我正在与IEEE754 Intel库中脱颖而出,该图书馆想在Raspberry Pico上的计算器项目中使用。我想用128位小数浮点数计算。
对于Raspberry Pico,该库非常大,因此我计划仅使用具有我需要的函数的源文件(+, - , *, /,SQRT,SIN,COS,cos,log,...)。
首先,我设法使工作 add
, sub
, mul
, div
- BID128.C
- BID128_2_STR.H
- BID128_2_2_2_STR_TABLE.C
- BID128_ADD.C
- BID128_FMA.C
- BID128_FMA.C
- BID128_MUL.C
- .
- bid_functions.h
- bid_internal.h
- bid_round.c
- bid_sqrt_macros.h
- :
#include "decimal.h"
BID_UINT128 a, b, c;
char output_IEEE[] = " ";
_IDEC_round my_rnd_mode = _IDEC_dflround;
_IDEC_flags my_fpsf = _IDEC_allflagsclear;
void setup()
char input_a[] = {'+', '0', '.', '1', '2', 'E', '-', '1', '2', 0};
char input_b[] = {'3', '.', '1', '4', '1', 0};
a = __bid128_from_string (input_a, my_rnd_mode, &my_fpsf);
__bid128_to_string (output_IEEE, a, &my_fpsf);
Serial.println("a = " + String(output_IEEE));
b = __bid128_from_string (input_b, my_rnd_mode, &my_fpsf);
__bid128_to_string (output_IEEE, b, &my_fpsf);
Serial.println("b = " + String(output_IEEE));
my_rnd_mode = _IDEC_nearesteven; my_fpsf = _IDEC_allflagsclear;
c = __bid128_add (a, b, my_rnd_mode, &my_fpsf);
__bid128_to_string (output_IEEE, c, &my_fpsf);
Serial.println("a + b = " + String(output_IEEE));
c = __bid128_mul (a, b, my_rnd_mode, &my_fpsf);
__bid128_to_string (output_IEEE, c, &my_fpsf);
Serial.println("a * b = " + String(output_IEEE));
c = __bid128_sqrt (a, my_rnd_mode, &my_fpsf);
__bid128_to_string (output_IEEE, c, &my_fpsf);
Serial.println("sqrt(a) = " + String(output_IEEE));
a = +12e-14
B = +3141E-3
A + B = + 31410000000000012E-14
A * B = +37692E-17 SQRT(A)= +346410161513775458705454892683011745E-40
,但是当我想用该文件 bid> bid128_sin.sin.c 添加了一个文件时,
c = __bid128_sin (a, my_rnd_mode, &my_fpsf);
__bid128_to_string (output_IEEE, c, &my_fpsf);
Serial.println("sqrt(a) = " + String(output_IEEE));
我必须添加一个pote and pose and pose :而且我添加越多,出现的错误就会出现更多。
请有人在这个图书馆经验。我不想编译整个图书馆,因为对于覆盆子Pico来说,它太大了。我也无法使这些“ 超越”功能在Windows上工作。
I am stuggling with IEEE754 intel library which I want to use in my calculator project on Raspberry pico. I want to compute with 128-bit decimal floating-point numbers.
This library is quite large for Raspberry pico so I planned to use only source files with functions I need (+, -, *, /, sqrt, sin, cos, log, ...).
It is this library:
IEE754 intel library
First I managed to make to work add
, sub
, mul
, div
and sqrt
This files are needed:
- bid128.c
- bid128_2_str.h
- bid128_2_str_macros.h
- bid128_2_str_tables.c
- bid128_add.c
- bid128_fma.c
- bid128_mul.c
- bid128_sqrt.c
- bid128_string.c
- bid_conf.h
- bid_decimal_data.c
- bid_functions.h
- bid_internal.h
- bid_round.c
- bid_sqrt_macros.h
- bid_trans.h
- decimal.h
And here is the code:
#include "decimal.h"
BID_UINT128 a, b, c;
char output_IEEE[] = " ";
_IDEC_round my_rnd_mode = _IDEC_dflround;
_IDEC_flags my_fpsf = _IDEC_allflagsclear;
void setup()
char input_a[] = {'+', '0', '.', '1', '2', 'E', '-', '1', '2', 0};
char input_b[] = {'3', '.', '1', '4', '1', 0};
a = __bid128_from_string (input_a, my_rnd_mode, &my_fpsf);
__bid128_to_string (output_IEEE, a, &my_fpsf);
Serial.println("a = " + String(output_IEEE));
b = __bid128_from_string (input_b, my_rnd_mode, &my_fpsf);
__bid128_to_string (output_IEEE, b, &my_fpsf);
Serial.println("b = " + String(output_IEEE));
my_rnd_mode = _IDEC_nearesteven; my_fpsf = _IDEC_allflagsclear;
c = __bid128_add (a, b, my_rnd_mode, &my_fpsf);
__bid128_to_string (output_IEEE, c, &my_fpsf);
Serial.println("a + b = " + String(output_IEEE));
c = __bid128_mul (a, b, my_rnd_mode, &my_fpsf);
__bid128_to_string (output_IEEE, c, &my_fpsf);
Serial.println("a * b = " + String(output_IEEE));
c = __bid128_sqrt (a, my_rnd_mode, &my_fpsf);
__bid128_to_string (output_IEEE, c, &my_fpsf);
Serial.println("sqrt(a) = " + String(output_IEEE));
I get this output which is exactly what I want:
a = +12E-14
b = +3141E-3
a + b = +314100000000012E-14
a * b = +37692E-17 sqrt(a) = +3464101615137754587054892683011745E-40
but when I want to compute transcendental with this file bid128_sin.c added:
c = __bid128_sin (a, my_rnd_mode, &my_fpsf);
__bid128_to_string (output_IEEE, c, &my_fpsf);
Serial.println("sqrt(a) = " + String(output_IEEE));
I must include a lot of another source files and headers and the more I add the more errors arise.
Has someone experience with this library, please. I don't want to compile the whole library because it would be too big for the raspberry pico. I am also unable to get those "transcendental" functions to work on windows.
Thank you.