错误404页面未在Symfony 5上的生产模式显示
我正在尝试自定义404页,但它仅在开发模式下出现。当我切换到生产模式时,Symfony Exception Page将显示“ get http://127.0 。 0.1:8000/xxxxxxxx”。
我的缓存被清空了,我执行了多个命令,包括“作曲家dump-env prod”,添加了一个.env.local.php文件,我还修改了控制器,但无关。检查了几个文件,包括NotFoundHttpexception.php,httpexception.php,debug_prod.php,“ bin”文件夹中的“控制台”文件,doutes.yaml,routerlistener.php和其他文件。
这是我正在寻找的结果: 默认页面,
但这是我拥有的: 例外页
index:path: / controller:app \ controller \ defaultController :: index < / code>
I am trying to customize a 404 page but it only appears in dev mode. When I switch to production mode, the Symfony exception page is displayed with the message No route found for “GET http://127.0 .0.1:8000/xxxxxxxx”.
My cache was emptied, I performed several commands including “composer dump-env prod” which added a .env.local.php file I also modified my Controller but nothing to do. Several files were checked including NotFoundHttpException.php, HttpException.php, debug_prod.php, “console” file in “Bin” folder, routes.yaml, RouterListener.php and other files.
here is the result I am looking for:
default page
but here is what I have:
exception page
I really need your help please, thanks in advance.
here is my routes.yaml file
index: path: / controller:App\Controller\DefaultController::index
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Your 404 template has itself an error. Remove all its content and start fresh with some simple text. If it works, begin adding old content until it breaks again. You'll know what is the issue.