If you built a command-line interface (CLI) to your app, then you can expose it to the Internet via web framework like Flask in form of REST API. Then you can access it with JavaScript on the frontend side.
But If you've built a graphical user interface (GUI) using framework like Tkinter, it is nearly impossible to transfer it to the web page without rewriting the code. Anvil seems to be able to provide web a GUI for Python, but I haven't tried it yet.
如果您在应用程序中构建了命令行界面(cli),则可以通过Web框架将其公开到Internet,例如 flask 以REST API的形式。然后,您可以在前端侧使用JavaScript访问它。
但是,如果您使用TKINTER之类的框架构建了A 图形用户界面(GUI),则几乎不可能在不重写代码的情况下将其传输到网页。 anvil ,但我还没有尝试过。
If you built a command-line interface (CLI) to your app, then you can expose it to the Internet via web framework like Flask in form of REST API. Then you can access it with JavaScript on the frontend side.
But If you've built a graphical user interface (GUI) using framework like Tkinter, it is nearly impossible to transfer it to the web page without rewriting the code. Anvil seems to be able to provide web a GUI for Python, but I haven't tried it yet.