我目前正在成功使用Black作为预投入的工具之一。到目前为止,它仅应用于具有“ .py”扩展名的Python文件,并且默认行为已经足够了。
我现在想将黑色扩展到其他一些文件,这些文件实际上是Python文件,即使它们没有“ .py”扩展名。因此,我尝试将以下“ - congrude”参数添加到我的预制配置中:
- repo: https://github.com/psf/black
rev: 22.3.0
- id: black
args: [
"--include", "(\\.py|MyFile)$",
我尝试直接在命令行中使用黑色,而“ include”只要指定了一个目录而不是文件列表(或文件通配符)作为目标。如果我提供了文件列表,则Black似乎会尝试重新格式化所有 请求的文件,而不论它们是否匹配“ Include”模式。这也与省略“ include”并依赖默认包含(本质上是“ .py”文件上的匹配)时的行为一致;如果将文件列表指定为目标,那就是黑色似乎正在运行的内容,并且忽略了其自己的默认包含模式。
I am currently using black successfully as one of the tools in pre-commit. So far, it has only been applied to Python files with ".py" extensions, and default behaviour has sufficed.
I would now like to extend black to some other files that in reality are Python files even though they do not have a ".py" extension. So I tried to add the following "--include" argument to black in my pre-commit config:
- repo: https://github.com/psf/black
rev: 22.3.0
- id: black
args: [
"--include", "(\\.py|MyFile)quot;,
where MyFile is actually a Python file.
However, when I commit, MyFile is completely ignored by black.
I have tried using black directly at the command line, and the "--include" worked with MyFile as long as I specified a directory rather than a list of files (or file wildcard) as the target. If I provided a list of files, it seemed that black would try to reformat all requested files irrespective of whether they matched the "--include" pattern. This was also consistent with behaviour when the "--include" was omitted, and default inclusion relied on (which is essentially a match on ".py" files); if a list of files is specified as the target, that is what black seems to run on and it ignores its own default inclusion pattern.
In summary, the main issue is how to achieve the desired extension of black formatting to some additional files, but I am also now very confused about the interactions between pre-commit and black.
My assumption had been that pre-commit was supplying a list of files to black but, as a list of files appears to override even the default inclusion pattern, it seems that this cannot be the case, unless pre-commit has sufficient built-in knowledge to know to provide only Python files. If that is the case, how do I tell pre-commit that I want black to see these extra files? If it is not the case and pre-commit is providing directory targets to black, why doesn't the "--include" option in the config file work?
预先委托将文件列表提供给基于 filtering设置(
)并传递它们作为位置参数black> black
您不会更改文件的过滤 - 您需要告诉预先启动 在这种情况下,您想要的文件,由于您的文件未由Black选择的
覆盖,因此您需要将它们覆盖回默认值 - 这是我的建议:免责声明:我创建了预警
pre-commit supplies a list of files to a tool based on the filtering settings (
) and passes them as positional argumentsthe default setting for
is to filter usingtypes_or: [python, pyi]
so the command it runs will essentially be:
by adding to
you won't change the filtering of files -- you need to tell pre-commit what files you wantin this case, since your files aren't covered by the
selected by black, you'll need to override them back to the default -- here's what I recommend:disclaimer: I created pre-commit