WGET - Warc-File仅获得主页和机器人页面?
[ ! -f course.warc.gz ] && wget -r -l 3 "https://www.ru.nl/datascience/" --delete-after --no-directories --warc-file="course" || echo Most likely, course.warc.gz already exists
第一次运行它,一切都很好,价值超过150页,惊人。现在,我想从头开始重做它,因此我删除了文件“ course.warc.gz';问题是,当我运行相同的命令时,我会收到3页:一张请求,以及两个机器人页面启动。为什么会发生这种情况?
I am trying to do a little project on a small-ish WARC file. I used this command:
[ ! -f course.warc.gz ] && wget -r -l 3 "https://www.ru.nl/datascience/" --delete-after --no-directories --warc-file="course" || echo Most likely, course.warc.gz already exists
First time I ran it, everything went fine, got over 150 pages worth, amazing. Now I wanted to redo it from scratch, so I deleted the file 'course.warc.gz'; problem is, when I run the same command now I get 3 pages: the one requested for, and two robot pages to boot. Why is this happening?
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( https://www.ru.nl/robots.txt“ rel =“ nofollow noreferrer”> robots.txt 包括以下规则:
The robots.txt includes the following rule:
Difficult to answer whether what happened during the previous run of wget. Maybe the robots.txt changed?