
发布于 2025-02-03 19:53:24 字数 5715 浏览 4 评论 0 原文


import pygame
from pygame import *


DEPTH = 32

def main():
    global cameraX, cameraY
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(DISPLAY, FLAGS, DEPTH)
    pygame.display.set_caption("Use arrows to move!")
    timer = pygame.time.Clock()

    up = down = left = right = running = False
    bg = Surface((32,32))
    entities = pygame.sprite.Group()
    player = Player(32, 32)
    platforms = []

    x = y = 0
    level = [
        "P                                P",
        "P                                P",
        "P                                P",
        "P                                P",
        "P                                P",
        "P                                P",
        "P                                P",
        "P       PPPPPPPPPPP              P",
        "P                                P",
        "P                                P",
        "P                                P",
        "P                                P",
    # build the level
    for row in level:
        for col in row:
            if col == "P":
                p = Platform(x, y)
            if col == "E":
                e = ExitBlock(x, y)
            x += 32
        y += 32
        x = 0


    while 1:

        for e in pygame.event.get():
            if e.type == QUIT: raise SystemExit, "QUIT"
            if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE:
                raise SystemExit, "ESCAPE"
            if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_UP:
                up = True
            if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_DOWN:
                down = True
            if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_LEFT:
                left = True
            if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_RIGHT:
                right = True
            if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_SPACE:
                running = True

            if e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_UP:
                up = False
            if e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_DOWN:
                down = False
            if e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_RIGHT:
                right = False
            if e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_LEFT:
                left = False
            if e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_RIGHT:
                right = False

        # draw background
        for y in range(32):
            for x in range(32):
                screen.blit(bg, (x * 32, y * 32))

        # update player, draw everything else
        player.update(up, down, left, right, running, platforms)


class Entity(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    def __init__(self):

class Player(Entity):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.xvel = 0
        self.yvel = 0
        self.onGround = False
        self.image = Surface((32,32))
        self.rect = Rect(x, y, 32, 32)

    def update(self, up, down, left, right, running, platforms):
        if up:
            # only jump if on the ground
            if self.onGround: self.yvel -= 10
        if down:
        if running:
            self.xvel = 12
        if left:
            self.xvel = -8
        if right:
            self.xvel = 8
        if not self.onGround:
            # only accelerate with gravity if in the air
            self.yvel += 0.3
            # max falling speed
            if self.yvel > 100: self.yvel = 100
        if not(left or right):
            self.xvel = 0
        # increment in x direction
        self.rect.left += self.xvel
        # do x-axis collisions
        self.collide(self.xvel, 0, platforms)
        # increment in y direction
        self.rect.top += self.yvel
        # assuming we're in the air
        self.onGround = False;
        # do y-axis collisions
        self.collide(0, self.yvel, platforms)

    def collide(self, xvel, yvel, platforms):
        for p in platforms:
            if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, p):
                if isinstance(p, ExitBlock):
                if xvel > 0:
                    self.rect.right = p.rect.left
                    print "collide right"
                if xvel < 0:
                    self.rect.left = p.rect.right
                    print "collide left"
                if yvel > 0:
                    self.rect.bottom = p.rect.top
                    self.onGround = True
                    self.yvel = 0
                if yvel < 0:
                    self.rect.top = p.rect.bottom

class Platform(Entity):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.image = Surface((32, 32))
        self.rect = Rect(x, y, 32, 32)

    def update(self):

class ExitBlock(Platform):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        Platform.__init__(self, x, y)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Ok so I included the code for my project below, I'm just doing some experimenting with pygame on making a platformer. I'm trying to figure out how to do some very simple scrolling that follows the player, so the player is the center of the camera and it bounces/follows him. Can anyone help me?

import pygame
from pygame import *


DEPTH = 32

def main():
    global cameraX, cameraY
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(DISPLAY, FLAGS, DEPTH)
    pygame.display.set_caption("Use arrows to move!")
    timer = pygame.time.Clock()

    up = down = left = right = running = False
    bg = Surface((32,32))
    entities = pygame.sprite.Group()
    player = Player(32, 32)
    platforms = []

    x = y = 0
    level = [
        "P                                P",
        "P                                P",
        "P                                P",
        "P                                P",
        "P                                P",
        "P                                P",
        "P                                P",
        "P       PPPPPPPPPPP              P",
        "P                                P",
        "P                                P",
        "P                                P",
        "P                                P",
    # build the level
    for row in level:
        for col in row:
            if col == "P":
                p = Platform(x, y)
            if col == "E":
                e = ExitBlock(x, y)
            x += 32
        y += 32
        x = 0


    while 1:

        for e in pygame.event.get():
            if e.type == QUIT: raise SystemExit, "QUIT"
            if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE:
                raise SystemExit, "ESCAPE"
            if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_UP:
                up = True
            if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_DOWN:
                down = True
            if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_LEFT:
                left = True
            if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_RIGHT:
                right = True
            if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_SPACE:
                running = True

            if e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_UP:
                up = False
            if e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_DOWN:
                down = False
            if e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_RIGHT:
                right = False
            if e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_LEFT:
                left = False
            if e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_RIGHT:
                right = False

        # draw background
        for y in range(32):
            for x in range(32):
                screen.blit(bg, (x * 32, y * 32))

        # update player, draw everything else
        player.update(up, down, left, right, running, platforms)


class Entity(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    def __init__(self):

class Player(Entity):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.xvel = 0
        self.yvel = 0
        self.onGround = False
        self.image = Surface((32,32))
        self.rect = Rect(x, y, 32, 32)

    def update(self, up, down, left, right, running, platforms):
        if up:
            # only jump if on the ground
            if self.onGround: self.yvel -= 10
        if down:
        if running:
            self.xvel = 12
        if left:
            self.xvel = -8
        if right:
            self.xvel = 8
        if not self.onGround:
            # only accelerate with gravity if in the air
            self.yvel += 0.3
            # max falling speed
            if self.yvel > 100: self.yvel = 100
        if not(left or right):
            self.xvel = 0
        # increment in x direction
        self.rect.left += self.xvel
        # do x-axis collisions
        self.collide(self.xvel, 0, platforms)
        # increment in y direction
        self.rect.top += self.yvel
        # assuming we're in the air
        self.onGround = False;
        # do y-axis collisions
        self.collide(0, self.yvel, platforms)

    def collide(self, xvel, yvel, platforms):
        for p in platforms:
            if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, p):
                if isinstance(p, ExitBlock):
                if xvel > 0:
                    self.rect.right = p.rect.left
                    print "collide right"
                if xvel < 0:
                    self.rect.left = p.rect.right
                    print "collide left"
                if yvel > 0:
                    self.rect.bottom = p.rect.top
                    self.onGround = True
                    self.yvel = 0
                if yvel < 0:
                    self.rect.top = p.rect.bottom

class Platform(Entity):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.image = Surface((32, 32))
        self.rect = Rect(x, y, 32, 32)

    def update(self):

class ExitBlock(Platform):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        Platform.__init__(self, x, y)

if __name__ == "__main__":

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月亮邮递员 2025-02-10 19:53:24

您需要在绘制实体的位置上应用偏移。让我们称之为 offset a 相机,因为这是我们想要实现的效果。

首先,我们不能使用Sprite组的 draw 函数,因为精灵不需要知道其位置( rect )不是位置它们将在屏幕上绘制(最后,我们将 group class和重新完成它是 draw 以了解相机,但让我们开始慢的)。


class Camera(object):
    def __init__(self, camera_func, width, height):
        self.camera_func = camera_func
        self.state = Rect(0, 0, width, height)
    def apply(self, target):
        return target.rect.move(self.state.topleft)
    def update(self, target):
        self.state = self.camera_func(self.state, target.rect)


我们需要存储相机的位置,以及像素的宽度和高度(因为我们想停止在级别的边缘滚动)。我使用 rect 存储所有这些信息,但是您可以轻松地使用一些字段。

使用 rect 应用函数中派上用场。这是我们将实体在屏幕上的位置重新计算到应用卷轴上的位置。

根据主循环的迭代,我们需要更新相机的位置,因此有 update 函数。它只是通过调用 camera_func 函数来改变状态,这将为我们做 。我们以后实施。


for row in level:

total_level_width  = len(level[0])*32 # calculate size of level in pixels
total_level_height = len(level)*32    # maybe make 32 an constant
camera = Camera(*to_be_implemented*, total_level_width, total_level_height)



# draw background
for y in range(32):

camera.update(player) # camera follows player. Note that we could also follow any other sprite

# update player, draw everything else
player.update(up, down, left, right, running, platforms)
for e in entities:
    # apply the offset to each entity.
    # call this for everything that should scroll,
    # which is basically everything other than GUI/HUD/UI
    screen.blit(e.image, camera.apply(e)) 


我们的相机课程已经非常灵活,却又简单。它可以使用不同种类的滚动(通过提供不同的 camera_func 函数),并且可以遵循任何arbitary精灵,而不仅仅是玩家。您甚至可以在运行时更改此操作。

现在用于实现 camera_func 。一种简单的方法是将播放器(或我们要遵循的任何实体)集中在屏幕上,并且实现直接:

def simple_camera(camera, target_rect):
    l, t, _, _ = target_rect # l = left,  t = top
    _, _, w, h = camera      # w = width, h = height
    return Rect(-l+HALF_WIDTH, -t+HALF_HEIGHT, w, h)

我们只需占据 target 的位置,然后添加一半的总数屏幕尺寸。您可以通过这样创建相机来尝试一下:

camera = Camera(simple_camera, total_level_width, total_level_height)


def complex_camera(camera, target_rect):
    # we want to center target_rect
    x = -target_rect.center[0] + WIN_WIDTH/2 
    y = -target_rect.center[1] + WIN_HEIGHT/2
    # move the camera. Let's use some vectors so we can easily substract/multiply
    camera.topleft += (pygame.Vector2((x, y)) - pygame.Vector2(camera.topleft)) * 0.06 # add some smoothness coolnes
    # set max/min x/y so we don't see stuff outside the world
    camera.x = max(-(camera.width-WIN_WIDTH), min(0, camera.x))
    camera.y = max(-(camera.height-WIN_HEIGHT), min(0, camera.y))
    return camera

在这里,我们只需使用 min / max 函数即可确保我们不滚动 exourt out级别。


camera = Camera(complex_camera, total_level_width, total_level_height)


https://i.sstatic.net/0sp1e.gif“ alt =“在此处输入图像说明”>


  • 级别更大,要有更多平台
  • 使用Python 3
  • 使用Sprite组处理相机
  • 重构一些重复的代码
  • ,因为Vector2/3现在稳定,请使用它们来轻松地
  • 消除那个丑陋的事件处理代码并使用 pygame.key.get_pressed

 #! /usr/bin/python

import pygame
from pygame import *

SCREEN_SIZE = pygame.Rect((0, 0, 800, 640))
GRAVITY = pygame.Vector2((0, 0.3))

class CameraAwareLayeredUpdates(pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates):
    def __init__(self, target, world_size):
        self.target = target
        self.cam = pygame.Vector2(0, 0)
        self.world_size = world_size
        if self.target:

    def update(self, *args):
        if self.target:
            x = -self.target.rect.center[0] + SCREEN_SIZE.width/2
            y = -self.target.rect.center[1] + SCREEN_SIZE.height/2
            self.cam += (pygame.Vector2((x, y)) - self.cam) * 0.05
            self.cam.x = max(-(self.world_size.width-SCREEN_SIZE.width), min(0, self.cam.x))
            self.cam.y = max(-(self.world_size.height-SCREEN_SIZE.height), min(0, self.cam.y))

    def draw(self, surface):
        spritedict = self.spritedict
        surface_blit = surface.blit
        dirty = self.lostsprites
        self.lostsprites = []
        dirty_append = dirty.append
        init_rect = self._init_rect
        for spr in self.sprites():
            rec = spritedict[spr]
            newrect = surface_blit(spr.image, spr.rect.move(self.cam))
            if rec is init_rect:
                if newrect.colliderect(rec):
            spritedict[spr] = newrect
        return dirty            
def main():
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE.size)
    pygame.display.set_caption("Use arrows to move!")
    timer = pygame.time.Clock()

    level = [
        "P                                          P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P                    PPPPPPPPPPP           P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P    PPPPPPPP                              P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P                          PPPPPPP         P",
        "P                 PPPPPP                   P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P         PPPPPPP                          P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P                     PPPPPP               P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P   PPPPPPPPPPP                            P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P                 PPPPPPPPPPP              P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P                                          P",

    platforms = pygame.sprite.Group()
    player = Player(platforms, (TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE))
    level_width  = len(level[0])*TILE_SIZE
    level_height = len(level)*TILE_SIZE
    entities = CameraAwareLayeredUpdates(player, pygame.Rect(0, 0, level_width, level_height))
    # build the level
    x = y = 0
    for row in level:
        for col in row:
            if col == "P":
                Platform((x, y), platforms, entities)
            if col == "E":
                ExitBlock((x, y), platforms, entities)
            x += TILE_SIZE
        y += TILE_SIZE
        x = 0
    while 1:

        for e in pygame.event.get():
            if e.type == QUIT: 
            if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE:


        screen.fill((0, 0, 0))

class Entity(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    def __init__(self, color, pos, *groups):
        self.image = Surface((TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE))
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect(topleft=pos)

class Player(Entity):
    def __init__(self, platforms, pos, *groups):
        super().__init__(Color("#0000FF"), pos)
        self.vel = pygame.Vector2((0, 0))
        self.onGround = False
        self.platforms = platforms
        self.speed = 8
        self.jump_strength = 10
    def update(self):
        pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        up = pressed[K_UP]
        left = pressed[K_LEFT]
        right = pressed[K_RIGHT]
        running = pressed[K_SPACE]
        if up:
            # only jump if on the ground
            if self.onGround: self.vel.y = -self.jump_strength
        if left:
            self.vel.x = -self.speed
        if right:
            self.vel.x = self.speed
        if running:
            self.vel.x *= 1.5
        if not self.onGround:
            # only accelerate with gravity if in the air
            self.vel += GRAVITY
            # max falling speed
            if self.vel.y > 100: self.vel.y = 100
        if not(left or right):
            self.vel.x = 0
        # increment in x direction
        self.rect.left += self.vel.x
        # do x-axis collisions
        self.collide(self.vel.x, 0, self.platforms)
        # increment in y direction
        self.rect.top += self.vel.y
        # assuming we're in the air
        self.onGround = False;
        # do y-axis collisions
        self.collide(0, self.vel.y, self.platforms)

    def collide(self, xvel, yvel, platforms):
        for p in platforms:
            if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, p):
                if isinstance(p, ExitBlock):
                if xvel > 0:
                    self.rect.right = p.rect.left
                if xvel < 0:
                    self.rect.left = p.rect.right
                if yvel > 0:
                    self.rect.bottom = p.rect.top
                    self.onGround = True
                    self.vel.y = 0
                if yvel < 0:
                    self.rect.top = p.rect.bottom

class Platform(Entity):
    def __init__(self, pos, *groups):
        super().__init__(Color("#DDDDDD"), pos, *groups)

class ExitBlock(Entity):
    def __init__(self, pos, *groups):
        super().__init__(Color("#0033FF"), pos, *groups)

if __name__ == "__main__":

You need to apply an offset to the position of your entities when drawing them. Let's call that offset a camera, since this is the effect we want to achieve with this.

First of all, we can't use the draw function of the sprite group, since the sprites don't need to know that their position (rect) is not the position they are going to be drawn on the screen (At the end, we'll subclass the Group class and reimplement the it's draw to be aware of the camera, but let's start slow).

Let's start by creating a Camera class to hold the state of the offset we want to apply to the position of our entities:

class Camera(object):
    def __init__(self, camera_func, width, height):
        self.camera_func = camera_func
        self.state = Rect(0, 0, width, height)
    def apply(self, target):
        return target.rect.move(self.state.topleft)
    def update(self, target):
        self.state = self.camera_func(self.state, target.rect)

some things to note here:

We need to store the position of the camera, and the width and height of the level in pixels (since we want to stop scrolling at the edges of the level). I used a Rect to store all these informations, but you could easily just use some fields.

Using Rect comes in handy in the apply function. This is where we re-calculate the position of an entity on the screen to apply the scrolling.

Once per iteration of the main loop, we need to update the position of the camera, hence there's the update function. It just alters the state by calling the camera_func function, which will do all the hard work for us. We implement it later.

Let's create an instace of the camera:

for row in level:

total_level_width  = len(level[0])*32 # calculate size of level in pixels
total_level_height = len(level)*32    # maybe make 32 an constant
camera = Camera(*to_be_implemented*, total_level_width, total_level_height)


and alter our main loop:

# draw background
for y in range(32):

camera.update(player) # camera follows player. Note that we could also follow any other sprite

# update player, draw everything else
player.update(up, down, left, right, running, platforms)
for e in entities:
    # apply the offset to each entity.
    # call this for everything that should scroll,
    # which is basically everything other than GUI/HUD/UI
    screen.blit(e.image, camera.apply(e)) 


Our camera class is already very flexible and yet dead simple. It can use different kinds of scrolling (by providing different camera_func functions), and it can follow any arbitary sprite, not just the player. You even can change this at runtime.

Now for the implementation of camera_func. A simple approach is to just center the player (or whichever entity we want to follow) at the screen, and the implementation is straight forward:

def simple_camera(camera, target_rect):
    l, t, _, _ = target_rect # l = left,  t = top
    _, _, w, h = camera      # w = width, h = height
    return Rect(-l+HALF_WIDTH, -t+HALF_HEIGHT, w, h)

We just take the position of our target, and add the half total screen size. You can try it by creating your camera like this:

camera = Camera(simple_camera, total_level_width, total_level_height)

So far, so good. But maybe we don't want to see the black background outside the level? How about:

def complex_camera(camera, target_rect):
    # we want to center target_rect
    x = -target_rect.center[0] + WIN_WIDTH/2 
    y = -target_rect.center[1] + WIN_HEIGHT/2
    # move the camera. Let's use some vectors so we can easily substract/multiply
    camera.topleft += (pygame.Vector2((x, y)) - pygame.Vector2(camera.topleft)) * 0.06 # add some smoothness coolnes
    # set max/min x/y so we don't see stuff outside the world
    camera.x = max(-(camera.width-WIN_WIDTH), min(0, camera.x))
    camera.y = max(-(camera.height-WIN_HEIGHT), min(0, camera.y))
    return camera

Here we simply use the min/max functions to ensure we don't scroll outside out level.

Try it by creating your camera like this:

camera = Camera(complex_camera, total_level_width, total_level_height)

There's a little animation of our final scrolling in action:

enter image description here

Here's the complete code again. Note I changed some things:

  • the level is bigger and to have some more platforms
  • use python 3
  • use a sprite group to handle the camera
  • refactored some duplicate code
  • since Vector2/3 is now stable, use them for easier math
  • get rid of that ugly event handling code and use pygame.key.get_pressed instead

 #! /usr/bin/python

import pygame
from pygame import *

SCREEN_SIZE = pygame.Rect((0, 0, 800, 640))
GRAVITY = pygame.Vector2((0, 0.3))

class CameraAwareLayeredUpdates(pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates):
    def __init__(self, target, world_size):
        self.target = target
        self.cam = pygame.Vector2(0, 0)
        self.world_size = world_size
        if self.target:

    def update(self, *args):
        if self.target:
            x = -self.target.rect.center[0] + SCREEN_SIZE.width/2
            y = -self.target.rect.center[1] + SCREEN_SIZE.height/2
            self.cam += (pygame.Vector2((x, y)) - self.cam) * 0.05
            self.cam.x = max(-(self.world_size.width-SCREEN_SIZE.width), min(0, self.cam.x))
            self.cam.y = max(-(self.world_size.height-SCREEN_SIZE.height), min(0, self.cam.y))

    def draw(self, surface):
        spritedict = self.spritedict
        surface_blit = surface.blit
        dirty = self.lostsprites
        self.lostsprites = []
        dirty_append = dirty.append
        init_rect = self._init_rect
        for spr in self.sprites():
            rec = spritedict[spr]
            newrect = surface_blit(spr.image, spr.rect.move(self.cam))
            if rec is init_rect:
                if newrect.colliderect(rec):
            spritedict[spr] = newrect
        return dirty            
def main():
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE.size)
    pygame.display.set_caption("Use arrows to move!")
    timer = pygame.time.Clock()

    level = [
        "P                                          P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P                    PPPPPPPPPPP           P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P    PPPPPPPP                              P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P                          PPPPPPP         P",
        "P                 PPPPPP                   P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P         PPPPPPP                          P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P                     PPPPPP               P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P   PPPPPPPPPPP                            P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P                 PPPPPPPPPPP              P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P                                          P",
        "P                                          P",

    platforms = pygame.sprite.Group()
    player = Player(platforms, (TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE))
    level_width  = len(level[0])*TILE_SIZE
    level_height = len(level)*TILE_SIZE
    entities = CameraAwareLayeredUpdates(player, pygame.Rect(0, 0, level_width, level_height))
    # build the level
    x = y = 0
    for row in level:
        for col in row:
            if col == "P":
                Platform((x, y), platforms, entities)
            if col == "E":
                ExitBlock((x, y), platforms, entities)
            x += TILE_SIZE
        y += TILE_SIZE
        x = 0
    while 1:

        for e in pygame.event.get():
            if e.type == QUIT: 
            if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE:


        screen.fill((0, 0, 0))

class Entity(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    def __init__(self, color, pos, *groups):
        self.image = Surface((TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE))
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect(topleft=pos)

class Player(Entity):
    def __init__(self, platforms, pos, *groups):
        super().__init__(Color("#0000FF"), pos)
        self.vel = pygame.Vector2((0, 0))
        self.onGround = False
        self.platforms = platforms
        self.speed = 8
        self.jump_strength = 10
    def update(self):
        pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        up = pressed[K_UP]
        left = pressed[K_LEFT]
        right = pressed[K_RIGHT]
        running = pressed[K_SPACE]
        if up:
            # only jump if on the ground
            if self.onGround: self.vel.y = -self.jump_strength
        if left:
            self.vel.x = -self.speed
        if right:
            self.vel.x = self.speed
        if running:
            self.vel.x *= 1.5
        if not self.onGround:
            # only accelerate with gravity if in the air
            self.vel += GRAVITY
            # max falling speed
            if self.vel.y > 100: self.vel.y = 100
        if not(left or right):
            self.vel.x = 0
        # increment in x direction
        self.rect.left += self.vel.x
        # do x-axis collisions
        self.collide(self.vel.x, 0, self.platforms)
        # increment in y direction
        self.rect.top += self.vel.y
        # assuming we're in the air
        self.onGround = False;
        # do y-axis collisions
        self.collide(0, self.vel.y, self.platforms)

    def collide(self, xvel, yvel, platforms):
        for p in platforms:
            if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, p):
                if isinstance(p, ExitBlock):
                if xvel > 0:
                    self.rect.right = p.rect.left
                if xvel < 0:
                    self.rect.left = p.rect.right
                if yvel > 0:
                    self.rect.bottom = p.rect.top
                    self.onGround = True
                    self.vel.y = 0
                if yvel < 0:
                    self.rect.top = p.rect.bottom

class Platform(Entity):
    def __init__(self, pos, *groups):
        super().__init__(Color("#DDDDDD"), pos, *groups)

class ExitBlock(Entity):
    def __init__(self, pos, *groups):
        super().__init__(Color("#0033FF"), pos, *groups)

if __name__ == "__main__":
有木有妳兜一样 2025-02-10 19:53:24

不幸的是,Pygame没有针对此问题的内置解决方案。 pygame使用 s Sprites 的属性 .Rect 用于绘制对象以及对象之间的碰撞测试。没有内置功能可以在绘制之前将对象坐标转换为屏幕坐标。
作为Pygame开发人员的建议:在方法 offset 有一个可选的论点 offset 很高兴/sprite.html#pygame.sprite.group.draw“ rel =” nofollow noreferrer“> pygame.sprite.group.group.draw


  • 而不是移动玩家,您可以沿相反方向移动场景中的任何对象。这是所有方法中最糟糕的。我强烈建议不要这样做。

  • 创建世界的虚拟屏幕大小,并在虚拟屏幕上绘制整个屏幕。在每个帧的末尾,屏幕上显示了地图的小节。

      virtual_screen = pygame.surface((map_width,map_height))


      camera_area = pygame.Rect(camera_x,camera_y,camera_width,camera_height)

    另一种可能性是定义一个使用 subsurface 方法:

      camera_area = pygame.Rect(camera_x,camera_y,camera_width,camera_height)
    camera_subsurf = source_surf.subsurface(camera_area)

    这种方法的缺点是它可以具有很大的内存足迹。如果虚拟屏幕很大,游戏将滞后。仅当游戏区域的大小不比屏幕大得多时,该解决方案才适合。根据经验,如果播放区域的大小是屏幕大小的两倍以上,您不应该这样(我说的是该区域大小的两倍,而不是其宽度和高度的两倍) 。

  • 对于大型游戏区域,唯一可以使用的方法是在绘制之前添加偏移:

      offset_x = -camera_x
    offset_y = -camera_y
        screen.blit(object.image,(object.Rect.x + offset_x,object.Rect.y + offset_y))

    不幸的是 在这种情况下不能直接使用。这种方法在一个高度评价的答案中详细介绍了。

      all_sprites = pygame.sprite.group()
      for all_sprites中的精灵:


Unfortunately, Pygame doesn't have a built-in solution to this problem. Pygame use pygame.sprite.Sprite objects organized in pygame.sprite.Groups. The attribute .rect of the Sprites is used for drawing the objects as well as for the collision test between objects. There is no built-in feature that can convert object coordinates to screen coordinates before drawing.
As a suggestion for the developers of Pygame: It would be nice to have an optional argument for the camera offset in the method pygame.sprite.Group.draw.

There a different approaches:

  • Instead of moving the player, you can move any object in the scene in the opposite direction. This is the worst of all approaches. I strongly recommend not doing this.
    Every time you add a new object you need to make sure that it moves as the player moves. Dealing with object animation or floating point accuracy can turn out to be a nightmare.

  • Create a virtual screen size of the world and draw the entire screen on the virtual screen. At the end of each frame, a subsection of the map is displayed on the screen.

    virtual_screen = pygame.Surface((map_width, map_height))

    There are 2 possibilities. You can blit an area of the virtual screen directly on the screen by specifying the area argument:

    camera_area = pygame.Rect(camera_x, camera_y, camera_width, camera_height)
    screen.blit(virtual_screen, (0, 0), camera_area)

    The other possibility is to define a subsurface that is linked directly to the source surface using thesubsurface method:

    camera_area = pygame.Rect(camera_x, camera_y, camera_width, camera_height)
    camera_subsurf = source_surf.subsurface(camera_area)
    screen.blit(camera_subsurf, (0, 0))

    The disadvantage of this approach is that it can have a very large memory footprint. If the virtual screen is huge, the game will lag. This solution is only suitable if the size of the game area is not much larger than the screen. As a rule of thumb, if the play area is more than twice the size of the screen, you shouldn't go this way (I'm talking about twice the size of the area, not twice the length of its width and height).

  • For large play areas, the only approach that can be used is to add an offset to the objects before drawing:

    offset_x = -camera_x
    offset_y = -camera_y
    for object in objects:
        screen.blit(object.image, (object.rect.x + offset_x, object.rect.y + offset_y))

    Unfortunately pygame.sprite.Group.draw can not be used directly in this case. This approach is detailed in a highly rated answer.
    Alternatively, you can move all of the sprites before drawing them:

    all_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()
    for sprite in all_sprites:
        all_sprites.rect.move_ip(-camera_x, -camera_y)
    for sprite in all_sprites:
        all_sprites.rect.move_ip(camera_x, camera_y)

At the end a comment about dirty mechanisms and partial screen updates: As soon as the player moves, the entire screen is dirty and needs to be updated. It is therefore questionable whether you should invest resources in partial update mechanisms. These algorithms also take time to run. In highly dynamic scenes, the result of the algorithm is to update all.

夜还是长夜 2025-02-10 19:53:24


  1. 如果您的映射足够小,则可以根据播放器的位置将其尺寸与屏幕的大小相关,并具有一个大的IMG A,并得出一个矩形。这样,玩家将永远位于中间。 rect.clamp(rect)或rect.clamp_ip(rect)将有助于您。

  2. 另一种方法是在屏幕上具有不同的元组。播放器将在屏幕的中心具有恒定值,而背景位置将是播放器位置的负数。

Since right know, you have a static background, and the player that you control, is blitted in the position he is in, you have 2 options to always show the character in the middle.

  1. If you map is small enought, you can have a big img A, and derive a rectangle, based on the position of the player that will be the size of the screen. That way, the player will always be in the middle. A Rect.clamp(Rect) or Rect.clamp_ip(Rect) will aid you in that.

  2. Another approach is to have a different tuple for position on screen. The player will have a constant value in the center of the screen, while the backgrounds position will be the negative of the player position.

风向决定发型 2025-02-10 19:53:24


与实际在屏幕上绘制地图有关的任何代码 - 在您的情况下,所有 ret 属性的属性都必须基于屏幕实际上使用的YOR映射部分的偏移来进行此操作。

例如,您的屏幕可能是从左上方的位置(10,10)开始显示的地图 - 所有显示相关的代码(在上面的情况下是 rect 属性)应减去屏幕偏移偏离当前逻辑位置 - (例如,字符在地图坐标(12,15) - 因此,应在(12,15) - (10,10) - &gt;(2,5) * block_size绘制。 )
在上面的示例中,block_size的硬编码为32,32,因此您想在显示器上以物理像素位置(2 * 32,5 * 32)绘制它)


The only way to do that is to separate logical positions in the map, from physical positions on the screen .

Any code related to actually drawing your map on the screen - in your case all the .rect attributes of your sprites - have to do so based on an offset of what part of yor map the screen is actually using.

For example, your screen might be showing your map starting with position (10,10) on the top left - all display related code them (which in the case above are the .rectattributes) should subtract the screen offset from the current logical position - (say the character is at map coords(12,15) - so, it should be drawn at (12,15) - (10, 10) -> (2, 5) * BLOCK_SIZE)
In your example above BLOCK_SIZE is hardcoded to 32,32, so you want to draw it at physical pixel position (2 * 32, 5 * 32) on the display)

(hint: avoid hardcoding things this way, make it a constant declaration at the beginning of your code)

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