The concept is to provide a workflow which allows you to apply all the properties you want and then have that object "built", for example...
public class ButtonBuilder<Builder extends ButtonBuilder<Builder>> {
private JButton button;
public ButtonBuilder() {
button = new JButton();
public Builder withText(String text) {
return (Builder)this;
public Builder withIcon(Icon icon) {
return (Builder)this;
public Builder borderPainted(boolean painted) {
return (Builder)this;
public Builder contentAreaFilled(boolean painted) {
return (Builder)this;
public Builder focusPainted(boolean painted) {
return (Builder)this;
public JButton build() {
return button;
nb: Note, a common pattern for a builder is store the properties in some kind of cache/lookup, which are then applied when you call build, but in this case, it's just easier to apply them directly to the button itself
nb: Obviously, I've only supplied a small subset of properties you might want to specify for a button, you'll need to add the rest ;)
And then you can build the button using something like...
But that's not what I asked, I don't want to have to have reapply the all the properties each time I want to create a button
Yes, I know, I was getting to it. Once you have a "base" builder, you could make one or more "custom" extensions, which could apply default values directly, for example...
public class MyCustomButtonBuilder extends ButtonBuilder<MyCustomButtonBuilder> {
public MyCustomButtonBuilder(String text) {
this(text, null);
public MyCustomButtonBuilder(Icon icon) {
this(null, icon);
public MyCustomButtonBuilder(String text, Icon icon) {
which could then be used something like...
JButton sadButton = new MyCustomButtonBuilder("Sad", new ImageIcon("/images/Sad.png"))))
使用“ nofollow noreferrer”>“建筑商”
使用a < a href =“ = a%20factory%20Pattern%20Pattern%20OR%20Factory,%20Instance%20Instance%20OF%20The%20CLASS。” ”
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”>“工厂模式 根据您的共同需求。
You could...
Use a "builder pattern"
The concept is to provide a workflow which allows you to apply all the properties you want and then have that object "built", for example...
nb: Note, a common pattern for a builder is store the properties in some kind of cache/lookup, which are then applied when you call build, but in this case, it's just easier to apply them directly to the button itself
nb: Obviously, I've only supplied a small subset of properties you might want to specify for a button, you'll need to add the rest ;)
And then you can build the button using something like...
Yes, I know, I was getting to it. Once you have a "base" builder, you could make one or more "custom" extensions, which could apply default values directly, for example...
which could then be used something like...
You could...
Use a "factory pattern", for example...
which could be used something like...
The factory pattern could allow you to supply a multiple number of different types of buttons, configured different based on your common needs.
You could...
Combine the two concepts, for example...