I was trying to setup a project with Java and Appium. Thing is that I am just learning it and I got stuck on first few lines of the code
Screenshot of the issue
I am trying to set the "Desired Capabilities" but there is an issue stating that these are invalid capabilities. I have tried to look into the docs as well but cannot figure out how to fix it. Would be great help if anyone can help it out.
您可以尝试将“ Appium:”添加到功能中
You can try adding "appium:" to the capabilities
尝试从 uiautomator2options 类获取实例以应用特定功能,而不是 DesiredCapabilities 从AndroidDriver获得实例时。
Try to get instance from UiAutomator2Options class to applies specific capabilities instead of DesiredCapabilities when you get instance from AndroidDriver.
尝试拉出先验版本。我在“最新”中遇到的错误与您相同的错误,但我拉了“ 101.0.4951.41”,我的测试再次工作。
I think there was a change to the "latest" tag for selenium/standalone-chrome which is causing this problem.
Try pulling a prior version. I had your the same error you had with "latest" but I pulled "101.0.4951.41" and my tests are working again.
尝试拉出先验版本。我在“最新”中遇到的错误与您相同的错误,但我拉了“ 101.0.4951.41”,我的测试再次工作。
Try pulling a prior version. I had your the same error you had with "latest" but I pulled "101.0.4951.41" and my tests are working again.
Hi, It's not clear to me. Prior version of what please.