MOVESENSE HR传感器 - 高与低样本频率的加速度数据噪声水平
与208Hz甚至26Hz SF相比,MS Showcase App收集的Movesense HR+传感器的加速信号的标准偏差相同。假设1666Hz可能是斋戒采样,人们会认为,在较低的SF下,一个数据点在208Hz时将是8次收集的数据样本的平均值,因此,SQRT(8)= 2.8倍噪声降低2.8倍。但不幸的是,情况并非如此。 我们已经开始在自己的数据收集应用程序上工作,并计划使用较低的SF/服务,以使数据传输率较低和噪声较低。但是,我们害怕不得不以更高的资源成本来订阅(最高)1666Hz服务并随后在传感器中进行平均。 还是有一种方法可以订阅较低的SF/服务并接收噪声较低的平均传感器信号?
measured standard deviation of the Acceleration signal from the Movesense HR+ sensor collected by the MS showcase app is the same at 1666Hz sample frequency compared to the 208Hz and even 26Hz SF. Assuming that 1666Hz is fastes sampling possible, one would think that at 8 times lower SF one data point at 208Hz would be the average of 8 collected data samples and hence, would come with sqrt(8) = 2.8 times lower noise. But it is not the case unfortunately.
We have started to work on our own data collection app and planned to use lower SF/service for the benefit of having lower data transfer rate and a lower noise level. But we are afraid to have to subscribe the the (highest) 1666Hz service and do the averaging subsequently in the sensor, at a much higher resource cost.
Or is there a way to subscribe to a lower SF/service and receive an already averaged sensor signal with lower noise?
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当前的Movesense Firmwares设置了加速度计模式,以便当采样为416或更高时使用高性能模式。这会导致当SR为< = 52 Hz时,传感器处于“低功率模式”,当采样为104或208 Hz时,传感器处于“低功率”模式。
The current Movesense firmwares set the accelerometer modes so that the high performance mode is used when samplerate is 416 or higher. This results the sensor being in the "low-power mode" when SR is <= 52 Hz and "normal mode" when samplerate is either 104 or 208 Hz.
Full disclosure: I work for the Movesense team