我正在尝试在Opensea上列出一份新的以太坊智能合约。它在Rinkeby上正常工作。现在它用10个令牌铸造在主网上,但是当我尝试将其提交给OpenSea时, nofollow noreferrer“> https: //opensea.io/get-listed/step-two 我遇到了此错误:“我们找不到此合同。请确保这是在以太坊上部署的有效的ERC721或ERC1155合同,并且您已经铸造了合同中的项目。”
I am trying to list a new Ethereum smart contract on Opensea. It worked fine on Rinkeby. Its now deployed on mainnet with 10 tokens minted, however when I try and submit it to Opensea here https://opensea.io/get-listed/step-two I get this error "We couldn't find this contract. Please ensure that this is a valid ERC721 or ERC1155 contract deployed on Ethereum and that you have already minted items on the contract."
The contract can be found on Ether scan here https://etherscan.io/address/0x6d9217c153e6Aaf00d379E99BE7A1809ad1e4259
Opensea has not responded to my ticket. Any ideas what Im doing wrong here?
UPDATE: I minted a new single token via Metamask, and it showed up. But it’s missing the initial 10 tokens minted via the contract https://opensea.io/collection/drunk-robots-v2