可以启用QueryBuilder for Outlook 2019
我遵循了的说明在Outlook 2019中启用QueryBuilder。 在Regedit中,我没有在那条路径中找到“ Outlook键”,但是我还是与“ QueryBuilder”密钥一起创建了它。
即使我重新启动了PC,也不会显示“高级过滤器”和“ QueryBuilder”选项卡。 我想念什么?
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您必须将“ QueryBuilder”密钥添加为当前用户,而不具有管理员特权。这样,我就可以在公司PC上的Outlook上获得查询构建器。
After a week of googling, I've finally find the solution:
You must add the "QueryBuilder" key as current user and NOT with admin privileges. In this way I was able to get the Query Builder on Outlook on my corporate PC.
要在Outlook中启用查询构建器选项,请使用以下两个命令之一。第一个是从命令提示中运行的 admin 特权,第二个命令是从 powershell提示运行这是具有 admin 特权的运行。
这两个命令均针对 Outlook 2016/2019/2021 。如果您有旧版本的Outlook,请用匹配您的Outlook版本的符合命令中的注册表键(只需更改版本号):
Outlook 2010 :HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ SOFTWORS \ MICROSOFT \ MICROSOFT \ MICROSOFT \ Office \ 14.0 \ 14.0 \ Outlook \ Outlook
Outlook 2007 :HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ SOFTWORS \ MICROSOFT \ MICROSOFT \ MICROSOFT \ Office \ 12.0 \ 12.0 \ Outlook \ Outlook
Outlook 2003 :HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARY \ SOFTWORN \ MICROSOFT \ MICROSOFT \ MICROSOFT \ Office \ Office \ 11.0 \ 11.0 \ 11.0 \ Outlook
Outlook 2002 :HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ SOFTWORS \ MICROSOFT \ MICROSOFT \ MICROSOFT \ Office \ 10.0 \ 10.0 \ 10.0 \ Outlook \ Outlook
在Windows 10/11上测试。
To enable the Query Builder option in OutLook, use one of the following two commands. The first one is to be ran from a Command Prompt that is running with Admin privileges, the second command is to be ran from a PowerShell Prompt that is running with Admin privileges.
Both commands are intended for OutLook 2016/2019/2021. If you have an older version of OutLook, substitute the registry key in the commands with one of the values listed below that matches your version of OutLook (just change the version number):
Outlook 2013 : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook
Outlook 2010 : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook
Outlook 2007 : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook
Outlook 2003 : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook
Outlook 2002 : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Outlook
Command Prompt command:
PowerShell Prompt command:
If the registry key does not get created, it means you did not run the command as Administrator.
Tested on Windows 10/11.