Our requirement is to store each password with a unique salt.
Looking at their old code, I see it uses RNGCryptoServiceProvider.GetNonZeroBytes.
The documentation says that it "Fills an array of bytes with a cryptographically strong sequence of random nonzero values."
That does not say that the salt is unique, though, does it.
Should I generate some data based on the time of day? Maybe a GUID? Or a combination of these?
Any suggestions?
Using suggestions from the comments, I will start with this:
128位AES +随机伪代码:
You want a 32 byte unique salt. For guaranteed uniqueness, rather than statistically highly probably uniqueness, you need a cipher. Because ciphers are one-to-one, if you encrypt unique inputs with the same key then you will get unique outputs. Hence encrypting a counter 0, 1, 2, 3, ... will give you unique outputs.
32 bytes is 256 bits. That is large for a block cipher, AES is 128 bits for example. You do not say how many unique salts you need. If you need less than 2^128 salts, then you only need to use one AES block, with 16 bytes of random added. Otherwise you will need two AES blocks. That requires extending the AES input to 256 bits with leading zeros and expecting a two block return from AES.
128 bit AES + random pseudocode:
256 bit AES pseudocode:
Appropriate password-hash libraries usually generate the salt on their own, and include it directly into the hash-string, this is the recommended approach. A good example is BCrypt: https://www.nuget.org/packages/BCrypt.Net-Next/
If you need to generate the salt on your own, the usual way is to read random bytes from the random source of the OS as you did in your example, or as is shown in this example from the DotNet documentation Rfc2898DeriveBytes.
The salt should be unique for each password, to prevent that a rainbow table can be used for more than one password. With a long random salt the chance is extremely small that you get the same salt twice. In the worst case, an attacker could use a rainbow table for two passwords instead of one, brute-forcing will still be faster.