However it will not be the "good choice" as each invocation of the JSR223 Test Element will trigger the loading of Jython engine and interpreting the script.
The recommended scripting language is Groovy as Groovy scripts can be compiled and cached so the performance of the script will be much higher and you will be able to achieve more throughput on the same hardware.
您可以将python支持添加到 jsr222测试元素通过下载 =“” rel =“ nofollow noreferrer”> jython jar并将其放到
“ nofollow noreferrer”>
但是它不是“好选择” JSR223测试元素中将触发Jython引擎的加载并解释脚本。
推荐的脚本语言为 grovy> grovy 作为groovy脚本脚本的性能将更高,您将能够在同一硬件上实现更多的吞吐量。
Beanshell doesn't support Python.
You can add Python support to JSR223 Test Elements by downloading Jython jar and dropping it to JMeter Classpath this way you will get Python in the language dropdown:
However it will not be the "good choice" as each invocation of the JSR223 Test Element will trigger the loading of Jython engine and interpreting the script.
The recommended scripting language is Groovy as Groovy scripts can be compiled and cached so the performance of the script will be much higher and you will be able to achieve more throughput on the same hardware.