Activex组件可以创建对象:' pcomm.auteclps'使用IBM PCOMM 14.0 HACL自动化
尝试通过Vission Studio Code IDE在VBScript中使用主机访问类自动化对象进行编程自动化IBM PCOMM v 14.0:
Option Explicit
Dim autECLPSObj
Dim autECLConnList
Dim autECLOIAObj
Dim PSText
Set autECLPSObj = CreateObject("PCOMM.autECLPS")
Set autECLConnList = CreateObject("PCOMM.autECLConnList")
Set autECLOIAObj = CreateObject("PCOMM.autECLOIA")
' Refresh must be called to get latest connection info
' Initialize the connection with the first in the list
autECLPSObj.SetConnectionByHandle (autECLConnList(1).Handle)
' Initialize the connection with Session Name
autECLOIAObj.SetConnectionByName ("A")
autECLPSObj.SendKeys "PCOMM API’s are very Powerful", 3, 1
'autECLPSObj.SendKeys “[Enter]”
'PSText = GetText(1, 1, 10)
'autECLPSObj.SetCursorPos 2, 1
autECLOIAObj.WaitForInputReady (10000)
Set autECLPSObj = Nothing
Set autECLConnList = Nothing
Set autECLOIAObj = Nothing
获取以下错误: Microsoft VBScript Runtime错误:ActiveX Component无法创建对象:'PCOMM.AUTECLPS'
pcomm 文档表示自动化仅使用64位版本的MS Office起作用。
- Office版本是“ Microsoft 365 MSO 64位”
- Windows OS:Windows 10 Enterprise(64位)
- IBM个人通信(PCOMM)版本14.0
- 是否由于位不兼容而导致上述错误?基于
- 我如何确定是安装了64位还是32位PCOMM?
- 我尚不清楚办公版本和Windows OS是否应降级为32位版本?
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PCOMM也应该是64位版本。您可以通过单击帮助>可以找到它。关于个人通讯(菜单上)。 (您需要在C驱动器上保存宏文件。)Office和PCOMM位版本都应相同。
PCOMM also should be 64bit version. you can find it by clicking Help > About Personal Communications (on the Menu). (you need to save the macro file on C drive.) Both office and PCOMM bit versions should be same.