代理卡在延迟块中 - 任何人
在此之前(药物输送之前)我有很多抓住,延迟和释放块都可以正常工作。 2882代理商在预期的时间达到了药物输送块,但是,他们被困在那里。
- 已经检查了药物交付资源的工作时间,并且还没有
- 其他障碍使用deaster_drugdeiverry
- 块的最大障碍,可以启用/启用
- ception_drugdeliverers块的最大容量/在
- 我尝试删除这些块时,但是这样做的代理流是被配合的,没有错误,但没有流动
- ?
I checked all parameters/options in the delay time block (time unit, delay time, ...etc) all are fine, same for seize block
screenshot of the problem (2 resources units are used in seize resourcePool, and 1 min in the delay block:
screenshot after relaxing the number of resources in the seize resourcePool to 3000 units (just any big number), and 1 min in the daily block (the same delay time not changed):
I have many seize, delay, and release blocks before this (Before the Drug Delivery) all are working fine. The 2882 agents are reaching the Drug Delivery blocks at the expected time, however, they are stuck there.
Sorry I can not share the model itself.
- working hours of DrugDelivery resources have already been checked and they are fine
- No other blocks are using the DrugDelivery resources
- Maximum capacity of the delay_DrugDeivery block is enabled/on
- Maximum capacity of the seize_DrugDeliverers block is enabled/on
- I tried to delete these blocks, but when doing that the flow of agent is coprated, no errors but no flow
- What else?
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what happens here is that after the release block, there is something that is not allowing your agents to flow. This could be a queue, a hold, impossible to know since you don't share
You will see that if you use in the delay block in the advanced section "force pushing" you will get an error because your agent has nowhere to go