Azure Bot框架仿真器+ NGrok-错误:无法产生NGrok
我似乎无法使Azure Bot框架模拟器与Ngork一起使用。
- ubuntu 22.04
- Python3
- 使用bot框架SDK创建一个bot
- =>机器人与模拟器本地正常工作
- 教程publish-a-bot?view = azure-bot-service-4.0& amp; tabs = python“ rel =” nofollow noreferrer'>教程:发布基本的bot
- => bot在Azure中使用测试网络聊天 正常工作
- 安装和配置
- => Ngrok的状态页面(http:// localhost:4040/status)表示是 onine
- => “ ngrok状态查看者”说“隧道状态”在模拟器中错误
- =>我在模拟器中有错误消息:
- => Ngrok的状态页面(http:// localhost:4040/status)表示是 onine
"error_code": 102,
"status_code": 400,
"msg": "invalid tunnel configuration",
"err": "yaml: unmarshal errors:\n line 1: field region not found in type config.HTTPv2Tunnel\n line 1: field path not found in type config.HTTPv2Tunnel",
编辑1:whock @sairamtadadepalli-mt,
如果我更改ngrok的端口( web_addr
Connecting to bot on
ngrok reconnected.
ngrok listening on http://localhost:36599
ngrok traffic inspector:
Will bypass ngrok for local addresses
Failed to spawn ngrok. Please go to the Ngrok Status Viewer and download the log file for a more detailed view of the error.
Error: The bot is remote, but the service URL is localhost. Without tunneling software you will not receive replies.
Connecting to bots hosted remotely
Configure ngrok
编辑2:关注 @sairamtadepalli-mt的建议,
这是我在状态查看器和控制台中看到的(仍然与最初的错误相同。 。
模拟器中的错误“ ngrok状态查看器”:
Failed to spawn ngrok Error: {"error_code":102,"status_code":400,"msg":"invalid tunnel configuration","details":{"err":"yaml: unmarshal errors:\n line 1: field region not found in type config.HTTPv2Tunnel\n line 1: field path not found in type config.HTTPv2Tunnel"}}
at NgrokInstance.runTunnel (/tmp/.mount_BotFraqqaRh3/resources/app.asar/app/server/ngrok.js:257:17)
at async NgrokInstance.connect (/tmp/.mount_BotFraqqaRh3/resources/app.asar/app/server/ngrok.js:120:24)
at async /tmp/.mount_BotFraqqaRh3/resources/app.asar/app/server/ngrokService.js:165:15
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我在W10 PC中使用Ngrok V3遇到了类似于您的问题。
最后,我从此链接中使用了NGROK版本2.3.40: ngrok
'现在一切正常。 Hth
I had same problems like yours using Ngrok v3 in a W10 PC.
I have tried several things like configuring tunneling with yaml files with no luck.
Finally, I have used Ngrok version 2.3.40 from this link: ngrok releases
And now everything is working ok. HTH
模拟器尚无更新与Ngrok 3兼容
。在此处读取问题线程: https:> https:> https: //
For now, please just use ngrok version 2 and not 3 for bot emulator. I had mine working by installing version 2.3.40 as mentioned by @cdiazal.
No update yet for emulator to be compatible with ngrok 3.
Read the issue thread here:
发现:问题屏幕截图中的主要发现是 tunneling ngrok的软件未正确安装。在安装中,从您的末端完成了,但是配置需要从端口方面更改。
以下链接,以在Linux Machine上安装和配置Ngrok
https ://
The problem was reproduced and the required changes to solve the issue are two.
Solution 1:
Findings: The major finding from the problem screenshot is, Tunneling software of ngrok was not installed properly. In the installation was completed from your end, but the configuration need to be changed from port side.
Solution: Re-install the tunneling software again from the scratch
Solution 2:
Findings: When the Emulator failed to load and launch the required operations, it means, the Post which was trying to connect is already in use. When it is trying to connect to the new port, the issue will happen
Follow the below link to install and configure Ngrok on Linux machine
Configure the port which is not in use. Check whether 4040 is being used by web server or not. If it is being used, then change the port to 4041 and restart the emulator and check the connection.