“ Webhook”是PayPal唯一可能的选项吗?
我已经在Braintree SDK中看到了与订阅有关的东西,这可以工作吗?
In our app user is paying for one year of use during checkout and then after a year we are staring to charge subscription.
Let's say that users are identified by email. So, how can I verify that user have now an active subscription ?
I have seen a few posts that suggest to build webhook and listen to PayPal events.
In our flow the initial purchase will be on WordPress website with one of the subscriptions Plugins and then I need to "activate" subscription in the App.
Is the "webhook" the only possible option with PayPal?
I have seen something in Braintree SDK related to subscription, can this work?
Seems to me too complicated to build the whole system only to verify subscription. In Stripe, for example, you can proactively ask if the user has subscription.
code> cody> code_id
最多127个字符的值。如果您需要下载以前付款的事务历史记录,则可以从帐户接口,通常在活动下 - >所有报告 - >活动下载。然后,可以将其导入到数据库中,以在您没有Webhook事件的记录中进行任何差距。
The webhook PAYMENT.SALE.COMPLETED informs of every completed subscription payment. Use this information to continuously update your records of whether a user has a paid-for subscription.
If you need metadata for reconciliation of which subscription corresponds to which user (since however they are identified at PayPal may not correspond to however you identify them), you can set the parameter
when creating the subscription, to any value of up to 127 characters.If you need to download a transaction history of previous payments, you can get a report in CSV format from the https://www.paypal.com account interface, typically under Activity -> All Reports -> Activity Download. This can then be imported to a database to backfill any gap in your records that you don't have webhook events for.