假设我们有一个场景,该场景以空间节点为单位,名为 node_of_interest
带有儿童 mesh_of_interest
我以为Scenetrey将是正确的起点,因为它具有 节点 * current_scene
我从未看到 current_scene
Say we have a scene that starts with a spatial node named Node_of_interest
with a child Mesh_of_interest
, is there somewhere in the source code where we can access these nodes?
I assumed the SceneTree would be the right place to start since it has Node * current_scene
, but when I step through in the debugger on a breakpoint here
I never see current_scene
as not null.
I feel like with this information I'll have a much better handle on how the nodes relate to servers and drivers.

Here's the scene that I'm trying this on.
