Ok, so it's not a glitch. After talking to AWS support, turns out that the number of permission entries in this case is calculated from (hold tight) sum of maximum possible entries of each Source (see the sources column on screenshot). In this case, sources were Managed Prefix Lists, and the maximum number of entries was 150 for one of them and 100 for another - and this how the limit got hit.
Interestingly, the actual number of records didn't matter - only the limit (see screenshot with Manage Prefix List screen). I've passed it on to devops, and they dealt with it - sorry for no solution, but maybe it'd help you to locate the root of your issue :)
有趣的是,实际记录的数量无关紧要 - 仅限限制(请参阅Manage前缀列表屏幕的屏幕截图)。我将其传递给DevOps,他们处理了它 - 对不起,没有解决方案,但也许可以帮助您找到问题的根源:)
Ok, so it's not a glitch. After talking to AWS support, turns out that the number of permission entries in this case is calculated from (hold tight) sum of maximum possible entries of each Source (see the sources column on screenshot). In this case, sources were Managed Prefix Lists, and the maximum number of entries was 150 for one of them and 100 for another - and this how the limit got hit.
Interestingly, the actual number of records didn't matter - only the limit (see screenshot with Manage Prefix List screen). I've passed it on to devops, and they dealt with it - sorry for no solution, but maybe it'd help you to locate the root of your issue :)
还值得注意的是,IPv4和ipv6被分别计数如下所述 - https://docs.aws.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/amazon-vpc-limits.html#vpc-vpc-limits-security-groups (请参阅(请参阅请参见) “每个安全组的入站或出站规则”)
You can refer to https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/security-group-rules.html#security-group-size to understand how the number of security group rules are created.
It's also worth noting that ipv4 and ipv6 are counted separately as mentioned here - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/amazon-vpc-limits.html#vpc-limits-security-groups (see 'Inbound or outbound rules per security group')