刮擦Instagram媒体时的错误,通过在URL的末尾添加(?__ a = 1)

发布于 2025-02-03 10:01:39 字数 700 浏览 5 评论 0 原文

有时,在尝试刮擦Instagram媒体时,通过在URL的末尾添加(?__ a = 1)

ex: https://www.instagram.com/p/cp/cp-kws6fors/? = 1


    "__ar": 1,
    "error": 1357004,
    "errorSummary": "Sorry, something went wrong",
    "errorDescription": "Please try closing and re-opening your browser window.",
    "payload": null,
    "hsrp": {
        "hblp": {
            "consistency": {
                "rev": 1005622141
    "lid": "7104767527440109183"


Sometimes when trying to scrape Instagram media, by adding at the end of the URL (?__a=1)


The response returned

    "__ar": 1,
    "error": 1357004,
    "errorSummary": "Sorry, something went wrong",
    "errorDescription": "Please try closing and re-opening your browser window.",
    "payload": null,
    "hsrp": {
        "hblp": {
            "consistency": {
                "rev": 1005622141
    "lid": "7104767527440109183"

Why is this response returned and what should I do to fix this? Also, did we have another way to get the video and photo URL?

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枕头说它不想醒 2025-02-10 10:01:39

我通过将& __ d = dis 添加到URL末尾的查询字符串来解决此问题,就像: https://www.instagram.com/p/cfr6g-whxxxp /?__ a = 1& __ d = dis

I solved this problem by adding &__d=dis to the query string at the end of the URL, like so: https://www.instagram.com/p/CFr6G-whXxp/?__a=1&__d=dis

伤感在游骋 2025-02-10 10:01:39


  • https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/users/web_profile_info/?username= {username} 以获取用户的信息和最近的帖子。 data.user 来自响应的与 graphql.user 来自 https://i.instagram.com/ {username}/?__ a = 1 < /代码>。
  • &lt; meta property =“ al:ios:url” content =“ instagram:// media?id = {media_id}”&gt; 中提取媒体ID。 ://instagram.com/p/ {post_shortcode} 。
  • https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/media/ {Media_id}/info 使用提取的媒体ID获得与 https://instagram.com/相同的响应p/{post_shortcode}/?__ a = 1


  • 脚本中使用的用户代理很重要。我发现当开发工具中的重新订购请求返回“对不起,出了问题出了问题” 错误时,我发现了生成的firefox。
  • 该解决方案使用Firefox配置文件中的cookie。在运行此脚本之前,您需要在Firefox中登录Instagram。如果愿意,可以将Firefox切换为Chrome。
cookiejar = browser_cookie3.chrome(domain_name='instagram.com')


import os
import pathlib
import string
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import bs4 as bs
import browser_cookie3
from google.auth.transport import requests
import requests

# setup.
username = "<username>"
output_path = "C:\\some\\path"
headers = {
    "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; GM1903 Build/PKQ1.190110.001; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/75.0.3770.143 Mobile Safari/537.36 Instagram Android (28/9; 420dpi; 1080x2260; OnePlus; GM1903; OnePlus7; qcom; sv_SE; 164094539)"

def download_post_media(post: dict, media_list: list, number: int):
    output_filename = f"{output_path}/{username}"
    if not os.path.isdir(output_filename):
    post_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(post["taken_at_timestamp"])) + timedelta(hours=5)
    output_filename += f"/{username}_{post_time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}_{post['shortcode']}_{number}"
    current_media_json = media_list[number - 1]
    if current_media_json['media_type'] == 1:
        media_type = "image"
        media_ext = ".jpg"
        media_url = current_media_json["image_versions2"]['candidates'][0]['url']
    elif current_media_json['media_type'] == 2:
        media_type = "video"
        media_ext = ".mp4"
        media_url = current_media_json["video_versions"][0]['url']
    output_filename += media_ext
    response = send_request_get_response(media_url)
    with open(output_filename, 'wb') as f:

def send_request_get_response(url):
    cookiejar = browser_cookie3.firefox(domain_name='instagram.com')
    return requests.get(url, cookies=cookiejar, headers=headers)

# use the /api/v1/users/web_profile_info/ api to get the user's information and its most recent posts.
profile_api_url = f"https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/users/web_profile_info/?username={username}"
profile_api_response = send_request_get_response(profile_api_url)
# data.user is the same as graphql.user from ?__a=1.
timeline_json = profile_api_response.json()["data"]["user"]["edge_owner_to_timeline_media"]
for post in timeline_json["edges"]:
    # get the HTML page of the post.
    post_response = send_request_get_response(f"https://instagram.com/p/{post['node']['shortcode']}")
    html = bs.BeautifulSoup(post_response.text, 'html.parser')
    # find the meta tag containing the link to the post's media.
    meta = html.find(attrs={"property": "al:ios:url"})
    media_id = meta.attrs['content'].replace("instagram://media?id=", "")
    # use the media id to get the same response as ?__a=1 for the post.
    media_api_url = f"https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/media/{media_id}/info"
    media_api_response = send_request_get_response(media_api_url)
    media_json = media_api_response.json()["items"][0]
    media = list()
    if 'carousel_media_count' in media_json:
        # multiple media post.
        for m in media_json['carousel_media']:
        # single media post.
    media_number = 0
    for m in media:
        media_number += 1
        download_post_media(post['node'], media, media_number)

I believe I may found a workaround using:

  • https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/users/web_profile_info/?username={username} to get the user's info and recent posts. data.user from the response is the same as graphql.user from https://i.instagram.com/{username}/?__a=1.
  • Extract the media id from <meta property="al:ios:url" content="instagram://media?id={media_id}"> in the HTML response of https://instagram.com/p/{post_shortcode}.
  • https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/media/{media_id}/info using the extracted media id to get the same response as https://instagram.com/p/{post_shortcode}/?__a=1.

A couple important of points:

  • The user-agent used in the script is important. I found the one Firefox generated when re-sending requests in the dev tools returned the "Sorry, something went wrong" error.
  • This solution uses cookies from your Firefox profile. You need to sign in to Instagram in Firefox before running this script. You can switch Firefox to Chrome if you'd like.
cookiejar = browser_cookie3.chrome(domain_name='instagram.com')

Here's the full script. Let me know if this is helpful!

import os
import pathlib
import string
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import bs4 as bs
import browser_cookie3
from google.auth.transport import requests
import requests

# setup.
username = "<username>"
output_path = "C:\\some\\path"
headers = {
    "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; GM1903 Build/PKQ1.190110.001; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/75.0.3770.143 Mobile Safari/537.36 Instagram Android (28/9; 420dpi; 1080x2260; OnePlus; GM1903; OnePlus7; qcom; sv_SE; 164094539)"

def download_post_media(post: dict, media_list: list, number: int):
    output_filename = f"{output_path}/{username}"
    if not os.path.isdir(output_filename):
    post_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(post["taken_at_timestamp"])) + timedelta(hours=5)
    output_filename += f"/{username}_{post_time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}_{post['shortcode']}_{number}"
    current_media_json = media_list[number - 1]
    if current_media_json['media_type'] == 1:
        media_type = "image"
        media_ext = ".jpg"
        media_url = current_media_json["image_versions2"]['candidates'][0]['url']
    elif current_media_json['media_type'] == 2:
        media_type = "video"
        media_ext = ".mp4"
        media_url = current_media_json["video_versions"][0]['url']
    output_filename += media_ext
    response = send_request_get_response(media_url)
    with open(output_filename, 'wb') as f:

def send_request_get_response(url):
    cookiejar = browser_cookie3.firefox(domain_name='instagram.com')
    return requests.get(url, cookies=cookiejar, headers=headers)

# use the /api/v1/users/web_profile_info/ api to get the user's information and its most recent posts.
profile_api_url = f"https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/users/web_profile_info/?username={username}"
profile_api_response = send_request_get_response(profile_api_url)
# data.user is the same as graphql.user from ?__a=1.
timeline_json = profile_api_response.json()["data"]["user"]["edge_owner_to_timeline_media"]
for post in timeline_json["edges"]:
    # get the HTML page of the post.
    post_response = send_request_get_response(f"https://instagram.com/p/{post['node']['shortcode']}")
    html = bs.BeautifulSoup(post_response.text, 'html.parser')
    # find the meta tag containing the link to the post's media.
    meta = html.find(attrs={"property": "al:ios:url"})
    media_id = meta.attrs['content'].replace("instagram://media?id=", "")
    # use the media id to get the same response as ?__a=1 for the post.
    media_api_url = f"https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/media/{media_id}/info"
    media_api_response = send_request_get_response(media_api_url)
    media_json = media_api_response.json()["items"][0]
    media = list()
    if 'carousel_media_count' in media_json:
        # multiple media post.
        for m in media_json['carousel_media']:
        # single media post.
    media_number = 0
    for m in media:
        media_number += 1
        download_post_media(post['node'], media, media_number)

鸠魁 2025-02-10 10:01:39


Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; GM1903 Build/PKQ1.190110.001; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/75.0.3770.143 Mobile Safari/537.36 Instagram Android (28/9; 420dpi; 1080x2260; OnePlus; GM1903; OnePlus7; qcom; sv_SE; 164094539)

/?__ a = 1替代端点;
v1/users/web_profile_info/?username = {username}

data.graphql.user = data.user


Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; GM1903 Build/PKQ1.190110.001; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/75.0.3770.143 Mobile Safari/537.36 Instagram Android (28/9; 420dpi; 1080x2260; OnePlus; GM1903; OnePlus7; qcom; sv_SE; 164094539)

/?__a=1 alternative endpoint;
BUT You should put user-agent for using this endpoint.

data.graphql.user = data.user
give same result

生生漫 2025-02-10 10:01:39


GET https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/tags/web_info/?tag_name=${tags}


POST https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/tags/${tags}/sections/
include_persistent: 0
max_id: ${The last request contained this field}
next_media_ids[]: ${The last request contained this field}
next_media_ids[]: ${The last request contained this field}
page: ${The last request contained this field}
surface: grid
tab: recent

ig modified the method,
used the new method:

GET https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/tags/web_info/?tag_name=${tags}

next page:

POST https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/tags/${tags}/sections/
include_persistent: 0
max_id: ${The last request contained this field}
next_media_ids[]: ${The last request contained this field}
next_media_ids[]: ${The last request contained this field}
page: ${The last request contained this field}
surface: grid
tab: recent
多像笑话 2025-02-10 10:01:39



I have your problem too. I am currently using an alternative solution to find a definitive solution.
I have designed an offline api to convert links to media IDs. To use it, submit a request as follows:
Instead of this link, put any other link, you will receive a media ID. Of course, I emphasize that this is offline, and I can guide you to know the exact number of likes and other post information. So let me know if you need more help. Good luck.

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