我正在开发一种优化算法,以最大程度地减少成本函数。由于我想将此功能应用于多个独立的位置,因此将最小化应用于所有位置的成本函数的 sum (因此,我不必为每个位置应用一个目标函数)。此外,成本计算是年度,但始于小时值。因此,对于每个位置,必须将所有小时的值总结。
我的问题是:当我运行程序时,所有变量仅获得零;自然,这不是我想要的解决方案,但它甚至不应该是一个可能的解决方案 - 因为目标功能是商。
另外,求解器表示,当我在一个位置运行时,有35043个变量 + 35041的约束,而175215变量 + 175205我尝试五个位置时的约束 - 看起来太多了;对我来说真的很奇怪。
我旨在建立一种优化算法,以找到在给定的一组合适位置中生产1 kg绿色氢的最低成本。
每个位置中可能存在两个发电厂 - 太阳能光伏公园和一个风电场 - 以及一个电解室系统。发电厂的安装容量和电解仪的标称输入功率是决策变量。也就是说,我想知道每个位置的这些变量的值是什么。为此,我必须对小时值进行一系列操作,以将电力转换为氢,然后评估一年内的总产量。我认为这是问题所在的地方 - 连接位置和小时的集合
from __future__ import division
from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory
from pyomo.core import AbstractModel
from pyomo.dataportal.DataPortal import DataPortal
from pyomo.environ import *
import pandas as pd
import os
os.environ["octeract_options"] = "num_cores=1"
model = AbstractModel()
data = DataPortal()
从预先准备的。csv 文件,可用
l :合格的位置点
h :一年
model.L = Set()
data.load(filename='modelL-5.csv', set=model.L)
model.H = Set()
data.load(filename='modelH.csv', set=model.H)
的小时 k_solar :太阳能公园总成本
k_wind :风电场总成本
k_h2 :电解器总成本
pmax_solar :太阳能公园最大安装容量
pmax_wind :风电场最大安装容量
pden_solar :太阳能公园电源密度
pden_wind :风电源电源密度
pden_h2 :电解器功率密度
alpha :每个位置的可用面积
effi :electrolyser效率
sy :生产扩散因子
K_solar = 728.5
K_wind = 1559.5
K_h2 = 1063.9
Pmax_solar = 50300
Pmax_wind = 475960
Pden_solar = 0.08268
Pden_wind = 0.78231
Pden_h2 = 0.01172
alpha = 608400
effi = 0.0159
Sy = 11.9
< em>容量因子索引到每个位置和每个小时;从预先准备的。csv files /s!alqcyawzssicg6aseth7u0edilm78a? CFSolar :太阳能因子
cfwind :风能因素
model.CFsolar = Param(model.L, model.H)
data.load(filename='CF_Solar-5.csv', param=model.CFsolar, format='array')
model.CFwind = Param(model.L, model.H)
data.load(filename='CF_Wind-5.csv', param=model.CFwind, format='array')
psolar :太阳能公园的安装能力
pwind :风电场的安装能力
ph2 :电解器额定功率
model.Psolar = Var(model.L, initialize=5000, domain=NonNegativeReals, bounds=(0, Pmax_solar))
model.Pwind = Var(model.L, initialize=5000, domain=NonNegativeReals, bounds=(0, Pmax_wind))
model.Ph2 = Var(model.L, initialize=5000, domain=NonNegativeReals, bounds=(0, Pmax_solar+Pmax_wind))
的变量 e_res :产生的电力
e_h2 :电力
的电力 e_curt :电力减少
y_h2 :由电解器
model.E_res = Var(model.L, model.H, domain=NonNegativeReals, bounds=(0, Pmax_solar+Pmax_wind))
model.E_h2 = Var(model.L, model.H, domain=NonNegativeReals, bounds=(0, Pmax_solar+Pmax_wind))
model.E_curt = Var(model.L, model.H, domain=NonNegativeReals, bounds=(0, Pmax_solar+Pmax_wind))
model.Y_h2 = Var(model.L, model.H, domain=NonNegativeReals)
def RESenergy_production_rule(model, l, h):
return model.E_res[l, h] == model.Psolar[l] * model.CFsolar[l, h] + model.Pwind[l] * model.CFwind[l, h]
model.RESenergy_production = Constraint(model.L, model.H, rule=RESenergy_production_rule)
def RESenergy_use_rule(model, l, h):
return model.E_res[l, h] == model.E_h2[l, h] + model.E_curt[l, h]
model.RESenergy_use = Constraint(model.L, model.H, rule=RESenergy_use_rule)
def H2energy_production_rule(model, l, h):
return model.E_h2[l, h] <= model.Ph2[l]
model.H2energy_production = Constraint(model.L, model.H, rule=H2energy_production_rule)
def H2hydrogen_production_rule(model, l, h):
return model.Y_h2[l, h] == model.E_h2[l, h] * effi
model.H2hydrogen_production = Constraint(model.L, model.H, rule=H2hydrogen_production_rule)
def power_density_rule(model,l):
return model.Psolar[l]/Pden_solar + model.Pwind[l]/Pden_wind + model.Ph2[l]/Pden_h2 <= alpha
model.power_density = Constraint(model.L, rule=power_density_rule)
def objective_function(model):
return sum((K_solar*model.Psolar[l] + K_wind*model.Pwind[l] + K_h2*model.Ph2[l]) / ((sum(model.Y_h2[l,h] for h in model.H))*Sy) for l in model.L)
model.obj = Objective(rule=objective_function, sense=minimize)
instance = model.create_instance(data)
optimizer = SolverFactory('octeract-engine', executable=r"C:\Program Files\Octeract\bin\octeract-engine.exe")
results = optimizer.solve(instance, tee = True)
status = results.solver.status
print("Status:", status)
termination = results.solver.termination_condition
print("Termination:", termination)
也输出模型的内容,这些内容始终均以 size = 0 and 和未构建<< /em>。
Psolar_out = pd.DataFrame(columns=[['id1','id2']])
for index in Psolar:
Pwind_out = pd.DataFrame(columns=[['id1','id2']])
for index in Pwind:
Ph2_out = pd.DataFrame(columns=[['id1','id2']])
for index in Ph2:
Short Version
I'm developing an optimization algorithm to minimize a cost function. Since I want to apply this function to multiple independent locations, the minimization is applied to the sum of the cost functions for all locations (so I don't have to apply an objective function for every location). Furthermore, the cost calculation is annual but begins with hourly values; therefore, for each location, one must sum the values for all hours.
The model is detailed below.
My problem is: when I run the program, I only get zero for all variables; naturally this is not the solution I'm looking for, but it shouldn't even be a possible solution - since the objective function is a quotient.
Also, the solver indicates there are 35043 variables + 35041 constraints when I run for a single location, and 175215 variables + 175205 constraints when I try five locations - which seems like way too much; it's really strange to me.
To the best of my knowledge, I've tried everything to write alternative (better and more relaxed) versions of the code: eliminate redundant support variables, convert equality constraints into inequality constraints and convert the objective function from non-linear to quadratic. Nothing seems to change the results.
Long Version
I aim to build an optimization algorithm to find the minimum cost to produce 1 kg of green hydrogen in a given set of suitable locations.
Two power plants may exist in each location - a solar PV park and a wind farm - and an electrolyzer system. The installed capacity of both power plants and the nominal input power of the electrolyzer are the decision variables. That is, I want to know what are the values of these variables that yield the minimum cost, for each location. For that, I must perform a series of operations for hourly values, to convert electricity into hydrogen, and then evaluate the total production in one year. This is where I think the problem lies - connecting both sets
of locations and hours.
All parameters described below are the same scalar for every location (and every hour) except for the capacity factors, which vary hourly and are indexed to each location.
Since this is a deterministic optimization, in which each location is independent of the adjacent ones, it is possible to proceed with a joint minimization of all suitable locations (the minimization of the sum is equal to the sum of the minimizations).
Problem Notation
This problem can be formulated mathematically as a non-linear programming problem, using the following model:
Model initialization
from __future__ import division
from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory
from pyomo.core import AbstractModel
from pyomo.dataportal.DataPortal import DataPortal
from pyomo.environ import *
import pandas as pd
import os
os.environ["octeract_options"] = "num_cores=1"
model = AbstractModel()
data = DataPortal()
Imported from pre-prepared .csv files, available here
L: eligible location points
H: hours in one year
model.L = Set()
data.load(filename='modelL-5.csv', set=model.L)
model.H = Set()
data.load(filename='modelH.csv', set=model.H)
K_solar: Solar park total costs
K_wind: Wind farm total costs
K_h2: Electrolyser total costs
Pmax_solar: Solar park maximum installed capacity
Pmax_wind: Wind farm maximum installed capacity
Pden_solar: Solar park power density
Pden_wind: Wind farm power density
Pden_h2: Electrolyser power density
alpha: Available area in each location
effi: Electrolyser efficiency
Sy: Production Spread Factor
K_solar = 728.5
K_wind = 1559.5
K_h2 = 1063.9
Pmax_solar = 50300
Pmax_wind = 475960
Pden_solar = 0.08268
Pden_wind = 0.78231
Pden_h2 = 0.01172
alpha = 608400
effi = 0.0159
Sy = 11.9
Capacity factors are indexed to each location and each hour; imported from pre-prepared .csv files, available here
CFsolar: Solar capacity factor
CFwind: Wind capacity factor
model.CFsolar = Param(model.L, model.H)
data.load(filename='CF_Solar-5.csv', param=model.CFsolar, format='array')
model.CFwind = Param(model.L, model.H)
data.load(filename='CF_Wind-5.csv', param=model.CFwind, format='array')
Decision Variables
(The ones that I really want)
Variables that only depend on the location:
Psolar: installed capacity of the solar park
Pwind: installed capacity of the wind farm
Ph2: electrolyser rated power
model.Psolar = Var(model.L, initialize=5000, domain=NonNegativeReals, bounds=(0, Pmax_solar))
model.Pwind = Var(model.L, initialize=5000, domain=NonNegativeReals, bounds=(0, Pmax_wind))
model.Ph2 = Var(model.L, initialize=5000, domain=NonNegativeReals, bounds=(0, Pmax_solar+Pmax_wind))
Support Variables
(The ones I don't want, but need to get the decision variables)
Variables that depend on the location and hour of the year
E_res: Electricity produced
E_h2: Electricity directed to the electrolyser
E_curt: Electricity curtailed
Y_h2: Hydrogen produced by the electrolyser
model.E_res = Var(model.L, model.H, domain=NonNegativeReals, bounds=(0, Pmax_solar+Pmax_wind))
model.E_h2 = Var(model.L, model.H, domain=NonNegativeReals, bounds=(0, Pmax_solar+Pmax_wind))
model.E_curt = Var(model.L, model.H, domain=NonNegativeReals, bounds=(0, Pmax_solar+Pmax_wind))
model.Y_h2 = Var(model.L, model.H, domain=NonNegativeReals)
Mathematical Formulation
Constraint Equations
The hourly production of electricity in each location is equal to the solar/wind installed power on that location times the respective capacity factor (dependent on location and hour)
def RESenergy_production_rule(model, l, h):
return model.E_res[l, h] == model.Psolar[l] * model.CFsolar[l, h] + model.Pwind[l] * model.CFwind[l, h]
model.RESenergy_production = Constraint(model.L, model.H, rule=RESenergy_production_rule)
For each location and in each hour, this produced electricity can be directed to the electrolyser or be unused (curtailed)
def RESenergy_use_rule(model, l, h):
return model.E_res[l, h] == model.E_h2[l, h] + model.E_curt[l, h]
model.RESenergy_use = Constraint(model.L, model.H, rule=RESenergy_use_rule)
The hourly amount of electricity that is directed to the electrolyser is always limited by the electrolyser input power
def H2energy_production_rule(model, l, h):
return model.E_h2[l, h] <= model.Ph2[l]
model.H2energy_production = Constraint(model.L, model.H, rule=H2energy_production_rule)
The hydrogen yield is equal to the electricity that is directed to the electrolyser times an efficiency
def H2hydrogen_production_rule(model, l, h):
return model.Y_h2[l, h] == model.E_h2[l, h] * effi
model.H2hydrogen_production = Constraint(model.L, model.H, rule=H2hydrogen_production_rule)
In each location, the total installed capacity of both power plants and the electrolyser must not exceed the available area
def power_density_rule(model,l):
return model.Psolar[l]/Pden_solar + model.Pwind[l]/Pden_wind + model.Ph2[l]/Pden_h2 <= alpha
model.power_density = Constraint(model.L, rule=power_density_rule)
Objective Function
Minimize the sum of all the points in the set
def objective_function(model):
return sum((K_solar*model.Psolar[l] + K_wind*model.Pwind[l] + K_h2*model.Ph2[l]) / ((sum(model.Y_h2[l,h] for h in model.H))*Sy) for l in model.L)
model.obj = Objective(rule=objective_function, sense=minimize)
Solving the model
Solving using Octeract-Engine, but should work with any NLP solver (e.g. IPOPT)
instance = model.create_instance(data)
optimizer = SolverFactory('octeract-engine', executable=r"C:\Program Files\Octeract\bin\octeract-engine.exe")
results = optimizer.solve(instance, tee = True)
Get the status of the results
status = results.solver.status
print("Status:", status)
termination = results.solver.termination_condition
print("Termination:", termination)
Error messages
For one location, the solver runs for about 1min (for five locations it's almost 10min) and then states:
EXIT: Maximum CPU time exceeded.
WARNING: Loading a SolverResults object with a warning status into model=unknown;
Status: warning
Termination: maxIterations
Also, for both tests, model.pprint()
outputs the contents of the model, which are all invariably with Size=0 and Not constructed.
Export data
Exporting the decision variables to a CSV; every time, the result is zero.
Psolar_out = pd.DataFrame(columns=[['id1','id2']])
for index in Psolar:
Pwind_out = pd.DataFrame(columns=[['id1','id2']])
for index in Pwind:
Ph2_out = pd.DataFrame(columns=[['id1','id2']])
for index in Ph2:
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模型中似乎没有任何激励/压力来制造任何力量。您正在限制上层生产,但是您没有我能看到的需求信号,并且您正在最小化成本,因此您可能会得到默认解决方案:毫无疑问/什么都不做==&gt;成本为零。 :)
sum(p_wind + p_solar + p_h2) - w * sum(y_h2)
是一个合理的权衡价值。 +某些需求信号(或利润)应获得模型呼吸。记住:
A couple ideas/observations that might help:
Your model is quite large for a non-linear model. I just poked around on the data. solving for (what is it?) 10,000 time periods in a non-linear model is probably too much. You could either: make your model linear (good idea) or aggregate to daily or 6-hour blocks, or run your model on different periods if they are independent and compare answers.
Make your model linear to start and get it working by removing the division. See where that gets you. Linear model should solve almost instantly.
There doesn't appear to be any incentive/pressure in your model to make any power. You are constraining the upper production, but you have no demand signal that I can see and you are minimizing cost, so you might be getting the default solution: build nothing/do nothing ==> costs are zero. :)
Only inspect data values if you can get a good status out of the solver. Any other errors/infeasible/timeout/etc. means that the data loaded is junk.
You can experiment and make your model linear by changing your objective from a ratio (with division by a variable) to just a penalty for the divisor:
sum(p_wind + p_solar + p_h2) - w * sum(Y_h2)
is some reasonable weighing value. That + some demand signal (or profit) should get the model breathing. Remember:从快速查看您的数据来看,大小的尺寸就会差不多。 Octeract Engine具有最先进的前置主义器,因此最好将其放在发动机上以消除变量,因为它将以数值稳定的方式进行。如果引擎确定可以用来收紧问题的放松,则该引擎还可以决定保留一些冗余的约束和变量,因此最好将重点放在模型中的逻辑上,而不必担心冗余信息。
.sol file
时,这是一个pyomo的限制,但这是实际发生的事情 - 没有求解器日志,很难说,但是我假设您已经指定了某些终止条件的条件求职者超时。如果没有,唯一想到的是引擎将您的问题视为凸面,将其传递给iPopt,然后iPopt无法解决。在这种情况下,这是预期的行为,因为发动机本身可以做到。
use_approx_equaltial_constraints = true
选项文件来控制OCTERACT-INGINE所调用的IPOPT。这将使您能够准确控制IPOPT正在做的事情,包括更改其约束违规选项。The size looks about right from a quick look at your data. Octeract Engine has a state-of-the-art presolver, so it's best to leave it up to the engine to eliminate variables since it will do it in a numerically stable way. The engine may also decide to keep some redundant constraints and variables if it determines that they can be used to tighten the relaxation of the problem, so it's best to focus on the logic in your model and not to worry about redundant information.
I have seen that specific Pyomo message when the solver times out during the presolve phase, and before it gets to branch and bound. This is a Pyomo limitation when a solver times out without producing a
.sol file
, but that's what's actually happening - it's hard to tell without the solver logs, but I assume that you have specified some termination condition for the solver to time out.If you haven't, the only reason that comes to mind is that the engine detected your problem as convex, passed it to IPOPT, and then IPOPT failed to solve it. This is the intended behaviour in this case since there's nothing more the engine itself can do.
One option you can try is to specify
in the octeract-engine options, which will reformulate your equality constraints. While this is a bad idea in the general case, I added the option because it often helps with large NLPs where IPOPT struggles with feasibility.You can also try changing the starting point selection strategy.
Furthermore, you can control the IPOPT invoked by octeract-engine by adding an
options file in your execution directory. This will allow you to control exactly what IPOPT is doing, including changing its constraint violation options.