# Specify the height and width to which each video frame will be resized in our dataset.
# Specify the number of frames of a video that will be fed to the model as one sequence.
# Specify the directory containing the UCF50 dataset.
# Specify the list containing the names of the classes used for training. Feel free to choose any set of classes.
CLASSES_LIST = ["brush_hair", "cartwheel", "catch", "chew", "clap", "climb", "climb_stairs", "dive",
"draw_sword", "dribble", "drink", "eat", "fall_floor", "fencing", "flic_flac", "golf",
"handstand", "hit", "hug", "jump", "kick", "kick_ball", "kiss", "laugh",
"pick", "pour", "pullup", "punch", "push", "pushup", "ride_bike", "ride_horse",
"run", "shake_hands", "shoot_ball", "shoot_bow", "shoot_gun", "sit", "situp", "smile",
"smoke", "somersault", "stand","swing_baseball", "sword", "sword_exercise", "talk", "throw", "turn",
"walk", "wave"]
def frames_extraction(video_path):
# Declare a list to store video frames.
frames_list = []
# Read the Video File using the VideoCapture object.
video_reader = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)
# Get the total number of frames in the video.
video_frames_count = int(video_reader.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
# Calculate the the interval after which frames will be added to the list.
skip_frames_window = max(int(video_frames_count/SEQUENCE_LENGTH), 1)
# Iterate through the Video Frames.
for frame_counter in range(SEQUENCE_LENGTH):
# Set the current frame position of the video.
video_reader.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, frame_counter * skip_frames_window)
# Reading the frame from the video.
success, frame = video_reader.read()
# Check if Video frame is not successfully read then break the loop
if not success:
# Resize the Frame to fixed height and width.
resized_frame = cv2.resize(frame, (IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH))
# Normalize the resized frame by dividing it with 255 so that each pixel value then lies between 0 and 1
normalized_frame = resized_frame / 255
# Append the normalized frame into the frames list
# Release the VideoCapture object.
# Return the frames list.
return frames_list
def create_dataset():
This function will extract the data of the selected classes and create the required dataset.
features: A list containing the extracted frames of the videos.
labels: A list containing the indexes of the classes associated with the videos.
video_files_paths: A list containing the paths of the videos in the disk.
# Declared Empty Lists to store the features, labels and video file path values.
features = []
labels = []
video_files_paths = []
# Iterating through all the classes mentioned in the classes list
for class_index, class_name in enumerate(CLASSES_LIST):
# Display the name of the class whose data is being extracted.
print(f'Extracting Data of Class: {class_name}')
# Get the list of video files present in the specific class name directory.
files_list = os.listdir(os.path.join(DATASET_DIR, class_name))
# Iterate through all the files present in the files list.
for file_name in files_list:
# Get the complete video path.
video_file_path = os.path.join(DATASET_DIR, class_name, file_name)
# Extract the frames of the video file.
frames = frames_extraction(video_file_path)
# Check if the extracted frames are equal to the SEQUENCE_LENGTH specified above.
# So ignore the vides having frames less than the SEQUENCE_LENGTH.
if len(frames) == SEQUENCE_LENGTH:
# Append the data to their repective lists.
# Converting the list to numpy arrays
features = np.asarray(features)
labels = np.array(labels)
# Return the frames, class index, and video file path.
return features, labels, video_files_paths
# Create the dataset.
features, labels, video_files_paths = create_dataset()
< a href =“ https://i.sstatic.net/ss5f2.png” rel =“ nofollow noreferrer”>在这里!
I am working on action recognition on HMDB51. Here is my code below.
This part is for declaring some constants and directories:
# Specify the height and width to which each video frame will be resized in our dataset.
# Specify the number of frames of a video that will be fed to the model as one sequence.
# Specify the directory containing the UCF50 dataset.
# Specify the list containing the names of the classes used for training. Feel free to choose any set of classes.
CLASSES_LIST = ["brush_hair", "cartwheel", "catch", "chew", "clap", "climb", "climb_stairs", "dive",
"draw_sword", "dribble", "drink", "eat", "fall_floor", "fencing", "flic_flac", "golf",
"handstand", "hit", "hug", "jump", "kick", "kick_ball", "kiss", "laugh",
"pick", "pour", "pullup", "punch", "push", "pushup", "ride_bike", "ride_horse",
"run", "shake_hands", "shoot_ball", "shoot_bow", "shoot_gun", "sit", "situp", "smile",
"smoke", "somersault", "stand","swing_baseball", "sword", "sword_exercise", "talk", "throw", "turn",
"walk", "wave"]
This part is for extracting frames from each video:
def frames_extraction(video_path):
# Declare a list to store video frames.
frames_list = []
# Read the Video File using the VideoCapture object.
video_reader = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)
# Get the total number of frames in the video.
video_frames_count = int(video_reader.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
# Calculate the the interval after which frames will be added to the list.
skip_frames_window = max(int(video_frames_count/SEQUENCE_LENGTH), 1)
# Iterate through the Video Frames.
for frame_counter in range(SEQUENCE_LENGTH):
# Set the current frame position of the video.
video_reader.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, frame_counter * skip_frames_window)
# Reading the frame from the video.
success, frame = video_reader.read()
# Check if Video frame is not successfully read then break the loop
if not success:
# Resize the Frame to fixed height and width.
resized_frame = cv2.resize(frame, (IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH))
# Normalize the resized frame by dividing it with 255 so that each pixel value then lies between 0 and 1
normalized_frame = resized_frame / 255
# Append the normalized frame into the frames list
# Release the VideoCapture object.
# Return the frames list.
return frames_list
This part is for creating train, label lists:
def create_dataset():
This function will extract the data of the selected classes and create the required dataset.
features: A list containing the extracted frames of the videos.
labels: A list containing the indexes of the classes associated with the videos.
video_files_paths: A list containing the paths of the videos in the disk.
# Declared Empty Lists to store the features, labels and video file path values.
features = []
labels = []
video_files_paths = []
# Iterating through all the classes mentioned in the classes list
for class_index, class_name in enumerate(CLASSES_LIST):
# Display the name of the class whose data is being extracted.
print(f'Extracting Data of Class: {class_name}')
# Get the list of video files present in the specific class name directory.
files_list = os.listdir(os.path.join(DATASET_DIR, class_name))
# Iterate through all the files present in the files list.
for file_name in files_list:
# Get the complete video path.
video_file_path = os.path.join(DATASET_DIR, class_name, file_name)
# Extract the frames of the video file.
frames = frames_extraction(video_file_path)
# Check if the extracted frames are equal to the SEQUENCE_LENGTH specified above.
# So ignore the vides having frames less than the SEQUENCE_LENGTH.
if len(frames) == SEQUENCE_LENGTH:
# Append the data to their repective lists.
# Converting the list to numpy arrays
features = np.asarray(features)
labels = np.array(labels)
# Return the frames, class index, and video file path.
return features, labels, video_files_paths
So, when I tried to create the dataset as below:
# Create the dataset.
features, labels, video_files_paths = create_dataset()
I am getting the errow below:
How can I fix this? I think I need to preprocess dataset as batches during training the model. But how can I do that? When I worked on images, I have used keras.utils.image_dataset_from_directory
but now should I build my own data loader?
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You can also do the task without building your custom data loader.
Install necessary dependencies: tensorflow, keras, glob
Here is a full example below: