next.js mdx渲染问题与备注和rehype-katex
我在Next.js项目中使用React-Math和Rehype-Katex插件中的MDX。 当我呈现MDX文件时,它会给我带来错误:
“乳胶兼容输入和严格模式设置为'warn':在latex,\或\ newline中在显示模式[newlineindisplaymode]中无能
import nextMDX from '@next/mdx';
import remarkMath from 'remark-math';
import rehypeKatex from 'rehype-katex';
const nextConfig = {
reactStrictMode: true,
const withMDX = nextMDX({
extension: /\.mdx?$/,
options: {
remarkPlugins: [remarkMath],
rehypePlugins: [rehypeKatex],
// If you use `MDXProvider`, uncomment the following line.
providerImportSource: '@mdx-js/react',
export default withMDX({
// Append the default value with md extensions
pageExtensions: ['js', 'jsx', 'md', 'mdx'],
有人知道如何解决此问题或关闭严格的模式警告? 谢谢 !
I am using MDX in my NEXT.JS project with the react-math and rehype-katex plugins.
When I render the MDX files it gives me errors:
"LaTeX-incompatible input and strict mode is set to 'warn': In LaTeX, \ or \newline does nothing in display mode [newLineInDisplayMode]"
Flowing are my next.config.mjs file.
import nextMDX from '@next/mdx';
import remarkMath from 'remark-math';
import rehypeKatex from 'rehype-katex';
const nextConfig = {
reactStrictMode: true,
const withMDX = nextMDX({
extension: /\.mdx?$/,
options: {
remarkPlugins: [remarkMath],
rehypePlugins: [rehypeKatex],
// If you use `MDXProvider`, uncomment the following line.
providerImportSource: '@mdx-js/react',
export default withMDX({
// Append the default value with md extensions
pageExtensions: ['js', 'jsx', 'md', 'mdx'],
Any one knows how can I fix this or turn off the strict mode warnings?
Thanks !
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我认为您应该使用$$ latex content $$应用
p(y = 1 | x; w)= \ frac {1} {1 + e^{ - w^t x}} = \ sigma( w^t x)
i think you should use $$ latex content $$ for applying
ex :
P(y = 1 | x; w) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-w^T x}} = \sigma(w^T x)
enter image description here