除了iPhone 11以外的其他任何iPhone模拟器的缩放屏幕11
我正在尝试测试和完善我最近正在处理的应用程序,我发现它看起来像iPhone 11模拟器一样,但是在其他任何iPhone(较小/较大的屏幕)中,它似乎都可以放大屏幕ContentView中的每个项目都有一个针对Supperiew = 20的领先/尾随约束。它一直放大直到物品出现并直到其水平端(标签,Textfields,...)。
这是UiviewController的螺栓饰面视图的堆栈。 i.sstatic.net/jkutc.png“ alt =“在此处输入图像说明”>
contentView的约束对supperiew = -70 / top to supperiew = 0 / present and prade and to to supperiew = 0。xcode
I am trying to test and refine the application I've been working on lately and I found that it looks as it should with the iPhone 11 simulator, but with any other iPhone (smaller/bigger screen) it seems to zoom the screen even if every item from the ContentView has a Leading/Trailing constraint to Superview = 20. It's zooming right until the appearance of the items and right until their horizontal end (labels, textfields, ...).
It seems to zoom, not cut, because besides the up-down scroll bar, now I am able to scroll left-right.
Here is the stack of the embedded views of the UIViewController with their constraints.
The constraints for ContentView are Bottom to Superview = -70 / Top to Superview = 0 / Leading and Trailing to Superview = 0.
Xcode version used: 13.4.1
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@donmag的 为我工作:
@DonMag's solution in the comments worked for me: