使用PowerShell使用read-host将密码分配给Word Doc
我有以下脚本可以使用自动化的32个字符密码更新密码。然后,它可以制作一个受密码保护的Word Doc,以便我们可以更新我们的安全密码库。生成密码可以正常工作。
当我尝试将密码分配给受密码保护的Word Doc时,就会发生问题。我可以直接硬编码字符串,例如:
$ pl_document.password ='blah'
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
#************ Create Document ******************************
function CreateDocument
$PL_Word = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application
#$PL_Word.Visible = $true
$PL_Document = $PL_Word.Documents.Add()
$PL_Report = 'C:\TEMP\MyDoc.docx'
$PL_Selection = $PL_Word.Selection
#****************** Password Protect the Word File ********
$PL_PwdEntry = Read-Host ("Enter the password for the text document record") -AsSecureString
$PL_WdPWD = ConvertFrom-SecureString $PL_PwdEntry
$PL_Document.Password = $PL_WdPWD
#************** Write Password to Document *************************************
$PL_Selection.TypeText("Username: $PL_UN")
$PL_Selection.TypeText("Password: $PL_PWD")
#************** Close Document *************************************
#****************** Create Password ************************
$PL_PWD = [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword(32,3)
Write-Host "`n`n"
$PL_UN = "Prime\"+(Read-Host ("Enter the username. Entering the Primelending domain is not neccessary."))
Write-Host "`nSummary of the change" -f Yellow
Write-Host "============================" -f Yellow
Write-Host "`nUsername: " -NoNewline
Write-Host "$PL_UN" -f Yellow
Write-Host "New Password: " -NoNewline
Write-Host "$PL_PWD`n" -f Yellow
Write-Host "Do you want to update AD (Y/N)" -NoNewline -f Yellow
$PL_Query = Read-Host (" ")
If ($PL_Query.ToUpper() -eq "Y") {
Write-Host "`nMaking change" -f Green
#Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity $PL_UN -Reset -NewPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "$PL_PWD" -Force)
else {Write-Host "`nAbandoning change" -f Green }
I have the following script to update passwords with an autogenerated 32 character password. It then makes a password-protected Word doc so that we can update our secure password library. Generating the password works fine.
The problem occurs when I try to assign a password to the password-protected word doc. I can hard code a string directly such as:
$PL_Document.Password = 'blah'
In the case where I hard code it everything works fine. I get a password protected word doc with the login info.
However, when I try to read it in using Read-host then assign it, the script hangs.
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
#************ Create Document ******************************
function CreateDocument
$PL_Word = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application
#$PL_Word.Visible = $true
$PL_Document = $PL_Word.Documents.Add()
$PL_Report = 'C:\TEMP\MyDoc.docx'
$PL_Selection = $PL_Word.Selection
#****************** Password Protect the Word File ********
$PL_PwdEntry = Read-Host ("Enter the password for the text document record") -AsSecureString
$PL_WdPWD = ConvertFrom-SecureString $PL_PwdEntry
$PL_Document.Password = $PL_WdPWD
#************** Write Password to Document *************************************
$PL_Selection.TypeText("Username: $PL_UN")
$PL_Selection.TypeText("Password: $PL_PWD")
#************** Close Document *************************************
#****************** Create Password ************************
$PL_PWD = [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword(32,3)
Write-Host "`n`n"
$PL_UN = "Prime\"+(Read-Host ("Enter the username. Entering the Primelending domain is not neccessary."))
Write-Host "`nSummary of the change" -f Yellow
Write-Host "============================" -f Yellow
Write-Host "`nUsername: " -NoNewline
Write-Host "$PL_UN" -f Yellow
Write-Host "New Password: " -NoNewline
Write-Host "$PL_PWD`n" -f Yellow
Write-Host "Do you want to update AD (Y/N)" -NoNewline -f Yellow
$PL_Query = Read-Host (" ")
If ($PL_Query.ToUpper() -eq "Y") {
Write-Host "`nMaking change" -f Green
#Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity $PL_UN -Reset -NewPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "$PL_PWD" -Force)
else {Write-Host "`nAbandoning change" -f Green }
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$ pl_wdpwd = convertfrom-securestring $ pl_pwdentry
如果您使用的是PowerShell V7或更高版本
$ pl_wdpwd = convertfrom-securestring $ pl_pwdentry
$ pl_wdpwd = convertfrom-securestring $ pl_pwdentring $ pl_pwdentry-plaintry -asplaintry-asplaintry-asplaintext
以获取普通文本的文本文本 或者,随着您需要立即使用纯文本密码并尝试将其存储在单独的变量中时,只需获取 read-host cmdlet,通过更改返回您的纯文本密码:
$ pl_wdpwd
变量$ pl_document.password.password 是由于缺乏报价。
$ pl_document.password = $ pl_wdpwd
$ pl_document.password =“ $ pl_wdpwd”
read-host -asecurestring
$PL_WdPWD = ConvertFrom-SecureString $PL_PwdEntry
part of your script will not be returning a plain text password and instead will be an encoded version of the password that will have a much longer length than that of the original password.From what I recall Word has a password limit of 255 characters, which this value would likely exceed and is probably the cause of the hang as Word cannot handle it.
If you're using PowerShell v7 or above change
$PL_WdPWD = ConvertFrom-SecureString $PL_PwdEntry
to$PL_WdPWD = ConvertFrom-SecureString $PL_PwdEntry -AsPlainText
in order to get the plain text version of the passwordAlternatively, seeing as you're needing the plain text password straight away and trying to store it in a separate variable, just get the Read-Host cmdlet to return you a plain text password instead by changing:
Edit following comments
It appears that Word hangs when passing the
variable to$PL_Document.Password
is due to a lack of quotes.In order to resolve this, you can change this line
$PL_Document.Password = $PL_WdPWD
to this
$PL_Document.Password = "$PL_WdPWD"
Note: in your updated code, you're still using
Read-Host -AsSecureString
and then converting it withConvertFrom-SecureString
. This will not be giving you the password you expect and instead return an encoded version of that password. See my original answer for details on this.