在匿名管道上使用 waitformultipleObjects ,我有一个问题。我的目标是在同时等待的管道和另一个对象。更确切地说,我将管道用于本地IPC。我在 stackoverflow上看到了一种方法,您可以在其中使用 createEvent 创建句柄,并在管道上进行 WriteFile 操作并重置时设置此事件它在 readfile 之后,但这是一个简单的单元测试,可以证明这种方法不正确。
#include <windows.h>
#pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib") //Winsock Library
HANDLE event_on_pipe;
HANDLE endpoint_pipe[2];
DWORD WINAPI WThread_Pipe( LPVOID lpParam )
ULONG buffer = 1234;
DWORD bytes;
int write;
int count = 10;
while(count --)
WriteFile(endpoint_pipe[1],(char*)&buffer, sizeof(buffer),&bytes,NULL);
if ( !SetEvent(event_on_pipe) )
printf("SetEvent failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());
return 0;
return 0;
int main()
HANDLE Thread_Pipe;
DWORD ThreadID_Pipe;
event_on_pipe = CreateEvent(NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL);
HANDLE lphandles[1];
lphandles[0] = event_on_pipe;
Thread_Pipe = CreateThread(NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) WThread_Pipe, NULL, 0, &ThreadID_Pipe);
ULONG buffer;
DWORD bytes;
DWORD obj = WaitForMultipleObjects(1,lphandles,FALSE,INFINITE);
if(obj == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
ReadFile(endpoint_pipe[0], &buffer,sizeof(ULONG),&bytes,NULL);
std::cout << buffer<<std::endl;
return 0;
我应该在控制台1234上看到10次,而我看到它两次。 主要问题是,当我将函数打电话给“读取文件”操作后一秒钟时,线程“编写管道并设置事件” 9次,所以我仍然剩下9个读取操作,但是由于将事件设置为9次,因此将设置,然后将发出信号。
I have an issue in using WaitForMultipleObjects on Anonymous Pipe. My goal is to Wait on a pipe to be written and another object at the same time. To be more precise, I am using pipes for local IPC. I saw on stackoverflow an approach where you can create a handle using CreateEvent and set this event whenever you have a WriteFile operation on the pipe and reset it after a ReadFile but here is a simple unit test that proofs that this approach is not correct.
#include <windows.h>
#pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib") //Winsock Library
HANDLE event_on_pipe;
HANDLE endpoint_pipe[2];
DWORD WINAPI WThread_Pipe( LPVOID lpParam )
ULONG buffer = 1234;
DWORD bytes;
int write;
int count = 10;
while(count --)
WriteFile(endpoint_pipe[1],(char*)&buffer, sizeof(buffer),&bytes,NULL);
if ( !SetEvent(event_on_pipe) )
printf("SetEvent failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());
return 0;
return 0;
int main()
HANDLE Thread_Pipe;
DWORD ThreadID_Pipe;
event_on_pipe = CreateEvent(NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL);
HANDLE lphandles[1];
lphandles[0] = event_on_pipe;
Thread_Pipe = CreateThread(NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) WThread_Pipe, NULL, 0, &ThreadID_Pipe);
ULONG buffer;
DWORD bytes;
DWORD obj = WaitForMultipleObjects(1,lphandles,FALSE,INFINITE);
if(obj == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
ReadFile(endpoint_pipe[0], &buffer,sizeof(ULONG),&bytes,NULL);
std::cout << buffer<<std::endl;
return 0;
I am supposed to see on the console 1234 printed 10 times while I am seeing it two times.
The main problem is that when I call the function Sleep for one second after ReadFile operation the thread "write the pipe and set the event" 9 times, So I still have 9 ReadFile operation left but since setting the event 9 times is considered as one set then WaitForMultipleObjects is going to be signaled once.
I want an efficient way to signal WaitForMultipleObjects when a pipe is written (for local inter process communication). It doesn't need to be an anonymous pipe, it could be something else that acts like pipes to exchange messages between threads. So if someone knows how it could be done please help.
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您还可以使用本机C ++原始词编写线程安全队列。 For one example, Anthony Williams outlined a thread-safe queue using a condition variable some time ago:
-condition- variables.html 稍微更改接口,但只会稍微更改(并且您可以将其修改为具有我的接口,如我在上面显示的,如果您喜欢的话)。
As you've found, an Event has only two states: signaled and not signaled. It has no capability to keep track of how many times it's been signaled.
Instead of an event, I'd use a semaphore, something like this:
I've tried to keep most of the code pretty similar to how you had it, keeping changes to (more or less) a minimum necessary to get it to work.
If I were starting from scratch, and just wanted to transmit a series of numbers (or other things, all of the same type) between threads in a single process, I'd probably use a thread-safe queue instead.
If we wanted to use Windows primitives, the queue might look something like this:
...and the code using it would look something like this:
You could also write the thread-safe queue using native C++ primitives instead. For one example, Anthony Williams outlined a thread-safe queue using a condition variable some time ago:
That changes the interface slightly, but only slightly (and you could modify it to have an interface about like I've shown above, if you preferred).