
发布于 2025-02-05 01:10:06 字数 1860 浏览 2 评论 0原文



cust_id    cust_first   cust_last   au_zo   au_zo_pay   fi_gu   fi_gu_pay   wa     wa_pay
0   1000    Andrew       Jones      50.85   debit        NaN      NaN      69.12    debit
1   1001    Fatima       Lee        NaN      NaN        18.16     debit    NaN       NaN
2   1002    Sophia       Lewis      NaN      NaN         NaN      NaN     159.54.  credit
3   1003    Edward      Bush       45.29    credit     59.63    credit     NaN       NaN
4   1004    Mark        Nunez      20.87    credit     20.87    credit    86.18     debit

首先,我需要添加一个新专栏“ City”。因为它不在数据库中。它违约为“纽约”。 (很容易!)

但是这是我被卡住的地方: 添加一个新列“商店”将根据进行交易的位置保存值。 au_zo-> autozone,fi_gu->五个家伙,华盛顿 - > Walmart

根据先前添加的商店添加新列“分类”:自动区域 - >自动修复,五个家伙 - >食物,沃尔玛 - >杂货




  cust_id  city cust_first  cust_last   store   classification  amount  trans_type
0   1000  New York  Andrew  Jones     auto zone auto-repair      50.85  debit
1   1000  New York  Andrew  Jones     walmart   groceries        69.12  debit
2   1001  New York  Fatima  Lee       five guys food             18.16  debit
3   1002  New York  Sophia  Solis     walmart   groceries        159.54 credit
4   1003  New York  Edward  Bush      auto zone auto-repair      45.29  credit
5   1003  New York  Edward  Bush      five guys food             59.63  credit
6   1004  New York  Mark    Nunez     auto zone auto-repair      20.87  credit
7   1004  New York  Mark    Nunez     five guys food             20.87  credit
8   1004  New York  Mark    Nunez     walmart   groceries        86.18  debit

我尝试使用df. -melt(),但我没有得到结果。

I need to use some names of the columns as part of the df. While keeping the first 3 columns identical, I need to create some other columns based on the content of the row.

Here I have some transactions from some customers:

cust_id    cust_first   cust_last   au_zo   au_zo_pay   fi_gu   fi_gu_pay   wa     wa_pay
0   1000    Andrew       Jones      50.85   debit        NaN      NaN      69.12    debit
1   1001    Fatima       Lee        NaN      NaN        18.16     debit    NaN       NaN
2   1002    Sophia       Lewis      NaN      NaN         NaN      NaN     159.54.  credit
3   1003    Edward      Bush       45.29    credit     59.63    credit     NaN       NaN
4   1004    Mark        Nunez      20.87    credit     20.87    credit    86.18     debit

First, I need to add a new column, 'city'. Since it is not on the database. It is defaulted to be 'New York'. (that's easy!)

But here is where I am getting stuck:
Add a new column 'store' holds values according to where a transaction took place. au_zo --> autozone, fi_gu --> five guys, wa --> walmart

Add new column 'classification' according to the store previously added: auto zone --> auto-repair, five guys --> food, walmart --> groceries

Column 'amount' holds the value of the customer and store.

Column 'transaction_type' is the value of au_zo_pay, fi_gu_pay, wa_pay respectively.

So at the end it looks like this:

  cust_id  city cust_first  cust_last   store   classification  amount  trans_type
0   1000  New York  Andrew  Jones     auto zone auto-repair      50.85  debit
1   1000  New York  Andrew  Jones     walmart   groceries        69.12  debit
2   1001  New York  Fatima  Lee       five guys food             18.16  debit
3   1002  New York  Sophia  Solis     walmart   groceries        159.54 credit
4   1003  New York  Edward  Bush      auto zone auto-repair      45.29  credit
5   1003  New York  Edward  Bush      five guys food             59.63  credit
6   1004  New York  Mark    Nunez     auto zone auto-repair      20.87  credit
7   1004  New York  Mark    Nunez     five guys food             20.87  credit
8   1004  New York  Mark    Nunez     walmart   groceries        86.18  debit

I have tried using df.melt() but I don't get the results.

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小傻瓜 2025-02-12 01:10:06


import pandas as pd
mp = {
'au_zo': 'auto-repair',

### Read txt Data: get pandas df
# I copied and pasted your sample data to a txt file, you can ignore this part
with open(r"C:\Users\orf-haoj\Desktop\test.txt", 'r') as file:
    head, *df = [row.split() for row in file.readlines()]
    df = [row[1:] for row in df]
    df = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=head)

### Here we conduct 2 melts to form melt_1 & melt_2 data
# this melt table is to melt cols 'au_zo','fi_gu', and 'wa'. & get amount as value
melt_1 = df.melt(id_vars=['cust_id', 'cust_first', 'cust_last'], value_vars=['au_zo','fi_gu','wa'], var_name='store', value_name='amount')
# this melt table is to melt cols ['au_zo_pay','fi_gu_pay','wa_pay']. & get trans_type cols
melt_2 = df.melt(id_vars=['cust_id', 'cust_first', 'cust_last'], value_vars=['au_zo_pay', 'fi_gu_pay', 'wa_pay'], var_name='store pay', value_name='trans_type')
# since I want to join these table later, it will a good to get one more key store
melt_2['store'] = melt_2['store pay'].apply(lambda x: '_'.join(x.split("_")[:-1]))

### Remove NaN
# you prob want to switch to test = test.loc[~test['amount'].isnull()] or something else if you have actual nan
melt_1 = melt_1.loc[melt_1['amount'] != 'NaN']
melt_2 = melt_2.loc[melt_2['trans_type'] != 'NaN']

### Inner join data based on 4 keys (assuming your data will have one to one relationship based on these 4 keys)
full_df = melt_1.merge(melt_2, on=['cust_id', 'cust_first', 'cust_last', 'store'], how='inner')
full_df['city'] = 'New York'
full_df['classification'] = full_df['store'].apply(lambda x: mp[x])


Is this something you want?

import pandas as pd
mp = {
'au_zo': 'auto-repair',

### Read txt Data: get pandas df
# I copied and pasted your sample data to a txt file, you can ignore this part
with open(r"C:\Users\orf-haoj\Desktop\test.txt", 'r') as file:
    head, *df = [row.split() for row in file.readlines()]
    df = [row[1:] for row in df]
    df = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=head)

### Here we conduct 2 melts to form melt_1 & melt_2 data
# this melt table is to melt cols 'au_zo','fi_gu', and 'wa'. & get amount as value
melt_1 = df.melt(id_vars=['cust_id', 'cust_first', 'cust_last'], value_vars=['au_zo','fi_gu','wa'], var_name='store', value_name='amount')
# this melt table is to melt cols ['au_zo_pay','fi_gu_pay','wa_pay']. & get trans_type cols
melt_2 = df.melt(id_vars=['cust_id', 'cust_first', 'cust_last'], value_vars=['au_zo_pay', 'fi_gu_pay', 'wa_pay'], var_name='store pay', value_name='trans_type')
# since I want to join these table later, it will a good to get one more key store
melt_2['store'] = melt_2['store pay'].apply(lambda x: '_'.join(x.split("_")[:-1]))

### Remove NaN
# you prob want to switch to test = test.loc[~test['amount'].isnull()] or something else if you have actual nan
melt_1 = melt_1.loc[melt_1['amount'] != 'NaN']
melt_2 = melt_2.loc[melt_2['trans_type'] != 'NaN']

### Inner join data based on 4 keys (assuming your data will have one to one relationship based on these 4 keys)
full_df = melt_1.merge(melt_2, on=['cust_id', 'cust_first', 'cust_last', 'store'], how='inner')
full_df['city'] = 'New York'
full_df['classification'] = full_df['store'].apply(lambda x: mp[x])

In addition, this method will have its limitation. For example, when one to one relationship is not true based on those four keys, it will generate wrong dataset.

彼岸花ソ最美的依靠 2025-02-12 01:10:06


# assign city column and set index by customer demographic columns
df1 = df.assign(city='New York').set_index(['cust_id', 'city', 'cust_first', 'cust_last'])
# fix column names by completing the abbrs
df1.columns = df1.columns.to_series().replace({'au_zo': 'autozone', 'fi_gu': 'five guys', 'wa': 'walmart'}, regex=True)
# split column names for a multiindex column
df1.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([c.split('_') if c.endswith('pay') else [c, 'amount'] for c in df1.columns], names=['store',''])
# stack df1 to make the wide df to a long df
df1 = df1.stack(0).reset_index()
# insert classification column
df1.insert(5, 'classification', df1.store.map({'autozone': 'auto-repair', 'five guys': 'food', 'walmart': 'groceries'}))


Try this

# assign city column and set index by customer demographic columns
df1 = df.assign(city='New York').set_index(['cust_id', 'city', 'cust_first', 'cust_last'])
# fix column names by completing the abbrs
df1.columns = df1.columns.to_series().replace({'au_zo': 'autozone', 'fi_gu': 'five guys', 'wa': 'walmart'}, regex=True)
# split column names for a multiindex column
df1.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([c.split('_') if c.endswith('pay') else [c, 'amount'] for c in df1.columns], names=['store',''])
# stack df1 to make the wide df to a long df
df1 = df1.stack(0).reset_index()
# insert classification column
df1.insert(5, 'classification', df1.store.map({'autozone': 'auto-repair', 'five guys': 'food', 'walmart': 'groceries'}))

enter image description here

谜兔 2025-02-12 01:10:06



df1 = (df
 .rename(lambda x: re.sub('(.*)_pay', 'pay:\\1', x), axis=1)
 .rename(lambda x:re.sub('^(((?!cust|pay).)*)

介绍为更长的时间使用 pd.wide_to_long 并进行替换。

df2 = (pd.wide_to_long(df1, stubnames = ['amount', 'pay'], 
    i = df1.columns[:3], j = 'store', sep=':', suffix='\\w+')

store = {'au_zo':'auto zone', 'fi_gu':'five guys', 'wa':'walmart'}
classification =  {'au_zo':'auto-repair', 'fi_gu':'food', 'wa':'groceries'}

df2['classification'] = df2['store'].replace(classification)
df2['store'] = df2['store'].replace(store)

 cust_id cust_first cust_last      store   amount     pay classification
0      1000     Andrew     Jones  auto zone    50.85   debit    auto-repair
2      1000     Andrew     Jones    walmart    69.12   debit      groceries
4      1001     Fatima       Lee  five guys    18.16   debit           food
8      1002     Sophia     Lewis    walmart  159.54.  credit      groceries
9      1003     Edward      Bush  auto zone    45.29  credit    auto-repair
10     1003     Edward      Bush  five guys    59.63  credit           food
12     1004       Mark     Nunez  auto zone    20.87  credit    auto-repair
13     1004       Mark     Nunez  five guys    20.87  credit           food
14     1004       Mark     Nunez    walmart    86.18   debit      groceries

// nb您可以考虑使用 pivot_longer 来自 Janitor

, 'amount:\\1', x), axis=1))


// nb您可以考虑使用pivot_longer来自Janitor

One other way is as follows:

df1 is exactly as df with renamed names ie having the name amount in from of the store value

df1 = (df
 .rename(lambda x: re.sub('(.*)_pay', 'pay:\\1', x), axis=1)
 .rename(lambda x:re.sub('^(((?!cust|pay).)*)

Now pivot to longer using pd.wide_to_long and do the replacement.

df2 = (pd.wide_to_long(df1, stubnames = ['amount', 'pay'], 
    i = df1.columns[:3], j = 'store', sep=':', suffix='\\w+')

store = {'au_zo':'auto zone', 'fi_gu':'five guys', 'wa':'walmart'}
classification =  {'au_zo':'auto-repair', 'fi_gu':'food', 'wa':'groceries'}

df2['classification'] = df2['store'].replace(classification)
df2['store'] = df2['store'].replace(store)

 cust_id cust_first cust_last      store   amount     pay classification
0      1000     Andrew     Jones  auto zone    50.85   debit    auto-repair
2      1000     Andrew     Jones    walmart    69.12   debit      groceries
4      1001     Fatima       Lee  five guys    18.16   debit           food
8      1002     Sophia     Lewis    walmart  159.54.  credit      groceries
9      1003     Edward      Bush  auto zone    45.29  credit    auto-repair
10     1003     Edward      Bush  five guys    59.63  credit           food
12     1004       Mark     Nunez  auto zone    20.87  credit    auto-repair
13     1004       Mark     Nunez  five guys    20.87  credit           food
14     1004       Mark     Nunez    walmart    86.18   debit      groceries

//NB You could consider using pivot_longer from janitor

, 'amount:\\1', x), axis=1))

Now pivot to longer using pd.wide_to_long and do the replacement.

//NB You could consider using pivot_longer from janitor

顾冷 2025-02-12 01:10:06

转换为长形式的一个选项是来自 pyjanitor ;它具有很多选项,对于此特定用例,我们在使用其他PANDAS函数重命名并添加新列:

# pip install pyjanitor
import pandas as pd
import janitor

mapper = {'au_zo':'autozone', 
          'fi_gu':'five guys', 

store_mapper = {'autozone':'repair', 
                'five guys':'food', 
.assign(city = 'New York')
    index = 'c*', 
    names_to = ['ignore', 'store'], 
    values_to = ['trans_type', 'amount'], 
    names_pattern = ['.+pay
, '.+'], 
.assign(classification = lambda df: df.store.map(store_mapper))

    cust_id cust_first cust_last      city trans_type      store   amount classification
0      1000     Andrew     Jones  New York      debit   autozone    50.85         repair
2      1000     Andrew     Jones  New York      debit    walmart    69.12      groceries
4      1001     Fatima       Lee  New York      debit  five guys    18.16           food
8      1002     Sophia     Lewis  New York     credit    walmart  159.54.      groceries
9      1003     Edward      Bush  New York     credit   autozone    45.29         repair
10     1003     Edward      Bush  New York     credit  five guys    59.63           food
12     1004       Mark     Nunez  New York     credit   autozone    20.87         repair
13     1004       Mark     Nunez  New York     credit  five guys    20.87           food
14     1004       Mark     Nunez  New York      debit    walmart    86.18      groceries

one option for transforming to long form is with pivot_longer from pyjanitor; it has a lot of options, for this particular use case, we pull out multiple values and multiple names (that are paired with the appropriate regex), before using other Pandas functions to rename and add new columns:

# pip install pyjanitor
import pandas as pd
import janitor

mapper = {'au_zo':'autozone', 
          'fi_gu':'five guys', 

store_mapper = {'autozone':'repair', 
                'five guys':'food', 
.assign(city = 'New York')
    index = 'c*', 
    names_to = ['ignore', 'store'], 
    values_to = ['trans_type', 'amount'], 
    names_pattern = ['.+pay
, '.+'], 
.assign(classification = lambda df: df.store.map(store_mapper))

    cust_id cust_first cust_last      city trans_type      store   amount classification
0      1000     Andrew     Jones  New York      debit   autozone    50.85         repair
2      1000     Andrew     Jones  New York      debit    walmart    69.12      groceries
4      1001     Fatima       Lee  New York      debit  five guys    18.16           food
8      1002     Sophia     Lewis  New York     credit    walmart  159.54.      groceries
9      1003     Edward      Bush  New York     credit   autozone    45.29         repair
10     1003     Edward      Bush  New York     credit  five guys    59.63           food
12     1004       Mark     Nunez  New York     credit   autozone    20.87         repair
13     1004       Mark     Nunez  New York     credit  five guys    20.87           food
14     1004       Mark     Nunez  New York      debit    walmart    86.18      groceries
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