我已经做了一个C ++类来代表董事会,我注意到,如果我调用具有参数的递归函数,将其引用对木板对象,则在一段时间后停止,导致大约5000-6000个呼叫,即使 在此深度为10+的深度
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <bitset>
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include "Utils.h"
#define KING 0
#define QUEEN 1
#define BISHOP 2
#define KNIGHT 3
#define ROOK 4
#define PAWN 5
#define WHITE 0
#define BLACK 1
typedef std::pair<short, short> Tile;
namespace Chess {
class Piece {
short color;
short type;
Piece(char fenChr);
Piece(short pType, short pColor);
class Board {
std::vector<Tile> enpassant;
bool whiteKingsidecastle = false;
bool whiteQueensidecastle = false;
bool blackKingsidecastle = false;
bool blackQueensidecastle = false;
short currentPlayer = 0;
std::array<std::array<Piece, 8>, 8> _board;
Board(std::string fenStr); // Construct a board object given a fen board
bool inBoard(Tile t); // Check if there is a piece at a given position (t)
std::vector<Tile> getPiecesPositions(); // Get all the pieces positions
bool inEnpassant(Tile t); // Check if a piece at a given position (t) is eligible for enpassant (it's first move and it has moved by two tiles)
void movePiece(Tile pos1, Tile pos2); // Move a piece at a give position (pos1) to a new position (pos2)
std::string toFen(); // Return the fen equivalent of the current board
short getCurrentPlayer(); // Get the color of whoever has the right to move
std::vector<Tile> generateLegalMoves(Chess::Board& board, Tile pos) {
std::vector<Tile> moves;
short pieceColor = board._board[pos.first][pos.second].color;
short pieceType = board._board[pos.first][pos.second].type;
if (pieceColor == -1) return std::vector<Tile>();
switch(pieceType) {
case PAWN:
return Chess::pawnMoves(board, pos);
case KNIGHT:
return Chess::knightMoves(board, pos);
case ROOK:
return Chess::rookMoves(board, pos);
case BISHOP:
return Chess::bishopMoves(board, pos);
case QUEEN:
return Chess::queenMoves(board, pos);
case KING:
return Chess::kingMoves(board, pos);
return std::vector<Tile>();
return std::vector<Tile>();
int moveGenTest(Chess::Board& board, int depth, short color)
if (depth == 0) {
return 1;
int numPos = 0;
depth -= 1;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
for (uint8_t g = 0; g < 8; g++) {
if (board._board[i][g].color == color) {
for (Tile move : Chess::generateLegalMoves(board, Tile(i, g))) {
board.movePiece(Tile(i, g), move);
numPos += moveGenTest(board, depth, !color);
board.movePiece(move, Tile(i, g));
return numPos;
#include <iostream>
#include "Chess.h"
#include "TestUnit.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
Chess::Board board("rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq");
std::cout << moveGenTest(board, 5, WHITE);
return 0;
5171 // depth 5 - should be around 4 million
5795 // depth 6 - should be around 119 million
I have made a c++ class to represent a board and i have noticed that if i call a recursive function that has as an argument the reference to a board object, it stops after a while resulting in approx 5000-6000 calls to end condition, even with a depth of 10+
Here is the code of the recurse function, the board, and the output:
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <bitset>
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include "Utils.h"
#define KING 0
#define QUEEN 1
#define BISHOP 2
#define KNIGHT 3
#define ROOK 4
#define PAWN 5
#define WHITE 0
#define BLACK 1
typedef std::pair<short, short> Tile;
namespace Chess {
class Piece {
short color;
short type;
Piece(char fenChr);
Piece(short pType, short pColor);
class Board {
std::vector<Tile> enpassant;
bool whiteKingsidecastle = false;
bool whiteQueensidecastle = false;
bool blackKingsidecastle = false;
bool blackQueensidecastle = false;
short currentPlayer = 0;
std::array<std::array<Piece, 8>, 8> _board;
Board(std::string fenStr); // Construct a board object given a fen board
bool inBoard(Tile t); // Check if there is a piece at a given position (t)
std::vector<Tile> getPiecesPositions(); // Get all the pieces positions
bool inEnpassant(Tile t); // Check if a piece at a given position (t) is eligible for enpassant (it's first move and it has moved by two tiles)
void movePiece(Tile pos1, Tile pos2); // Move a piece at a give position (pos1) to a new position (pos2)
std::string toFen(); // Return the fen equivalent of the current board
short getCurrentPlayer(); // Get the color of whoever has the right to move
std::vector<Tile> generateLegalMoves(Chess::Board& board, Tile pos) {
std::vector<Tile> moves;
short pieceColor = board._board[pos.first][pos.second].color;
short pieceType = board._board[pos.first][pos.second].type;
if (pieceColor == -1) return std::vector<Tile>();
switch(pieceType) {
case PAWN:
return Chess::pawnMoves(board, pos);
case KNIGHT:
return Chess::knightMoves(board, pos);
case ROOK:
return Chess::rookMoves(board, pos);
case BISHOP:
return Chess::bishopMoves(board, pos);
case QUEEN:
return Chess::queenMoves(board, pos);
case KING:
return Chess::kingMoves(board, pos);
return std::vector<Tile>();
return std::vector<Tile>();
Here is the code of the recursive function:
int moveGenTest(Chess::Board& board, int depth, short color)
if (depth == 0) {
return 1;
int numPos = 0;
depth -= 1;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
for (uint8_t g = 0; g < 8; g++) {
if (board._board[i][g].color == color) {
for (Tile move : Chess::generateLegalMoves(board, Tile(i, g))) {
board.movePiece(Tile(i, g), move);
numPos += moveGenTest(board, depth, !color);
board.movePiece(move, Tile(i, g));
return numPos;
#include <iostream>
#include "Chess.h"
#include "TestUnit.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
Chess::Board board("rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq");
std::cout << moveGenTest(board, 5, WHITE);
return 0;
5171 // depth 5 - should be around 4 million
5795 // depth 6 - should be around 119 million
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