_in_list (s: seq rat) x : x \in s -> exists y, y \in s /\ forall z, z \in s -> y >= z.
我的想法是通过归纳对S进行归纳,然后破坏X。在第一种情况下,最大的元素是列表中唯一的元素。但是,在第二种情况下,我感到非常困惑。我应该使用归纳假设吗?我的想法是,我们可以通过存在Max A A1
编辑: 这是到目前为止的证明,下面有当前的证明状态:
Theorem largest_el_in_list (s: seq rat) x : x \in s -> exists y, y \in s /\ forall z, z \in s -> y >= z.
elim/last_ind : s => //= s x0 IH x_in_rcons.
case : s IH x_in_rcons.
move => _ x_in_sx0.
exists x0. split.
rewrite in_cons. apply/orP. left. by apply/eqP.
rewrite in_cons in x_in_sx0. case/orP : x_in_sx0 => //= xeqx0 z z_in_sx0.
rewrite in_cons in z_in_sx0. case/orP : z_in_sx0 => //= zeqx0. case/eqP : zeqx0 => zeqx0.
by rewrite zeqx0.
move => a l IH x_in_rcons.
exists (maxr x0 a). split.
have [agex0 | x0gta] := (lerP x0 a).
by rewrite mem_head.
rewrite rcons_cons in_cons. apply/orP. right. by rewrite in_rcons.
move => z z_in_rcons.
x: rat_eqType
x0, a: rat
l: seq rat
IH: x \in a :: l ->
exists y : rat, y \in a :: l /\ (forall z : rat, z \in a :: l -> z <= y)
x_in_rcons: x \in rcons (a :: l) x0
z: rat
z_in_rcons: z \in rcons (a :: l) x0
z <= maxr x0 a
From finprob Require Import prob.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra seq.
From extructures Require Import ord fset fmap ffun.
Import Num.Theory.
Import GRing.
Import Bool.
Import Num.Def.
您可以在此处找到挤压 and Finprob在这里
Theorem largest_el_in_list (s: seq rat) : s != [::] -> exists y, y \in s /\ forall z, z \in s -> y >= z.
elim/last_ind : s => //= s x0 IH x_in_rcons.
case : s IH x_in_rcons.
move => _ x_in_sx0.
exists x0. split.
rewrite in_cons. apply/orP. left. by apply/eqP.
move => z z_in_cons.
rewrite in_cons in z_in_cons.
case/orP : z_in_cons => //= zeqx0.
case/eqP : zeqx0 => zeqx0. by rewrite zeqx0.
move => a l IH cons_nempty.
case IH => //= x [x_in_cons IH'].
exists x.
rewrite in_cons in x_in_cons.
rewrite in_cons.
case/orP : x_in_cons => [xeqa | x_in_l].
by rewrite xeqa orTb. apply/orP. right. rewrite in_rcons. apply/orP. by right.
move => z z_in_cons.
apply IH'.
rewrite in_cons. rewrite in_cons in z_in_cons.
case/orP : z_in_cons => [zeqa | z_in_cons].
by rewrite zeqa orTb.
x0, a: rat
l: seq rat
IH: a :: l != [::] ->
exists y : rat, y \in a :: l /\ (forall z : rat, z \in a :: l -> z <= y)
cons_nempty: rcons (a :: l) x0 != [::]
x: rat
x_in_cons: x \in a :: l
IH': forall z : rat, z \in a :: l -> z <= x
z: rat
z_in_cons: z \in rcons l x0
(z == a) || (z \in l)
As an exercise I want to prove that there is always exists a maximum element in a non-empty sequence.
Theorem largest_el_in_list (s: seq rat) x : x \in s -> exists y, y \in s /\ forall z, z \in s -> y >= z.
My idea was to go by induction on s, and then to destruct x. The largest element in this first case is the only element in the list. However, in the second case I'm getting quite confused. Am I supposed to use the inductive hypothesis? My idea was that we can get rid of the existential by exists max a a1
, where a is the maximal element we found in the previous step, and a1 is the new element being added to the sequence. But if I do this, then I can't use the inductive hypothesis and I get completely stuck.
I've been stuck for hours and would love to know if I have the right idea.
Here is the proof so far, with the current proof state below:
Theorem largest_el_in_list (s: seq rat) x : x \in s -> exists y, y \in s /\ forall z, z \in s -> y >= z.
elim/last_ind : s => //= s x0 IH x_in_rcons.
case : s IH x_in_rcons.
move => _ x_in_sx0.
exists x0. split.
rewrite in_cons. apply/orP. left. by apply/eqP.
rewrite in_cons in x_in_sx0. case/orP : x_in_sx0 => //= xeqx0 z z_in_sx0.
rewrite in_cons in z_in_sx0. case/orP : z_in_sx0 => //= zeqx0. case/eqP : zeqx0 => zeqx0.
by rewrite zeqx0.
move => a l IH x_in_rcons.
exists (maxr x0 a). split.
have [agex0 | x0gta] := (lerP x0 a).
by rewrite mem_head.
rewrite rcons_cons in_cons. apply/orP. right. by rewrite in_rcons.
move => z z_in_rcons.
Proof state:
x: rat_eqType
x0, a: rat
l: seq rat
IH: x \in a :: l ->
exists y : rat, y \in a :: l /\ (forall z : rat, z \in a :: l -> z <= y)
x_in_rcons: x \in rcons (a :: l) x0
z: rat
z_in_rcons: z \in rcons (a :: l) x0
z <= maxr x0 a
From finprob Require Import prob.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra seq.
From extructures Require Import ord fset fmap ffun.
Import Num.Theory.
Import GRing.
Import Bool.
Import Num.Def.
You can find extructures here
And finprob here
Although changing the definition clears the path, there is still an issue. Here is the updated proof and proof state:
Theorem largest_el_in_list (s: seq rat) : s != [::] -> exists y, y \in s /\ forall z, z \in s -> y >= z.
elim/last_ind : s => //= s x0 IH x_in_rcons.
case : s IH x_in_rcons.
move => _ x_in_sx0.
exists x0. split.
rewrite in_cons. apply/orP. left. by apply/eqP.
move => z z_in_cons.
rewrite in_cons in z_in_cons.
case/orP : z_in_cons => //= zeqx0.
case/eqP : zeqx0 => zeqx0. by rewrite zeqx0.
move => a l IH cons_nempty.
case IH => //= x [x_in_cons IH'].
exists x.
rewrite in_cons in x_in_cons.
rewrite in_cons.
case/orP : x_in_cons => [xeqa | x_in_l].
by rewrite xeqa orTb. apply/orP. right. rewrite in_rcons. apply/orP. by right.
move => z z_in_cons.
apply IH'.
rewrite in_cons. rewrite in_cons in z_in_cons.
case/orP : z_in_cons => [zeqa | z_in_cons].
by rewrite zeqa orTb.
x0, a: rat
l: seq rat
IH: a :: l != [::] ->
exists y : rat, y \in a :: l /\ (forall z : rat, z \in a :: l -> z <= y)
cons_nempty: rcons (a :: l) x0 != [::]
x: rat
x_in_cons: x \in a :: l
IH': forall z : rat, z \in a :: l -> z <= x
z: rat
z_in_cons: z \in rcons l x0
(z == a) || (z \in l)
I don't see how this can be true, because we know from z_in_cons that z is either equal to x0, or it is in l. Thus, if we go by cases, the first case is impossible because we are lacking some information about x0.
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,为方便起见:Another approach would be to explicitly provide, right from the start, a value for
, the existence of which you are looking for. This should be the maximum of the list, which you could either specify yourself, via aFixpoint
definition, or be the maximum as defined in Coq.But if you want to keep the proof by induction, as you suggest in your comment, here is one way (I suppose one can write it in a more concise manner). I'm using here
instead ofrat
, for convenience:问题可能来自变量
,它在您的语句中仅出现一次,并使子目标难以读取并证明:May be the issue comes from the variable
.A possible fix is to have
universally quantified, e.g. by starting the proof with amove: x
(before the induction ons
).Another solution would be to remove
, which occurs only once in your statement and makes the subgoals hard to read, and prove instead: