致命:用户“ root”的密码身份验证失败了在表格中
我创建了我的PostgreSQL容器: Docker Run -name Postgres12 -p 5432:5432 -e Postgres_user = root -e Postgres_pass_password = Secret -D Postgres:12 -alpine 在使用TablePlus时,即使输入了正确的密码,我也会遇到此问题。
So I was following up with a udemy course on backend development using PostgresSQL, Docker, GO, Kubernetes and got stuck here in the authentication part.
I created my postgresql container :
docker run --name postgres12 -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=root -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret -d postgres:12-alpine
While using tableplus, I encountered this problem even after entering the correct password.
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对我而言,解决方案是禁用本地PostgreSQL服务,因为我已经在计算机上安装了它,正如Aziz所说,TablePlus将参考您设置的密码,而不是运行容器时您编写的密码,因此> Windows的解决方案接下来是:
,然后单击输入For me solution was to disable local postgresql service since i have already installed it on my machine and as aziz said TablePlus will refer to the password you set to your psql user, instead of the one you've written when running container, so SOLUTION for windows is next:
and click ENTER我最近遇到了同样的问题。这可能是因为您已经在计算机上已经安装了Postgres,因此TablePlus会参考您将密码设置为PSQL用户,而不是运行容器时编写的密码。至少这是我发生的事情。解决方案是使用您的主要Postgres用户密码。
I encountered the same issue recently. It might be because you have postgres already installed on your machine, so TablePlus will refer to the password you set to your psql user, instead of the one you've written when running container. At least this is what happened to me. The solution is to use your main postgres user password.