type_synonym ('q,'a) LTS = "('q * 'a set * 'q) set"
primrec LTS_is_reachable :: "('q, 'a) LTS \<Rightarrow> 'q \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'q \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q [] q' = (q = q')"|
"LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q (a # w) q' =
(\<exists>q'' \<sigma>. a \<in> \<sigma> \<and> (q, \<sigma>, q'') \<in> \<Delta> \<and> LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q'' w q')"
lemma DeltLTSlemma:"LTS_is_reachable Δ q x y \<Longrightarrow>LTS_is_reachable {(f a, b, f c)| a b c. (a,b,c)\<in> Δ } (f q) x (f y)"
apply(induct x arbitrary:q)
apply auto
type_synonym ('q,'a) LTS = "('q * 'a set * 'q) set"
inductive LTS_is_reachable :: "('q, 'a) LTS \<Rightarrow> 'q \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'q \<Rightarrow> bool" where
LTS_Empty:"LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q [] q"|
LTS_Step:"(\<exists>q'' \<sigma>. a \<in> \<sigma> \<and> (q, \<sigma>, q'') \<in> \<Delta> \<and> LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q'' w q') \<Longrightarrow> LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q (a # w) q'"|
LTS_Epi:"(\<exists>q''. (q,{},q'') \<in> \<Delta> \<and> LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q'' l q') \<Longrightarrow> LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q l q'"
inductive_cases LTS_Step_cases[elim!]:"LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q (a # w) q'"
inductive_cases LTS_Epi_cases[elim!]:"LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q l q'"
inductive_cases LTS_Empty_cases[elim!]:"LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q [] q"
lemma "LTS_is_reachable {(q, v, y)} q x y ⟹ LTS_is_reachable {(f q, v, f y)} (f q) x (f y)"
proof(induct x arbitrary:q)
case Nil
then show ?case
by (metis (no_types, lifting) LTS_Empty LTS_Epi LTS_Epi_cases Pair_inject list.distinct(1) singletonD singletonI)
case (Cons a x)
then show ?case
type_synonym ('q,'a) LTS = "('q * 'a set * 'q) set"
primrec LTS_is_reachable :: "('q, 'a) LTS \<Rightarrow> 'q \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'q \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q [] q' = (q = q')"|
"LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q (a # w) q' =
(\<exists>q'' \<sigma>. a \<in> \<sigma> \<and> (q, \<sigma>, q'') \<in> \<Delta> \<and> LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q'' w q')"
lemma DeltLTSlemma:"LTS_is_reachable Δ q x y \<Longrightarrow>LTS_is_reachable {(f a, b, f c)| a b c. (a,b,c)\<in> Δ } (f q) x (f y)"
apply(induct x arbitrary:q)
apply auto
I've defined a fun LTS_is_reachable as above, and give a lemma to prove it. But for introduce a new relation in the LTS system, i change the form into the inductive predivate below. This lemma can not work, and I am not able to handle this.
type_synonym ('q,'a) LTS = "('q * 'a set * 'q) set"
inductive LTS_is_reachable :: "('q, 'a) LTS \<Rightarrow> 'q \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'q \<Rightarrow> bool" where
LTS_Empty:"LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q [] q"|
LTS_Step:"(\<exists>q'' \<sigma>. a \<in> \<sigma> \<and> (q, \<sigma>, q'') \<in> \<Delta> \<and> LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q'' w q') \<Longrightarrow> LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q (a # w) q'"|
LTS_Epi:"(\<exists>q''. (q,{},q'') \<in> \<Delta> \<and> LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q'' l q') \<Longrightarrow> LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q l q'"
inductive_cases LTS_Step_cases[elim!]:"LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q (a # w) q'"
inductive_cases LTS_Epi_cases[elim!]:"LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q l q'"
inductive_cases LTS_Empty_cases[elim!]:"LTS_is_reachable \<Delta> q [] q"
lemma "LTS_is_reachable {(q, v, y)} q x y ⟹ LTS_is_reachable {(f q, v, f y)} (f q) x (f y)"
proof(induct x arbitrary:q)
case Nil
then show ?case
by (metis (no_types, lifting) LTS_Empty LTS_Epi LTS_Epi_cases Pair_inject list.distinct(1) singletonD singletonI)
case (Cons a x)
then show ?case
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by 规则诱导,也就是说,使用证明规则:LTS_IS_REACHABLE.IND)
。您可以在编程编程并证明isabelle/hol 。附带说明,请注意,您可以避免使用
-scripts)强烈首选。Using your inductive definition of
, you can prove your original lemmaDeltLTSlemma
by rule induction, that is, by usingproof (induction rule: LTS_is_reachable.induct)
. You can learn more about rule induction in Section 3.5 of Programming and Proving inIsabelle/HOL. As a side remark, note that you can avoid using
since nowadays structured proofs (i.e., Isar proofs) are strongly preferred over unstructured proofs (i.e.,apply