from tkinter import *
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import string
abc = list(string.ascii_uppercase)
# rotor 3
class thirdRotor:
def __init__(self):
self.dictionary = [(1,3),(5,20),(17,2),(2,15),(14,18),(8,1),(12,13),(18,10),(9,5),(13,24),(3,19),(23,6),(6,17),(16,12),(25,21),(15,26),(4,8),(10,25),(21,9),(26,14),(22,11),(19,16),(11,23),(24,7),(7,4),(20,22)]
self.code_position = 0
self.decode_position = 0
def code(self, input, direction):
self.code_position = self.code_position + 1
if self.code_position > 26:
self.code_position = self.code_position - 26
search = self.cykleSearch((input + self.code_position))
result = 0
for i in range(0,26):
if self.dictionary[i][switchDirection(direction)] == search:
result = self.dictionary[i][direction]
return result
def cykleSearch(self, search):
while search > 26:
search = search - 26
return search
class stator:
def __init__(self):
self.dictionary = [(5,24),(14,19),(9,23),(26,13),(22,7),(20,12),(17,1),(21,25),(16,2),(18,3),(11,8),(10,6),(4,15),(24,5),(19,14),(23,9),(13,26),(7,22),(12,20),(1,17),(25,21),(2,16),(3,18),(8,11),(6,10),(15,4)]
def find(self, input):
for i in range(0,26):
if self.dictionary[i][0] == input:
return self.dictionary[i][1]
# rotor 2
class secondRotor:
def __init__(self):
self.dictionary = [(18,8),(4,6),(13,5),(23,24),(12,25),(19,21),(2,14),(24,16),(3,19),(7,1),(10,23),(6,2),(20,13),(15,12),(14,10),(5,20),(17,3),(16,17),(9,22),(25,15),(11,18),(8,26),(1,7),(21,9),(22,11),(26,4)]
self.code_position = 0
def code(self, input, direction):
self.code_position = self.code_position + 1
real_position = self.code_position
search = self.cykleSearch(input + self.cycleIterator(real_position))
result = 0
for i in range(0,26):
if self.dictionary[i][switchDirection(direction)] == search:
result = self.dictionary[i][direction]
return result
def cycleIterator(self, iterator):
while iterator > 26:
iterator = iterator // 26
return iterator
def cykleSearch(self, search):
while search > 26:
search = search - 26
return search
# rotor 1
class firstRotor:
def __init__(self):
self.dictionary = [(24,19),(19,20),(5,13),(6,7),(2,5),(15,25),(8,17),(9,4),(20,10),(12,11),(25,23),(11,6),(18,8),(23,2),(21,16),(16,26),(26,1),(7,21),(3,3),(4,12),(14,15),(22,9),(17,24),(13,22),(1,14),(10,18)]
def code(self, input, direction):
self.code_position = self.code_position + 1
real_position = self.code_position
search = self.cykleSearch(input + self.cycleIteratorSqrt(real_position))
result = 0
for i in range(0,26):
if self.dictionary[i][switchDirection(direction)] == search:
result = self.dictionary[i][direction]
return result
def cycleIteratorSqrt(self, iterator):
if iterator // (26*26) > 1:
while iterator > (26*26):
iterator = iterator // (26*26)
iterator = iterator // (26*26)
return iterator
def cykleSearch(self, search):
while search > 26:
search = search - 26
return search
rotor_3 = thirdRotor()
rotor_2 = secondRotor()
rotor_1 = firstRotor()
stator = stator()
def crypt_word(word):
result = list()
for letter in word:
return result
def codeByRotors(letter):
number = abc.index(letter) + 1
thirdRtl = rotor_3.code(number, 0)
secondRtl = rotor_2.code(thirdRtl, 0)
firstRtl = rotor_1.code(secondRtl, 0)
statorRtl = stator.find(firstRtl)
firstLtr = rotor_1.code(statorRtl, 1)
secondLtr = rotor_2.code(firstLtr, 1)
thirdLtr = rotor_3.code(secondLtr, 1)
result = thirdLtr
return abc[result - 1]
def switchDirection(direction):
return 0 if direction == 1 else 1
def configureMachine(frtRrStart, sndRrStart, trdRrStart):
rotor_1.code_position = frtRrStart
rotor_2.code_position = sndRrStart
rotor_3.code_position = trdRrStart
def runMachine(stringByWords):
result = ''
strg = ''
for word in stringByWords:
crypted = crypt_word(word)
result += strg.join(crypted)
result += ' '
return result
def process(frtRrStart, sndRrStart, trdRrStart, inputString):
inputString = inputString.upper()
stringByWords = inputString.split()
configureMachine(int(frtRrStart), int(sndRrStart), int(trdRrStart))
result = runMachine(stringByWords)
return result
root = Tk()
root['bg'] = '#FF8F29'
startentry = Entry(root, bg='#F7B237', justify=CENTER)
startentry.place(x = 10,y = 10, width=285, height=115)
#company logo
clogo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open("companylogo.jpg").resize((120, 120)))
logo = Label(root, image = clogo)
logo.place(x=10, y = 150)
def Rotor_add(rotor: Label, count: int = 1):
rotor.configure(text=rotor["text"] + count)
def Rotor_reset():
rotor1.configure(text = 0)
rotor2.configure(text = 0)
rotor3.configure(text = 0)
rotor3btn1 = Button(root, text='<', command=lambda: Rotor_add(rotor3, -1))
rotor3btn2 = Button(root, text='>', command=lambda: Rotor_add(rotor3))
rotor2btn1 = Button(root, text='<', command=lambda: Rotor_add(rotor2, -1))
rotor2btn2 = Button(root, text='>', command=lambda: Rotor_add(rotor2))
rotor1btn1 = Button(root, text='<', command=lambda: Rotor_add(rotor1, -1))
rotor1btn2 = Button(root, text='>', command=lambda: Rotor_add(rotor1))
rotor3btn1.place(x=185, y=250)
rotor3btn2.place(x=250, y=250)
rotor2btn1.place(x=185, y=210)
rotor2btn2.place(x=250, y=210)
rotor1btn1.place(x=185, y=170)
rotor1btn2.place(x=250, y=170)
#rotors values
rotor3 = Label(root, fg='black', bg='#FF8F29', text=0)
rotor3.place(x=220, y=250)
rotor2 = Label(root, fg='black', bg='#FF8F29', text=0)
rotor2.place(x=220, y=210)
rotor1 = Label(root, fg='black', bg='#FF8F29', text=0)
rotor1.place(x=220, y=170)
endentry = Text(root, bg='#F7B237')
endentry.place(x = 10,y = 305, width=285, height=115)
def Enigma_Start():
inputString = startentry.get()
rotor1_get = rotor1['text']
rotor2_get = rotor2['text']
rotor3_get = rotor3['text']
result_all = process(rotor1_get,rotor2_get,rotor3_get, inputString)
endentry.delete(CURRENT, END)
endentry.insert(END ,result_all)
EncryptBtn = Button(root, text='Encrypt', command = lambda: Enigma_Start())
EncryptBtn.place(x=185, y = 135)
ResetBtn = Button(root, text='Reset', command = lambda: Rotor_reset())
ResetBtn.place(x=245, y = 135)
Now I am writing the Enigma cipher machine. But after writing everything, I noticed that when switching only the first rotor, it does not change the final result.
While all other rotors work perfectly
If you find the reason for the error, please write about it in the comments.
If needed, I can provide all the information on the code.
from tkinter import *
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import string
abc = list(string.ascii_uppercase)
# rotor 3
class thirdRotor:
def __init__(self):
self.dictionary = [(1,3),(5,20),(17,2),(2,15),(14,18),(8,1),(12,13),(18,10),(9,5),(13,24),(3,19),(23,6),(6,17),(16,12),(25,21),(15,26),(4,8),(10,25),(21,9),(26,14),(22,11),(19,16),(11,23),(24,7),(7,4),(20,22)]
self.code_position = 0
self.decode_position = 0
def code(self, input, direction):
self.code_position = self.code_position + 1
if self.code_position > 26:
self.code_position = self.code_position - 26
search = self.cykleSearch((input + self.code_position))
result = 0
for i in range(0,26):
if self.dictionary[i][switchDirection(direction)] == search:
result = self.dictionary[i][direction]
return result
def cykleSearch(self, search):
while search > 26:
search = search - 26
return search
class stator:
def __init__(self):
self.dictionary = [(5,24),(14,19),(9,23),(26,13),(22,7),(20,12),(17,1),(21,25),(16,2),(18,3),(11,8),(10,6),(4,15),(24,5),(19,14),(23,9),(13,26),(7,22),(12,20),(1,17),(25,21),(2,16),(3,18),(8,11),(6,10),(15,4)]
def find(self, input):
for i in range(0,26):
if self.dictionary[i][0] == input:
return self.dictionary[i][1]
# rotor 2
class secondRotor:
def __init__(self):
self.dictionary = [(18,8),(4,6),(13,5),(23,24),(12,25),(19,21),(2,14),(24,16),(3,19),(7,1),(10,23),(6,2),(20,13),(15,12),(14,10),(5,20),(17,3),(16,17),(9,22),(25,15),(11,18),(8,26),(1,7),(21,9),(22,11),(26,4)]
self.code_position = 0
def code(self, input, direction):
self.code_position = self.code_position + 1
real_position = self.code_position
search = self.cykleSearch(input + self.cycleIterator(real_position))
result = 0
for i in range(0,26):
if self.dictionary[i][switchDirection(direction)] == search:
result = self.dictionary[i][direction]
return result
def cycleIterator(self, iterator):
while iterator > 26:
iterator = iterator // 26
return iterator
def cykleSearch(self, search):
while search > 26:
search = search - 26
return search
# rotor 1
class firstRotor:
def __init__(self):
self.dictionary = [(24,19),(19,20),(5,13),(6,7),(2,5),(15,25),(8,17),(9,4),(20,10),(12,11),(25,23),(11,6),(18,8),(23,2),(21,16),(16,26),(26,1),(7,21),(3,3),(4,12),(14,15),(22,9),(17,24),(13,22),(1,14),(10,18)]
def code(self, input, direction):
self.code_position = self.code_position + 1
real_position = self.code_position
search = self.cykleSearch(input + self.cycleIteratorSqrt(real_position))
result = 0
for i in range(0,26):
if self.dictionary[i][switchDirection(direction)] == search:
result = self.dictionary[i][direction]
return result
def cycleIteratorSqrt(self, iterator):
if iterator // (26*26) > 1:
while iterator > (26*26):
iterator = iterator // (26*26)
iterator = iterator // (26*26)
return iterator
def cykleSearch(self, search):
while search > 26:
search = search - 26
return search
rotor_3 = thirdRotor()
rotor_2 = secondRotor()
rotor_1 = firstRotor()
stator = stator()
def crypt_word(word):
result = list()
for letter in word:
return result
def codeByRotors(letter):
number = abc.index(letter) + 1
thirdRtl = rotor_3.code(number, 0)
secondRtl = rotor_2.code(thirdRtl, 0)
firstRtl = rotor_1.code(secondRtl, 0)
statorRtl = stator.find(firstRtl)
firstLtr = rotor_1.code(statorRtl, 1)
secondLtr = rotor_2.code(firstLtr, 1)
thirdLtr = rotor_3.code(secondLtr, 1)
result = thirdLtr
return abc[result - 1]
def switchDirection(direction):
return 0 if direction == 1 else 1
def configureMachine(frtRrStart, sndRrStart, trdRrStart):
rotor_1.code_position = frtRrStart
rotor_2.code_position = sndRrStart
rotor_3.code_position = trdRrStart
def runMachine(stringByWords):
result = ''
strg = ''
for word in stringByWords:
crypted = crypt_word(word)
result += strg.join(crypted)
result += ' '
return result
def process(frtRrStart, sndRrStart, trdRrStart, inputString):
inputString = inputString.upper()
stringByWords = inputString.split()
configureMachine(int(frtRrStart), int(sndRrStart), int(trdRrStart))
result = runMachine(stringByWords)
return result
root = Tk()
root['bg'] = '#FF8F29'
startentry = Entry(root, bg='#F7B237', justify=CENTER)
startentry.place(x = 10,y = 10, width=285, height=115)
#company logo
clogo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open("companylogo.jpg").resize((120, 120)))
logo = Label(root, image = clogo)
logo.place(x=10, y = 150)
def Rotor_add(rotor: Label, count: int = 1):
rotor.configure(text=rotor["text"] + count)
def Rotor_reset():
rotor1.configure(text = 0)
rotor2.configure(text = 0)
rotor3.configure(text = 0)
rotor3btn1 = Button(root, text='<', command=lambda: Rotor_add(rotor3, -1))
rotor3btn2 = Button(root, text='>', command=lambda: Rotor_add(rotor3))
rotor2btn1 = Button(root, text='<', command=lambda: Rotor_add(rotor2, -1))
rotor2btn2 = Button(root, text='>', command=lambda: Rotor_add(rotor2))
rotor1btn1 = Button(root, text='<', command=lambda: Rotor_add(rotor1, -1))
rotor1btn2 = Button(root, text='>', command=lambda: Rotor_add(rotor1))
rotor3btn1.place(x=185, y=250)
rotor3btn2.place(x=250, y=250)
rotor2btn1.place(x=185, y=210)
rotor2btn2.place(x=250, y=210)
rotor1btn1.place(x=185, y=170)
rotor1btn2.place(x=250, y=170)
#rotors values
rotor3 = Label(root, fg='black', bg='#FF8F29', text=0)
rotor3.place(x=220, y=250)
rotor2 = Label(root, fg='black', bg='#FF8F29', text=0)
rotor2.place(x=220, y=210)
rotor1 = Label(root, fg='black', bg='#FF8F29', text=0)
rotor1.place(x=220, y=170)
endentry = Text(root, bg='#F7B237')
endentry.place(x = 10,y = 305, width=285, height=115)
def Enigma_Start():
inputString = startentry.get()
rotor1_get = rotor1['text']
rotor2_get = rotor2['text']
rotor3_get = rotor3['text']
result_all = process(rotor1_get,rotor2_get,rotor3_get, inputString)
endentry.delete(CURRENT, END)
endentry.insert(END ,result_all)
EncryptBtn = Button(root, text='Encrypt', command = lambda: Enigma_Start())
EncryptBtn.place(x=185, y = 135)
ResetBtn = Button(root, text='Reset', command = lambda: Rotor_reset())
ResetBtn.place(x=245, y = 135)
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